Modelo Prolab: “REVERDES, una propuesta sostenible para el aprovechamiento de residuos sólidos para la generación de harina proteica”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La alta generación de residuos que se efectúa en la ciudad de Lima, que termina en
botaderos y en grandes fogatas de calles y avenidas de los distritos más populosos de la urbe ha
sido, y sigue siendo, uno de los problemas que más tiempo lleva sin ser atendido por ninguno de
los municipios distritales que lo tiene bajo su responsabilidad. En ese sentido, ReVerdes S.A.C.
ofrece una solución que, a través de su producto ATLAS, busca aprovechar los residuos
orgánicos de restaurantes para generar, a través de su proceso productivo, una harina, totalmente
inocua y rica varios nutrientes altamente valorados por la industria de alimentos balanceados.
La propuesta de negocio consiste en, por un lado, comercializar esta harina a los
principales productores de alimentos balanceados o animales para consumo humano como
Molitalia S.A., San Fernando S.A. y Vitapro S.A. como una fuente alternativa de proteína
sostenible a un precio competitivo, y, por otro lado, dar el servicio de logística, disposición y
capacitación a restaurantes y otras empresas generadoras de residuos orgánicos con
responsabilidad social-ambiental para que lleven a cabo una mejor gestión de ellos.
El proyecto planteado se ha evaluado a 5 años con una inversión inicial de S/.
1,097,462.17 soles peruanos y con un Valor Presente Neto (VAN) USD 1,197,173.68 dólares
americanos al cierre del periodo de evaluación. Adicionalmente se estaría recuperando 30,315
toneladas de residuos orgánicos recogidos que actualmente se estaría dirigiendo a un botadero o
un relleno sanitario generando una contaminación de al menos 42,138 toneladas de CO2 en la
The high generation of waste taking place in the city of Lima, which ends up in landfills and large street fires in the most populous districts of the urban area, has been, and continues to be, one of the issues that has gone unaddressed by any of the district municipalities responsible for it for quite some time. In this regard, ReVerdes S.A.C. offers a solution that, through its product ATLAS, aims to utilize organic waste from restaurants to generate, through its production process, a flour that is completely safe and rich in several nutrients highly valued by the balanced food industry. The business proposal consists of, on one hand, marketing this flour to major producers of balanced food for both animals and human consumption, such as Molitalia S.A., San Fernando S.A., and Vitapro S.A., as a competitive alternative source of sustainable protein. On the other hand, it involves providing logistics, disposal, and training services to restaurants and other companies responsible for organic waste generation with a social and environmental responsibility, so they can carry out better waste management. The proposed project has been evaluated over a 5-year period with an initial investment of S/.1,097,462.17, with a Net Present Value of approximately $1,197,173.68 at the end of the evaluation period. Additionally, it would be recovering at least 30,313 tons of organic waste currently going to a landfill or sanitary landfill, thereby preventing the emission of 42,138 tons of CO2 in the city.
The high generation of waste taking place in the city of Lima, which ends up in landfills and large street fires in the most populous districts of the urban area, has been, and continues to be, one of the issues that has gone unaddressed by any of the district municipalities responsible for it for quite some time. In this regard, ReVerdes S.A.C. offers a solution that, through its product ATLAS, aims to utilize organic waste from restaurants to generate, through its production process, a flour that is completely safe and rich in several nutrients highly valued by the balanced food industry. The business proposal consists of, on one hand, marketing this flour to major producers of balanced food for both animals and human consumption, such as Molitalia S.A., San Fernando S.A., and Vitapro S.A., as a competitive alternative source of sustainable protein. On the other hand, it involves providing logistics, disposal, and training services to restaurants and other companies responsible for organic waste generation with a social and environmental responsibility, so they can carry out better waste management. The proposed project has been evaluated over a 5-year period with an initial investment of S/.1,097,462.17, with a Net Present Value of approximately $1,197,173.68 at the end of the evaluation period. Additionally, it would be recovering at least 30,313 tons of organic waste currently going to a landfill or sanitary landfill, thereby preventing the emission of 42,138 tons of CO2 in the city.
Residuos sólidos--Aspectos ambientales, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Desarrollo sostenible--Perú
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