Vínculo entre el servicio al cliente y la lealtad en hoteles de cuatro estrellas del distrito de Miraflores (Lima, Perú)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En los últimos años, el Perú viene recibiendo atractivas inversiones extranjeras en el
mercado turístico principalmente en el sector hotelero; ante esta situación, la oferta actual
debe prepararse tanto para recibir altos niveles de competencia como de mejorar su
participación de mercado.
En consecuencia, las empresas no solo deben esmerarse en construir marcas sólidas, a
través de la calidad, sino que deben atraer a clientes, que demuestren lealtad; el cual es más
rentable, menos costoso y crea mayor valor. Por estas razones, es relevante evaluar si el
servicio efectivamente prestado origina actitudes de lealtad.
El propósito principal de esta investigación es identificar si la calidad de servicio es
un factor de causalidad relevante en la generación de lealtad; para tal fin, se consideró en el
estudio a empresas hoteleras con clasificación de cuatro estrellas ubicados en el distrito de
Asimismo, se utilizó como base la metodología que desarrolló Cronin y Taylor
(1992). Esta sirvió para identificar tres factores principales en la calidad de servicio valoradas
por los clientes.
La investigación dio como resultado que la calidad del servicio brindada por los
hoteles de cuatro estrellas es altamente valorada por los clientes, sin embargo generan lealtad
en bajos niveles de significancia.
In recent years, Peru has been receiving attractive foreign investment in the tourism market mainly in the hotel sector; in this situation, the current offer should be prepared both for high levels of competition and to improve its market share. Consequently, companies must not only strive to build strong brands through quality, but should attract customers, to demonstrate loyalty; which it is more cost effective, less expensive and creates higher value. For these reasons, it is important to assess whether the service actually originates attitudes of loyalty. The main purpose of this research is to identify if the quality of service is an important causal factor in generating loyalty; for that purpose, it was considered in the study hotel companies rated four stars located in the district of Miraflores. Also used as a basis the methodology developed by Cronin and Taylor (1992). This served to identify three major factors in the quality of service valued by customers. The investigation resulted in the quality of service provided by the four-star hotels is highly valued by customers, however generate loyalty at low levels of significance.
In recent years, Peru has been receiving attractive foreign investment in the tourism market mainly in the hotel sector; in this situation, the current offer should be prepared both for high levels of competition and to improve its market share. Consequently, companies must not only strive to build strong brands through quality, but should attract customers, to demonstrate loyalty; which it is more cost effective, less expensive and creates higher value. For these reasons, it is important to assess whether the service actually originates attitudes of loyalty. The main purpose of this research is to identify if the quality of service is an important causal factor in generating loyalty; for that purpose, it was considered in the study hotel companies rated four stars located in the district of Miraflores. Also used as a basis the methodology developed by Cronin and Taylor (1992). This served to identify three major factors in the quality of service valued by customers. The investigation resulted in the quality of service provided by the four-star hotels is highly valued by customers, however generate loyalty at low levels of significance.
Servicios al cliente--Perú--Miraflores (Lima : Distrito), Comportamiento del consumidor--Perú--Miraflores (Lima : Distrito), Satisfacción del cliente--Perú--Miraflores (Lima : Distrito), Investigación cuantitativa
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