Informe sobre Resolución N° 069-2015-OEFA/TFASEM recaída sobre el Expediente N° 1094-2013- OEFA/DFSAI/PAS
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El problema principal del informe versa sobre el uso de Estándares de Calidad
Ambiental, previstos en la Guía de Canadá (Canadian Environmental Quality
Guidelines), los cuales han sido establecidos por instituciones internacionales
que no han sido reconocidas por el ordenamiento jurídico peruano como fuente
de derecho. El presente trabajo cuestiona la posibilidad de su uso, para
determinar los posibles efectos adversos al medio ambiente, también entendidos
como daño ambiental, en la aplicación de sanciones administrativas, en el marco
de Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador llevado a cabo por el Organismo
de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental en el Perú.
Conforme a ello, se analiza si es que el empleo de estos instrumentos normativos
para determinar el daño ambiental, los cuales establecen modelos de conducta,
constituye un uso válido de Soft Law en el derecho administrativo peruano.
Posteriormente, se evalúa si es que el uso de los mismos recae sobre el margen
de discrecionalidad, facultad tácita con la que cuenta la administración.
Finalmente, en este trabajo se determinará si es que el empleo de los Estándares
de Calidad de Suelos Agrícolas, previstos en la normativa dispuesta por el
Ministerio del Ambiente de Canadá, contempla una vulneración al Principio de
Tipicidad y al derecho a la defensa de los administrados, de acuerdo con las
disposiciones recogidas por la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo General, la
Ley General del Ambiente y el Reglamento para la Protección Ambiental en la
Actividad Minero-Metalúrgica.
The main problem of the report is about the use of Environmental Quality Standards, provided for the Canadian Guide (Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines), which have been established by international institutions that have not been recognized by the Peruvian legal system as a source of law. This report questions the possibility of its use, to determine the possible adverse effects to the environment, also understood as environmental damage, in the application of administrative sanctions, within the framework of the Sanctioning Administrative Procedure carried out by the Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización in Peru. As a matter of fact, it is analyzed whether the use of these normative instruments to determine environmental damage, which establish models of conduct, constitutes a valid use of Soft Law in Peruvian administrative law. Subsequently, it is evaluated whether the use of these legal instruments fall on the margin of discretion, a tacit power that the administration has. Last but not least, it will be determined if the use of the Agricultural Soil Quality Standards, provided by the Ministry of the Environment of Canada, contemplates a violation of the Principle of Typicality and the right to legal defense of the administered , according to the provisions contained in the General Administrative Procedure Law, the General Environmental Law and the Regulations for Environmental Protection in the Mining-Metallurgical Activity.
The main problem of the report is about the use of Environmental Quality Standards, provided for the Canadian Guide (Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines), which have been established by international institutions that have not been recognized by the Peruvian legal system as a source of law. This report questions the possibility of its use, to determine the possible adverse effects to the environment, also understood as environmental damage, in the application of administrative sanctions, within the framework of the Sanctioning Administrative Procedure carried out by the Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización in Peru. As a matter of fact, it is analyzed whether the use of these normative instruments to determine environmental damage, which establish models of conduct, constitutes a valid use of Soft Law in Peruvian administrative law. Subsequently, it is evaluated whether the use of these legal instruments fall on the margin of discretion, a tacit power that the administration has. Last but not least, it will be determined if the use of the Agricultural Soil Quality Standards, provided by the Ministry of the Environment of Canada, contemplates a violation of the Principle of Typicality and the right to legal defense of the administered , according to the provisions contained in the General Administrative Procedure Law, the General Environmental Law and the Regulations for Environmental Protection in the Mining-Metallurgical Activity.
Sanciones administrativas--Legislación--Perú, Medio ambiente--Legislación--Perú, Medio ambiente--Legislación--Canadá, Industria metalúrgca--Legislación--Perú