Cuerpo de presa ‘Sión I’ en el Río Sión
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de tesis tiene como objeto el diseño de la presa Sión I, ubicada en la localidad de Sión, provincia de Mariscal Cáceres, departamento de San Martín, Perú. El “Consorcio Energético El Tucán S.A.” es el responsable de un proyecto generación hidroeléctrica en la localidad de Sión, el cual consta de un parque industrial con tres presas, las cuales utilizarán la energía de altura de agua, con la que contasen sus respectivos embalses, para generar energía eléctrica de potencia instalada de 3.4 Megawatts cada una, mediante el movimiento de turbinas.
La primera de estas tres presas, Sión I, ubicada más aguas arriba de todas, es sobre la que versa este trabajo de tesis y respecto a la cual se va a desarrollar su diseño. Es necesario acotar que el alcance del presente trabajo es únicamente sobre el cuerpo de presa, incluyendo sus estructuras hidráulicas, mas no otros elementos útiles; como, por ejemplo, tuberías forzadas, turbinas, chimenea de equilibrio o casa de máquinas. Además, por temas contractuales entre el “Consorcio Energético Tucán S.A.” y su cliente, el Estado Peruano, se define que el material a utilizarse para la construcción de la presa es de concreto y que la tipología de esta sea de
gravedad. Para el diseño del proyecto, se utiliza la norma peruana y otras extranjeras, principalmente la española, ello debido a la formación académica del autor. Cabe resaltar que la normativa local no es totalmente aplicable a todos los aspectos de diseño y que la normativa foránea mencionada cumple con los requisitos básicos para el dimensionamiento; además de ser fiable para su uso en estructuras hidráulicas en el Perú. Mucha información no es posible de obtenerse, sea por su costo económico o por la dificultad para hacer las diferentes pruebas y ensayos de campo; sin embargo, el “Consorcio EnergéticoTucán S.A.” proporciona muchos estudios básicos que se verán plasmados en el siguiente trabajo. Estos estudios son los siguientes: geotécnico, geológico, topográfico, medio ambiental y de calidad de agua. Otros se han conseguido a través de informes o datos históricos de
instituciones gubernamentales peruanas. El resultado del trabajo de tesis es el de una presa de gravedad de concreto vibrado, de talud vertical en su paramento aguas arriba y de talud 0.8H:1V en su paramento aguas abajo, con cota de NMN (Nivel Máximo Normal) de 525 msnm, cota de NAP (Nivel de Avenida del Proyecto) de 526.78 msnm, cota de NAE (Nivel de Avenida Extrema) de 527.70 msnm, cota de coronación igual a 529.30 msnm, cota del lecho del río (zona crítica) de 498 msnm, el contacto presa-cimiento tiene una pendiente horizontal y está a la cota de 494 msnm y la galería perimetral en la cota de 500 msnm.
La altura de presa desde la cimentación hasta el labio del aliviadero es de 31.00 metros y tiene un volumen de embalse de 3.21 hectómetros cúbicos; la altura desde la cimentación hasta la coronación es de 33.70 metros y la base de la presa tiene una longitud de 27.14 metros. El volumen total de la presa es de 12,411.56 metros cúbicos de concreto. Las estructuras hidráulicas con los que cuenta son los siguientes: i) aliviadero de descarga, ubicada en la zona central de la presa con toma de flujo central, de perfil tipo Creager, que coincide la cota de su labio con el NMN. Su embocadura se encuentra en el paramento aguas arriba; el canal de descarga, en el paramento aguas abajo, con igual talud que dicho paramento y finaliza su estructura en un lecho amortiguador tipo II de cota 495.80 msnm que restituye el flujo de agua a su cauce natural (cota 498 msnm); ii) desagües de fondo, cuya cota de embocadura es 503 msnm; cota de desembocadura, a 501 msnm, con 2 tuberías de 800 milímetros de diámetro, longitud de 21 metros y dos válvulas tipo Bureau; iii) la toma de agua de 44 metros (al tratarse de una conducción de kilómetros, solo se toma esta dimensión para el cuerpo de presa), 2.00 metros de diámetro, cota de embocadura a 518 metros y cota de desembocadura a 500 metros en la casa de máquinas; iv) ataguía para desvío del río, la cual es constituida de materiales sueltos (arcillas, limos y margas), tiene una altura de 10 metros, cota de coronación de 522 msnm, talud aguas arriba 2H:1V, talud aguas abajo 1.5H:1V, ubicado aproximadamente 200 metros aguas arriba de la presa Sión I, con una tubería de 1,800 milímetros de diámetro cuya embocadura a cota 521 msnm y desembocadura a cota 495 msnm y, finalmente, v) bypass en cada desagüe de fondo para el caudal ecológico de 190 mm de
diámetro. La funcionalidad del diseño de la presa responde, principalmente, a estudios hidráulicos, apoyado de tensionales y estructurales; estos últimos de gran relevancia porque el Perú es un país con frecuente actividad sísmica, por lo que la estructura debe someterse a diferentes situaciones producto de combinaciones de solicitaciones (acción que afecta a la presa estabilizándola o desestabilizándola); y, así mismo, satisfacer ciertos coeficientes de seguridad, que aseguren no haya deslizamiento ni vuelco.
