Análisis de factores de desarrollo económico entre Perú y Hong Kong 1971 - 2012
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Se ha realizado un análisis comparativo del crecimiento económico entre la
Región Administrativa Especial (RAE) Hong Kong y Perú. Los dos primeros capítulos
enmarcan la investigación en el entorno internacional y las teorías que se relacionan al
desarrollo económico. En el capítulo I, se ha descrito la situación económica post
segunda guerra mundial y la situación de los países denominados tigres asiáticos. En
adición, se revisó los antecedentes de la formación de Hong Kong tomando en
consideración algunas variables políticas, económicas, legales, sociales, culturales y
religiosas. En el Capítulo II se ha desarrollado el marco teórico y se ha revisado seis
teorías económicas (entre ellas, la teoría de los ciclos económicos, las teorías del
crecimiento económico y la nueva teoría del comercio internacional), importantes para
comprender los fundamentos del crecimiento económico de Perú y la RAE Hong Kong.
En el Capítulo III se ha realizado un análisis comparativo histórico de Perú y la
RAE Hong Kong, analizando las oportunidades de crecimiento que ambos países
tuvieron. Asimismo, en este capítulo se ha complementado la revisión histórica
analizando algunos parámetros económicos como el PIB, PIB per cápita, comercio,
inversión directa extranjera e inversión en educación, en el periodo 1971 – 2012,
logrando identificar qué factores fueron determinantes en el crecimiento económico de la
RAE Hong Kong y Perú. Finalmente, el capítulo IV presenta las conclusiones y
recomendaciones de la investigación.
A comparative analysis of economic growth between Hong Kong and Peru has been made. The first two chapters have framed the research in the international environment and the economic development theories. In Chapter I, it has been described the economic situation after World War II and the situation of the Asian Tigers countries. In addition, it has been considered the history of the formation of Hong Kong analyzing economic, legal, social, cultural, religious and political variables. In Chapter II has been developed the theoretical framework and a review of six economic theories has been made (including the theory of economic cycles, economic growth and the new trade theory), which have been fundamental for understanding the economic development of Peru and Hong. In Chapter III, a historical comparative analysis of Peru and Hong Kong has been done, analyzing the growth opportunities that both countries have had in their historical development. Also, a historical review has been made, for the period 1971 – 2012, analyzing some economic parameters such as GDP, GDP per capita, external trade, foreign direct investment and spent in education, identifying the influential factors for the economic growth in Hong Kong and Peru. Finally, Chapter IV presents conclusions and recommendations.
A comparative analysis of economic growth between Hong Kong and Peru has been made. The first two chapters have framed the research in the international environment and the economic development theories. In Chapter I, it has been described the economic situation after World War II and the situation of the Asian Tigers countries. In addition, it has been considered the history of the formation of Hong Kong analyzing economic, legal, social, cultural, religious and political variables. In Chapter II has been developed the theoretical framework and a review of six economic theories has been made (including the theory of economic cycles, economic growth and the new trade theory), which have been fundamental for understanding the economic development of Peru and Hong. In Chapter III, a historical comparative analysis of Peru and Hong Kong has been done, analyzing the growth opportunities that both countries have had in their historical development. Also, a historical review has been made, for the period 1971 – 2012, analyzing some economic parameters such as GDP, GDP per capita, external trade, foreign direct investment and spent in education, identifying the influential factors for the economic growth in Hong Kong and Peru. Finally, Chapter IV presents conclusions and recommendations.
Crecimiento económico--Perú, Crecimiento económico--China--Hong Kong, Política económica--Perú, Política económica--China--Hong Kong
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