Planeamiento estratégico del sector turismo de Piura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente plan estratégico para el Sector Turismo de la Región Piura se elaboró
siguiendo el Modelo Secuencial de Planeación Estratégica desarrollado por D’Alessio (2015).
El objetivo del Plan fue que el Sector Turismo de Piura se convierta en un sector económico
estratégico de la región y se convierta en ícono turístico del país; es decir, que se deje de lado
la visión unipolar que identifica a Perú solamente con Machu Picchu. A tales efectos, se hará
necesario que un esfuerzo conjunto por parte del sector público y privado para llevar a cabo
las estrategias planteadas en el presente trabajo; es decir, se necesita el compromiso y apoyo
de todos los actores involucrados en el sector, es decir, los Operadores Turísticos, las
Entidades Públicas relacionadas e incluso la comunidad vinculada.
Esto se concretará mediante el logro de los siguientes objetivos estratégicos: (a)
mejorar la infraestructura hotelera existente, aumentando el número de camas en hoteles y
hospedajes formales categorizados, (b) recibir 500,000 turistas extranjeros, (c) atraer a
2,500,000 turistas nacionales, (d) aumentar el gasto que realizan los turistas nacionales y
extranjero en la región, (e) formalizar al 80% los operadores turísticos existentes en la región,
(f) aumentar en un 200% el personal turístico especializado en la región y (g) recibir
1,000,000 de pasajeros a través del aeropuerto de Talara. La implementación de estas
estrategias quedará bajo responsabilidad de la Dirección Regional de Turismo de la Región
Piura quien deberá auditar y dirigir el esfuerzo de forma consensuada y acorde con la visión
de largo plazo para este sector
The present strategic plan for the Tourism Sector of the Piura Region was elaborated following the Sequential Model of Strategic Planning developed by D'Alessio (2015). The objective of the Plan was that the Tourism Sector of Piura become a strategic economic sector of the region and become a tourist icon of the country; that is, to leave aside the unipolar vision that identifies Peru only with Machu Picchu. To these effects, it will be necessary that a joint effort on the part of the public and private sector to carry out the strategies presented in the present work; that is to say, it requires the commitment and support of all the actors involved in the sector, that is to say, Tour Operators, related Public Entities and even the related community. This will be achieved by achieving the following strategic objectives: (a) improving existing hotel infrastructure, increasing the number of beds in categorized formal hotels and hotels, (b) receiving 500,000 foreign tourists, (c) attracting 2.5 million tourists (d) increase the spending of domestic and foreign tourists in the region, (e) formalize existing tourism operators in the region to 80%, (f) increase specialized tourism personnel in the region by 200%, and (g) receive 1,000,000 passengers through Talara airport. The implementation of these strategies will be under the responsibility of the Regional Directorate of Tourism of the Piura Region who will have to audit and direct the effort in a consensual way and in accordance with the long term vision for this sector
The present strategic plan for the Tourism Sector of the Piura Region was elaborated following the Sequential Model of Strategic Planning developed by D'Alessio (2015). The objective of the Plan was that the Tourism Sector of Piura become a strategic economic sector of the region and become a tourist icon of the country; that is, to leave aside the unipolar vision that identifies Peru only with Machu Picchu. To these effects, it will be necessary that a joint effort on the part of the public and private sector to carry out the strategies presented in the present work; that is to say, it requires the commitment and support of all the actors involved in the sector, that is to say, Tour Operators, related Public Entities and even the related community. This will be achieved by achieving the following strategic objectives: (a) improving existing hotel infrastructure, increasing the number of beds in categorized formal hotels and hotels, (b) receiving 500,000 foreign tourists, (c) attracting 2.5 million tourists (d) increase the spending of domestic and foreign tourists in the region, (e) formalize existing tourism operators in the region to 80%, (f) increase specialized tourism personnel in the region by 200%, and (g) receive 1,000,000 passengers through Talara airport. The implementation of these strategies will be under the responsibility of the Regional Directorate of Tourism of the Piura Region who will have to audit and direct the effort in a consensual way and in accordance with the long term vision for this sector
Turismo -- Perú -- Piura, Planificación estratégica
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