Planeamiento estratégico de la provincia de Cajamarca
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La provincia de Cajamarca está ubicada en el extremo sur y es la capital de la región
Cajamarca, conocida por ser un hermoso y fértil valle enmarcado de coloridos paisajes,
sinfonía entre el verde y las cordilleras, clima templado, seco y soleado, combinada con sus
recursos mineros, productos agropecuarios y el comercio que se presentan en sus doce
distritos e interacciona con las doce provincias de la región Cajamarca, y la región limítrofe
de La Libertad. Presenta un alto grado de pobreza y pobreza extrema en su población,
enfermedades crónicas y desnutrición, además de un bajo número de asistentes a educación
secundaria, carreras técnicas y universitarias.
La propuesta del Plan Estratégico de la provincia de Cajamarca desarrollado en esta
tesis incluye los cuatro rubros más importantes en la actualidad para la provincia: (a)
agricultura, desarrollando los productos agrícolas proporcionando beneficios económicos
para los productores, asociaciones, distritos y provincia, empleando tecnologías a la
vanguardia y fomentando proyectos de investigación conjuntos entre el gobierno y las
universidades; (b) pecuario, incrementar la calidad de los productos ofrecidos con el objetivo
de incrementar el consumo nacional y exportaciones al extranjero, con capacitaciones
constantes para la formación de empresas que tenga una base sólida para el futuro y puedan
competir al mismo con potencias mundiales en el sector; (c) minería, tomando acciones para
la disminución de la minería informal, entablando relación con los grupos de interés para el
alcance de objetivos comunes entre la minería, la provincia y los pobladores cumpliendo
todos los parámetros legales y normativos para la conservación del medio ambiente; (d)
turismo, fomentar el turismo con el mejoramiento de las vías de transportes interdistrital,
tecnologías de comunicación junto con un adecuado ofrecimiento de lugares turísticos a los
turistas tanto nacionales como internacionales.
The province of Cajamarca is located in the extreme south and is the capital of the Cajamarca´s region, known for being a beautiful and fertile valley framed by colorful landscapes, symphony between green and mountain ranges, temperate climate, dry and sunny, combined with its mining resources, agricultural products and trade among its twelve districts and interacts with the other twelve provinces of the Cajamarca’s region, and the border La Libertad’s region. Presents a high degree of poverty and extreme poverty in its population, chronic diseases and malnutrition, in addition to a low number of assistants to secondary education, technical and university careers. The proposal of the Strategic Plan of the province of Cajamarca developed in this thesis includes the four most important items currently for the province: (a) agriculture, developing agricultural products providing economic benefits for producers, associations, districts and province, using the latest technologies and fostering joint research projects between the government and universities; (b) livestock, increase the quality of the products offered with the objective of increasing national consumption and exports abroad, with constant training for the formation of companies that have a solid base for the future and can compete at the same with world powers in the sector; (c) mining, taking actions to reduce informal mining, establishing a relationship with stakeholders for the achievement of common objectives among mining, the province and the inhabitants, complying with all legal and regulatory parameters for the conservation of the environment ; (d) tourism, promote tourism with the improvement of interdistrict transport routes, communication technologies together with an adequate offer of tourist places to tourists both national and international.
The province of Cajamarca is located in the extreme south and is the capital of the Cajamarca´s region, known for being a beautiful and fertile valley framed by colorful landscapes, symphony between green and mountain ranges, temperate climate, dry and sunny, combined with its mining resources, agricultural products and trade among its twelve districts and interacts with the other twelve provinces of the Cajamarca’s region, and the border La Libertad’s region. Presents a high degree of poverty and extreme poverty in its population, chronic diseases and malnutrition, in addition to a low number of assistants to secondary education, technical and university careers. The proposal of the Strategic Plan of the province of Cajamarca developed in this thesis includes the four most important items currently for the province: (a) agriculture, developing agricultural products providing economic benefits for producers, associations, districts and province, using the latest technologies and fostering joint research projects between the government and universities; (b) livestock, increase the quality of the products offered with the objective of increasing national consumption and exports abroad, with constant training for the formation of companies that have a solid base for the future and can compete at the same with world powers in the sector; (c) mining, taking actions to reduce informal mining, establishing a relationship with stakeholders for the achievement of common objectives among mining, the province and the inhabitants, complying with all legal and regulatory parameters for the conservation of the environment ; (d) tourism, promote tourism with the improvement of interdistrict transport routes, communication technologies together with an adequate offer of tourist places to tourists both national and international.
Planificación regional--Perú--Cajamarca, Desarrollo regional--Perú--Cajamarca, Planificación estratégica
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