El diseño de la presa Sión I es entonces el inicio de un proyecto para la electrificación de una zona rural en el departamento de San Martín. Una infraestructura de esta relevancia muestra cómo la región se muestra como un polo de desarrollo social y económico, por su diseño y lo que significa su funcionalidad en una zona rural de la zona geográfica de la Selva en el Perú,
en otros momentos relegada, sea por problemas civiles internos de pasadas décadas o su lejanía a ciudades con mayor desarrollo, por lo que la ingeniería tomaría un rol importante para la mejoraría de los servicios que se presten, directamente relacionado a la mejoría de la calidad de vida.
The current thesis has got the scope of discuss about the design of the dam Sión I, located in Sión town, Mariscal Cáceres province, San Martín state, Perú. “Consorcio Energético El Tucán S.A.” is the responsible of a hydroelectric generation project in Sión town, which is about an industrial park with three dams. They use the head water of their reservoirs to become it into electrical energy of installed power of 3.4 Megawatts each one through the turbines movement. The first of the three dams, Sión I, which is the most upstream of them, is the theme of this thesis work and the one which is going to developed its design. It is necessary to limit the scope of the current document, that it is actually only the body dam, including its hydraulic organisms and not others elements, that could be useful in hydroelectric generations, like pressured pipe, turbines or machines house. In addition, because of the contract between “Consorcio Energético Tucán S.A” and its customer, the Peruvian Government, the design of the dam is a concrete gravity dam. For the design of this project, it is going to be use peruvian regulations in addition to foreign regulations, principally spanish ones because of the academic formation of the author. Furthermore, local regulations are not totally applied in all design phases and the foreign one mentioned satisfies basic requisites and is reliable for its use in hydraulic structures in Peru. Not enough data is possibly to obtain, because of economy cost or difficulty to get field tests and trials; however, “Consorcio Energético El Tucán S.A.” provides basic studies. Those ones are the followings: geotechnical, geologist, topographical, environmental and of water quality. Other studies were got by reports and historical data of peruvian governmental institutions. The result of this thesis is a concrete gravity dam, with vertical slope in the upstream parament and 0.8H:1V slope in downstream parament, which Maximum Normal Level is at 525 masl (meters above sea level), Project Avenue Level is at 526.78 masl, Extreme Avenue Level is at 527.70 masl, structural coronation is at 529.30 masl, altitude of river bed is at 498 masl (critical zone), contact dam-foundation has a horizontal slope and it is at 494 masl and perimeter gallery is at 500 masl. The altitude of the dam from foundation to the spillway lip is 31 meters and the reservoir volume is 3.21 cubic hectometers; the altitude from foundation to coronation structure is 33.70 meters and the dam base has a length of 27.14 meters. The total volume of the dam is 12,411.56 cubic meters of concrete. The hydraulic organisms are the followings: i) discharge spillway, a central one with central flow outlet, Creager profile ,whose spillway lip matches altitude with the Maximum Normal Level, inlet is in upstream parament, discharge channel in downstream parament, equal slope that in downstream parament and ending its structure it has an energy dissipater element which is at 496 masl and has the assignment of return the flow of water to the natural channel (river, 498 masl); ii) bottom drain, whose inlet is at 503 masl and outlet is at 501 masl, with two 800 millimeters diameter pipes, length of 21 meters and two Bureau valves (per each pipe); iii) water intake has got a length of 44 meters (actually its length is some kilometers, but it is taken this dimension because is only in the dam), 2 meters diameter, inlet is at 518 masl, outlet is at 500 masl; iv) cofferdam for the deviation of the river is an earthfil dam (made of clays, silts and marls), it is got an altitude of 10 meters, coronation is at 522 masl, upstream slope is 2H:1V, downstream slope is 1.5H:1V, approximately located 200 meters upstream of the dam, 800 mm diameter pipe which inlet is at 521 masl and outlet at 495 masl and, finally v) a bypass pipe in each bottom drain pipe for the ecological flow with a 190 millimeters diameter. The functionality of the design responds principally to hydraulic studios supported by stresses and structural studies. The last ones have a great relevance because Perú is a country with frequent seismic activity, so it is necessary to subject the infrastructure to several situations, which are combinations of solicitations (action that affect the dam stabilizing or destabilizing) and satisfy some security coefficients, that ensure it is not going to slide or overturn. The design of the dam Sión I is the beginning of a project to electrification of a rural zone in San Martín state. An infrastructure such as important as dam Sión I shows the region like a social and economic development pole, because of its design and the meaning of its functionality in a rural geographical zone of peruvian forest, in other times relegated, actually because of civil internal problems of past decades or its so far location to more developed cities, so the engineers works take an important role in the improvement of basic provided services, which are directly linked to a improve the people quality life.
