Planeamiento estratégico para la región Piura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Plan Estratégico de la Región Piura se elaboró siguiendo el modelo
secuencial del proceso estratégico de D’Alessio. Se identificaron como ejes de crecimiento
hacia el 2028 la agroindustria de exportación, focalizada en productos no tradicionales y
orgánicos; así como en el sector del turismo de playa de hoteles de lujo. La Región Piura es
una región privilegiada en recursos naturales, situada en una zona estratégica para el
comercio y con un nivel de crecimiento poblacional que brinda una gran esperanza de
desarrollo a futuro y una ventaja competitiva a explotar.
El Gobierno Regional de Piura, dirigido por el Presidente Regional, será el
responsable de dirigir la ejecución de los planes y programas del Gobierno Regional, por lo
tanto, la formulación de este plan estratégico se centra en acciones y estrategias a ser
implementadas por dicha administración. Con ello, se busca incrementar el empleo e
impulsar el crecimiento sostenido en la región, logrando un mayor beneficio económico y
social de su población.
The present Strategic Plan of the Piura Region was elaborated following the sequential model of D'Alessio's strategic process. The agro-industry for export, focused on non-traditional and organic products, was identified as growth axes by 2028; as well as in the beach tourism sector of luxury hotels. The Piura Region is a region privileged in natural resources, located in a strategic area for trade and with a level of population growth that provides great hope for future development and a competitive advantage to exploit. The Regional Government of Piura, headed by the Regional President, will be responsible for directing the execution of the plans and programs of the Regional Government, therefore, the formulation of this strategic plan focuses on actions and strategies to be implemented by said administration. With this, it seeks to increase employment and boost sustained growth in the region, achieving greater economic and social benefits for its population.
The present Strategic Plan of the Piura Region was elaborated following the sequential model of D'Alessio's strategic process. The agro-industry for export, focused on non-traditional and organic products, was identified as growth axes by 2028; as well as in the beach tourism sector of luxury hotels. The Piura Region is a region privileged in natural resources, located in a strategic area for trade and with a level of population growth that provides great hope for future development and a competitive advantage to exploit. The Regional Government of Piura, headed by the Regional President, will be responsible for directing the execution of the plans and programs of the Regional Government, therefore, the formulation of this strategic plan focuses on actions and strategies to be implemented by said administration. With this, it seeks to increase employment and boost sustained growth in the region, achieving greater economic and social benefits for its population.
Desarrollo regional--Perú--Piura, Planificación regional--Perú--Piura, Planificación estratégica
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