Barreras que influyen en el crecimiento del sector inmobiliario en las viviendas para familias con ingresos medios y bajos en la región de Ica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer la percepción de los empresarios
respecto a los factores que han limitado el crecimiento de la construcción de viviendas para
los sectores de ingresos medios e ingresos bajos en la Región Ica. En la búsqueda por
identificar tales factores se ha efectuado un diagnóstico de crecimiento basado en el árbol de
decisiones, a través del cual un lento crecimiento en un sector se puede explicar por dos
grandes razones (Hausmann, Rodrik & Velasco, 2005): (a) alto costo de financiamiento, o (b)
bajos retornos a la inversión.
El estudio se ha desarrollado bajo un enfoque cualitativo y transeccional, con un
propósito descriptivo y una lógica inductiva, ya que se describe o caracteriza la situación en
un momento específico del tiempo. Asimismo, el método usado en la investigación fue el
estudio de casos múltiples y la recolección de los datos se realizó por medio de entrevistas
semiestructuradas. Posteriormente, el análisis e interpretación de los datos se hizo a través del
análisis del discurso, con el uso del software Atlas-Ti.
Los resultados han permitido concluir que existen varias barreras que limitan el
crecimiento del sector, entre las que destacan la burocracia y las extorsiones. Ambos puntos
llevan a la reducción del margen de ganancia de los empresarios, lo que se ve agravado con el
hecho de que la delincuencia pone en riesgo las propiedades de las empresas, así como la
integridad de sus empleados y de los familiares. Además se identificaron otras barreras
importantes, como la corrupción que tiene su origen en la burocracia, la cual incrementa los
tiempos de espera y con ello los costos administrativos de la empresa. También se percibió
que en los últimos años se han dado alzas en los costos de materiales, pero sobre todo en el de
la mano de obra, donde también hace falta mano de obra especializada.
The objective of this research is to identify builder’s perception on those factors that have limited the growth of the construction of housing for middle-income sectors and low income in Ica region. In the quest to identify possible causes have been suggested by the diagnosis of growth based on the decision tree, through which a slow growth in a sector can be explained by two main reasons (Hausmann, Rodrik & Velasco, 2005): (a) high cost of financing, or (b) low returns on investment. The research was conducted under a qualitative approach with a descriptive purpose and inductive logic, a transactional approach, describing the situation at a particular point in time. Furthermore, the method used in the research was the study of multiple cases, while the data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews and the analysis and interpretation of data, through discourse analysis and software usage Atlas-Ti. The results led to the conclusion that they are diverse barriers of this sector, among which the bureaucracy and extortion. Both points lead to reduced profit margin of entrepreneurs, which is aggravated by the fact that crime threatens the properties of enterprises, and the integrity of its employees and family. Besides other major barriers such as corruption that has its origin in the bureaucracy, which increases waiting times and thus the administrative costs of the company were identified. It was also felt that in recent years there have been increases in material costs, but especially in the workforce, which also takes skilled labor.
The objective of this research is to identify builder’s perception on those factors that have limited the growth of the construction of housing for middle-income sectors and low income in Ica region. In the quest to identify possible causes have been suggested by the diagnosis of growth based on the decision tree, through which a slow growth in a sector can be explained by two main reasons (Hausmann, Rodrik & Velasco, 2005): (a) high cost of financing, or (b) low returns on investment. The research was conducted under a qualitative approach with a descriptive purpose and inductive logic, a transactional approach, describing the situation at a particular point in time. Furthermore, the method used in the research was the study of multiple cases, while the data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews and the analysis and interpretation of data, through discourse analysis and software usage Atlas-Ti. The results led to the conclusion that they are diverse barriers of this sector, among which the bureaucracy and extortion. Both points lead to reduced profit margin of entrepreneurs, which is aggravated by the fact that crime threatens the properties of enterprises, and the integrity of its employees and family. Besides other major barriers such as corruption that has its origin in the bureaucracy, which increases waiting times and thus the administrative costs of the company were identified. It was also felt that in recent years there have been increases in material costs, but especially in the workforce, which also takes skilled labor.
Industria de la construcción--Perú--Ica, Viviendas--Construcción--Perú--Ica, Investigación cualitativa
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