La Comunicación Integrada de Marketing en el sector editorial : la aplicación de una campaña piloto del Plan estratégico de comunicación y marketing digital para la tienda virtual del Fondo Editorial de la PUCP
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El uso de internet ha facilitado a las editoriales académicas la internacionalización de sus
catálogos, gracias a la digitalización de contenidos y la incorporación de la comunicación
digital en sus procesos habituales. En este contexto, el área de comunicación del Fondo
Editorial PUCP tiene nuevas herramientas para visibilizar su producción y acercarla a su
audiencia, tanto nacional como internacional.
Para ello ha desarrollado un plan de comunicación y marketing —basado en la teoría de
la Comunicación Integrada de Marketing — que contempla un conjunto de estrategias y
acciones orientados a ese fin.
Internet has allowed academic publishers to internationalize their catalogs in a faster and easier way, digitalizing their production and using digital communication. In this context, the communications area of PUCP University Press has new possibilities to make its contents more visible and closer to their audience. With that purpose, we have developed a Communication and Marketing Plan based on Integrated Marketing Communications Theory, in which we use a set of strategies and actions in order to increase the visibility and accessibility of our catalog, locally and internationally.
Internet has allowed academic publishers to internationalize their catalogs in a faster and easier way, digitalizing their production and using digital communication. In this context, the communications area of PUCP University Press has new possibilities to make its contents more visible and closer to their audience. With that purpose, we have developed a Communication and Marketing Plan based on Integrated Marketing Communications Theory, in which we use a set of strategies and actions in order to increase the visibility and accessibility of our catalog, locally and internationally.
Comunicación--Planificación, Mercadeo en Internet
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