Planeamiento estratégico aplicado a la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento desarrolla el Plan Estratégico para la Superintendencia de
Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS) el cual tiene un horizonte al 2027 y busca posicionar a la SBS
como referente de las instituciones supervisoras y reguladoras de sistemas financieros en el
mundo. Para llevarlo a cabo se realizó el análisis de los factores externos del sector,
identificando seis oportunidades y cuatro amenazas que influyen en la SBS; el análisis
interno de la SBS; el análisis comparativo con instituciones reguladoras de otros países, y por
último, se establecieron las estrategias a implementar, ocho de las cuales son de
diversificación de mercado y una es intensiva.
Los objetivos de largo plazo son: (a) en 2027 la SBS habrá adoptado en su totalidad
los estándares internacionales de Basilea III, al 2016 se tiene implementado Basilea II; (b)
incrementar la inclusión financiera, medido por el número de cuentas de depósitos, para el
2027 el número de cuentas de depósitos en las entidades financieras será de 185,000, en el
2016 fue de 53,000; (c) para el 2027 los reclamos del público sobre las entidades
supervisadas serán de 15,000, en 2016 se tuvieron 25,050 reclamos; (d) en 2027 la SBS
tendrá un cumplimiento del 90% de los principios de gobierno corporativo, a la fecha no se
cuenta con gobierno corporativo, y (e) en 2027 la SBS habrá establecido en un 100% el
marco legal para las Fintech en el Perú, en 2017 no existe ningún marco regulatorio. Con
respecto a los objetivos de corto plazo se establecieron: (a) hacer un seguimiento del avance
en la implementación de los estándares de Basilea III, (b) incrementar el número de cuentas
de depósito, (c) disminuir progresivamente los reclamos del público sobre las entidades
financieras, (d) establecer progresivamente los principios de un buen gobierno corporativo, y
(e) implementar el marco regulatorio para las Fintech. Finalmente, se realizará el control de
los objetivos de corto y largo plazo a través del Tablero de Control Balanceado que permitirá
medir y monitorear el desempeño de estos objetivos
The focus of this document is to develop a strategic plan for the Financial Service, Insurance and AFP Authority (La Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP, hereinafter referred to as SBS) which has a horizon until 2027 and looks to position the SBS as a principal reference point for the financial service supervisory and regulatory institutions, at a global level. In order to carry this out an analysis of the sector’s external factors was conducted, identifying six opportunities and four threats that have an influence on the SBS; the internal analysis of the SBS; the comparative analysis of regulatory institutions in other countries and finally, the strategies to be implemented were established, eight of which are market diversification and one intensive. The long term goals are (a) In 2027 to fully adopt the international standards of Basilea III, in 2016 Basilea II was put in place; (b) increase financial inclusion, measured by the amount of savings accounts, by 2027 the number of savings accounts in financial institutions will be 185,000, in 2016 it was 53,000 (c) by 2027 public complaints lodged in the financial institutions will be 15,000, in 2016 there were 25,050 recorded complaints. (d) in 2027 the SBS will have a compliance of 90% in corporate governance principals, to date there is no corporate governance and (e) in 2027 the SBS will have fully established the legal framework for Fintech in Perú, as of 2017 no regulatory framework is in place. With respect to the short term goals established: (a) monitor the progress of the Basilea III standards implementation, (b) increase the amount of savings accounts (c) gradually decrease public complaints lodged in the financial institutions (d) gradually establish the Good corporate governance principals and (e) implement the legal framework for Fintech. Finally a control for both long and short term goals will be carried out via the Balanced Control Panel which will allow us to measure, as well as, monitor the performance
The focus of this document is to develop a strategic plan for the Financial Service, Insurance and AFP Authority (La Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP, hereinafter referred to as SBS) which has a horizon until 2027 and looks to position the SBS as a principal reference point for the financial service supervisory and regulatory institutions, at a global level. In order to carry this out an analysis of the sector’s external factors was conducted, identifying six opportunities and four threats that have an influence on the SBS; the internal analysis of the SBS; the comparative analysis of regulatory institutions in other countries and finally, the strategies to be implemented were established, eight of which are market diversification and one intensive. The long term goals are (a) In 2027 to fully adopt the international standards of Basilea III, in 2016 Basilea II was put in place; (b) increase financial inclusion, measured by the amount of savings accounts, by 2027 the number of savings accounts in financial institutions will be 185,000, in 2016 it was 53,000 (c) by 2027 public complaints lodged in the financial institutions will be 15,000, in 2016 there were 25,050 recorded complaints. (d) in 2027 the SBS will have a compliance of 90% in corporate governance principals, to date there is no corporate governance and (e) in 2027 the SBS will have fully established the legal framework for Fintech in Perú, as of 2017 no regulatory framework is in place. With respect to the short term goals established: (a) monitor the progress of the Basilea III standards implementation, (b) increase the amount of savings accounts (c) gradually decrease public complaints lodged in the financial institutions (d) gradually establish the Good corporate governance principals and (e) implement the legal framework for Fintech. Finally a control for both long and short term goals will be carried out via the Balanced Control Panel which will allow us to measure, as well as, monitor the performance
AFP, Seguridad social -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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