Modelo prolab: Del Valle del Mantaro, propuesta de solución al problema que genera la intermediación en la venta de papa en Junín
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El sector agrícola es uno de los sectores más importantes para Perú, siendo la actividad
económica más importante para el medio rural y de las cadenas de producción de alimentos.
Gracias a la interacción con agricultores de Junín hemos podido observar la disparidad en las
capacidades de negociación entre los pequeños, medianos agricultores y los intermediarios lo cual
resulta en una menor proporción de las ganancias para los agricultores por la venta de sus
En Perú más del 60% de los alimentos consumidos son producidos por pequeños y
medianos agricultores los cuales son los más afectados por la acción de los intermediarios.
Por tanto, planteamos una solución para el problema de nuestros agricultores, teniendo
como objetivo mejorar sus ingresos por la venta de sus productos. Para abordar este desafío,
proponemos mejorar la cadena de distribución de la papa y promover la asociación entre los
pequeños y medianos productores conectando directamente a los agricultores con los mercados
mayoristas a través de un aplicativo móvil “El Agricultor”. Este aplicativo permitirá que el usuario
pueda conocer los precios reales en los principales mercados mayoristas donde se van a
comercializar sus productos, ello permitirá mejorar su capacidad de negociación y a su vez obtener
mejores márgenes de ganancias lo cual tendrá un impacto directo en la economía familiar y una
mejor calidad de vida reduciendo las desigualdades económicas que actualmente se encuentran
En resumen, proponemos que una mejora en la rentabilidad de los agricultores puede ser
impulsada balanceando la asimetría en las capacidades de negociación entre los pequeños y
medianos productores de papa y los comerciantes intermediarios, que produce una disparidad en
la repartición de las ganancias, a través de un análisis de la contribución que cada jugador realiza
a la cadena de valor de la producción y distribución de la papa. Proponemos medidas concretas
para lograr este objetivo.
The agricultural sector is one of the most important sectors for Peru, being the most important economic activity for rural areas and food production chains. Thanks to the interaction with farmers from Junín, we have been able to observe the disparity in the negotiation capacities between small and medium-sized farmers and intermediaries, which results in a lower proportion of profits for farmers from the sale of their products. In Peru, more than 60% of the food consumed is produced by small and medium farmers, who are the most affected by the action of intermediaries. Therefore, we propose a viable solution to the problem of our farmers, with the objective of improving their income from the sale of their products. To address this challenge, we propose to improve the potato distribution chain and promote associations between small and medium- sized businesses. producers connecting farmers directly with wholesale markets through a mobile application "El Agricultor". This application will allow the user to know the real prices in the main wholesale markets where their products are going to be marketed, this will improve their negotiation capacity and in turn obtain better profit margins, which will have a direct impact on the family economy and a better quality of life by reducing the economic inequalities that are currently present. In summary, we propose that an improvement in farmers' profitability can be promoted by balancing the asymmetry in bargaining capacities between small and medium potato producers and intermediary traders, which produces a disparity in the distribution of profits, through from an analysis of the contribution that each player makes to the value chain of potato production and distribution. We propose concrete measures to achieve this goal.
The agricultural sector is one of the most important sectors for Peru, being the most important economic activity for rural areas and food production chains. Thanks to the interaction with farmers from Junín, we have been able to observe the disparity in the negotiation capacities between small and medium-sized farmers and intermediaries, which results in a lower proportion of profits for farmers from the sale of their products. In Peru, more than 60% of the food consumed is produced by small and medium farmers, who are the most affected by the action of intermediaries. Therefore, we propose a viable solution to the problem of our farmers, with the objective of improving their income from the sale of their products. To address this challenge, we propose to improve the potato distribution chain and promote associations between small and medium- sized businesses. producers connecting farmers directly with wholesale markets through a mobile application "El Agricultor". This application will allow the user to know the real prices in the main wholesale markets where their products are going to be marketed, this will improve their negotiation capacity and in turn obtain better profit margins, which will have a direct impact on the family economy and a better quality of life by reducing the economic inequalities that are currently present. In summary, we propose that an improvement in farmers' profitability can be promoted by balancing the asymmetry in bargaining capacities between small and medium potato producers and intermediary traders, which produces a disparity in the distribution of profits, through from an analysis of the contribution that each player makes to the value chain of potato production and distribution. We propose concrete measures to achieve this goal.
Papas (Tubérculos)--Industria y comercio--Perú--Junín, Agricultores--Perú--Junín, Aplicaciones para móviles
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