The current thesis has got the scope of discuss about the design of the dam Sión I, located in Sión town, Mariscal Cáceres province, San Martín state, Perú. “Consorcio Energético El Tucán S.A.” is the responsible of a hydroelectric generation project in Sión town, which is about an industrial park with three dams. They use the head water of their reservoirs to become it into electrical energy of installed power of 3.4 Megawatts each one through the turbines movement. The first of the three dams, Sión I, which is the most upstream of them, is the theme of this thesis work and the one which is going to developed its design. It is necessary to limit the scope of the current document, that it is actually only the body dam, including its hydraulic organisms and not others elements, that could be useful in hydroelectric generations, like pressured pipe, turbines or machines house. In addition, because of the contract between “Consorcio Energético Tucán S.A” and its customer, the Peruvian Government, the design of the dam is a concrete gravity dam. For the design of this project, it is going to be use peruvian regulations in addition to foreign regulations, principally spanish ones because of the academic formation of the author. Furthermore, local regulations are not totally applied in all design phases and the foreign one mentioned satisfies basic requisites and is reliable for its use in hydraulic structures in Peru. Not enough data is possibly to obtain, because of economy cost or difficulty to get field tests and trials; however, “Consorcio Energético El Tucán S.A.” provides basic studies. Those ones are the followings: geotechnical, geologist, topographical, environmental and of water quality. Other studies were got by reports and historical data of peruvian governmental institutions. The result of this thesis is a concrete gravity dam, with vertical slope in the upstream parament and 0.8H:1V slope in downstream parament, which Maximum Normal Level is at 525 masl (meters above sea level), Project Avenue Level is at 526.78 masl, Extreme Avenue Level is at 527.70 masl, structural coronation is at 529.30 masl, altitude of river bed is at 498 masl (critical zone), contact dam-foundation has a horizontal slope and it is at 494 masl and perimeter gallery is at 500 masl. The altitude of the dam from foundation to the spillway lip is 31 meters and the reservoir volume is 3.21 cubic hectometers; the altitude from foundation to coronation structure is 33.70 meters and the dam base has a length of 27.14 meters. The total volume of the dam is 12,411.56 cubic meters of concrete. The hydraulic organisms are the followings: i) discharge spillway, a central one with central flow outlet, Creager profile ,whose spillway lip matches altitude with the Maximum Normal Level, inlet is in upstream parament, discharge channel in downstream parament, equal slope that in downstream parament and ending its structure it has an energy dissipater element which is at 496 masl and has the assignment of return the flow of water to the natural channel (river, 498 masl); ii) bottom drain, whose inlet is at 503 masl and outlet is at 501 masl, with two 800 millimeters diameter pipes, length of 21 meters and two Bureau valves (per each pipe); iii) water intake has got a length of 44 meters (actually its length is some kilometers, but it is taken this dimension because is only in the dam), 2 meters diameter, inlet is at 518 masl, outlet is at 500 masl; iv) cofferdam for the deviation of the river is an earthfil dam (made of clays, silts and marls), it is got an altitude of 10 meters, coronation is at 522 masl, upstream slope is 2H:1V, downstream slope is 1.5H:1V, approximately located 200 meters upstream of the dam, 800 mm diameter pipe which inlet is at 521 masl and outlet at 495 masl and, finally v) a bypass pipe in each bottom drain pipe for the ecological flow with a 190 millimeters diameter. The functionality of the design responds principally to hydraulic studios supported by stresses and structural studies. The last ones have a great relevance because Perú is a country with frequent seismic activity, so it is necessary to subject the infrastructure to several situations, which are combinations of solicitations (action that affect the dam stabilizing or destabilizing) and satisfy some security coefficients, that ensure it is not going to slide or overturn. The design of the dam Sión I is the beginning of a project to electrification of a rural zone in San Martín state. An infrastructure such as important as dam Sión I shows the region like a social and economic development pole, because of its design and the meaning of its functionality in a rural geographical zone of peruvian forest, in other times relegated, actually because of civil internal problems of past decades or its so far location to more developed cities, so the engineers works take an important role in the improvement of basic provided services, which are directly linked to a improve the people quality life.
Presas--Diseño y construcción, Centrales hidroeléctricas--Proyectos--Perú--San Martín, Hidrología
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