Informe sobre Resolución No. 3285-2023/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico analiza la Resolución N° 3285-2023/SPC-INDECOPI,
emitida por la Sala Especializada en Protección al Consumidor, la cual resolvió en
segunda instancia la denuncia presentada por el Sr. Richard Napoleón Ocares Rafael
en contra de la empresa hotelera Blue Marlin Beach Club S.A. por la presunta infracción
contra el deber de idoneidad, información y seguridad durante la estadía del consumidor
en las instalaciones del hotel.
En ese sentido, en la presente Resolución el Tribunal declaró fundada dos de las tres
infracciones contra el deber de idoneidad presentadas por el denunciante. En segundo
lugar, declaró infundado el extremo de la denuncia con respecto a la infracción al deber
de información. En tercer lugar, declaró fundada sólo una de las dos infracciones contra
el deber de seguridad presentadas por el denunciante.
De ese modo, en el presente informe se demostrará que la Resolución de la Sala no fue
la adecuada, debido a que Blue Marlin debió ser considerado como responsable por
haber cometido las infracciones al deber de idoneidad, información y seguridad en
perjuicio del consumidor durante su estadía y bajo todos los extremos presentados por
el denunciante.
The present legal report analyzes Resolution No. 3285-2023/SPC-INDECOPI issued by the Specialized Court on Consumer Protection, which resolved in second instance the complaint filed by Mr. Richard Napoleón Ocares Rafael against the hotel company Blue Marlin Beach Club S.A. for alleged breaches of duty of suitability, information, and safety duties during the consumer's stay at the hotel premises. In this regard, the Court in this Resolution found two out of three alleged breaches of the duty of suitability presented by the complainant to be founded. Secondly, it dismissed the complaint regarding the breach of the duty of information. Thirdly, it upheld only one out of two alleged breaches of the duty of safety presented by the complainant. Thus, this report will demonstrate that the Chamber's Resolution was not appropriate because Blue Marlin should have been held responsible for committing breaches of the duties of suitability, information, and safety duties to the detriment of the consumer during their stay and under all the aspects presented by the complainant.
The present legal report analyzes Resolution No. 3285-2023/SPC-INDECOPI issued by the Specialized Court on Consumer Protection, which resolved in second instance the complaint filed by Mr. Richard Napoleón Ocares Rafael against the hotel company Blue Marlin Beach Club S.A. for alleged breaches of duty of suitability, information, and safety duties during the consumer's stay at the hotel premises. In this regard, the Court in this Resolution found two out of three alleged breaches of the duty of suitability presented by the complainant to be founded. Secondly, it dismissed the complaint regarding the breach of the duty of information. Thirdly, it upheld only one out of two alleged breaches of the duty of safety presented by the complainant. Thus, this report will demonstrate that the Chamber's Resolution was not appropriate because Blue Marlin should have been held responsible for committing breaches of the duties of suitability, information, and safety duties to the detriment of the consumer during their stay and under all the aspects presented by the complainant.
Protección del consumidor--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Responsabilidad contractual--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho administrativo--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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