Análisis de los servicios veterinarios prestados por la veterinaria municipal de la Molina: Deber del Estado, actividad asistencial o actividad empresarial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo analizaremos los servicios prestados por la veterinaria Municipal
de la Molina, siendo estos consulta veterinaria, corte uñas, limpieza de oídos, aplicación
de inyectables, desparasitación externa con ivermectina, desparasitación oral interna,
desparasitación externa con anti pulgas, acto eutanásico, castración canina o felina,
esterilización canina o felina, atención de emergencias veterinarias, registro municipal de
canes y/o felinos, albergue temporal de canes en estado de abandono, cirugía de
otohematoma, fluidoterapia, adiestramiento canino y alquiler de campo agility, para así
determinar si nos encontramos frente a una actividad ius imperium, deber del estado,
asistencial o empresarial.
Para ello, analizaremos y aplicaremos los artículos 58, 59 y 60 de la Constitución Política
del Perú, así como el artículo 14.3 de la Ley de Competencia Desleal, permitiéndonos
definir cuál es el rol del Estado en la Economía Social de mercado, así como determinar
en qué consiste el principio de subsidiariedad de forma integral y en que supuestos no
debe ser exigido. Finalmente, concluiremos estableciendo que los servicios prestados por
la Municipalidad constituyen deber del Estado, pues existe una relación intrínseca entre
la salud animal y la salud pública. De esta manera, no estaríamos frente a un supuesto de
actividad empresarial y por lo tanto no le sería exigible el requisito de subsidiariedad,
pues nos encontramos frente a actividades que el Estado puede realizar en tanto se
desprenden de su deber constitucional de garantizar la salud.
In this paper we will analyze the services provided by the Municipal Veterinary of La Molina, being these veterinary consultation, nail clipping, ear cleaning, application of injectables, external deworming with ivermectin, internal oral deworming, external deworming with flea control, euthanasia act, canine or feline spaying or neutering, canine or feline sterilization, veterinary emergency care, municipal registry of dogs and/or felines, temporary shelter for abandoned dogs, otohematoma surgery, fluid therapy, dog training and agility field rental, in order to determine whether we are dealing with an activity ius imperium, duty of the state, welfare or business. To determine this, we will analyze and apply articles 58, 59 and 60 of the Political Constitution of Peru, as well as article 14.3 of the Law of Unfair Competition, allowing us to define the role of the State in the Social Market Economy, as well as to determine what the principle of subsidiarity consists of in a comprehensive manner and in which cases it should not be required. Finally, we will conclude by establishing that the services provided by the Municipality constitute a duty of the State, since there is an intrinsic relationship between animal health and public health. In this way, we would not be facing a business activity and therefore the requirement of subsidiarity would not be enforceable, since we are facing activities that the State can perform as they derive from its constitutional duty to ensure health.
In this paper we will analyze the services provided by the Municipal Veterinary of La Molina, being these veterinary consultation, nail clipping, ear cleaning, application of injectables, external deworming with ivermectin, internal oral deworming, external deworming with flea control, euthanasia act, canine or feline spaying or neutering, canine or feline sterilization, veterinary emergency care, municipal registry of dogs and/or felines, temporary shelter for abandoned dogs, otohematoma surgery, fluid therapy, dog training and agility field rental, in order to determine whether we are dealing with an activity ius imperium, duty of the state, welfare or business. To determine this, we will analyze and apply articles 58, 59 and 60 of the Political Constitution of Peru, as well as article 14.3 of the Law of Unfair Competition, allowing us to define the role of the State in the Social Market Economy, as well as to determine what the principle of subsidiarity consists of in a comprehensive manner and in which cases it should not be required. Finally, we will conclude by establishing that the services provided by the Municipality constitute a duty of the State, since there is an intrinsic relationship between animal health and public health. In this way, we would not be facing a business activity and therefore the requirement of subsidiarity would not be enforceable, since we are facing activities that the State can perform as they derive from its constitutional duty to ensure health.
Subsidiaridad, Economía y Estado, Derecho constitucional--Perú
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