La naturaleza de la infracción laboral en materia de trabajo infantil: ¿El fin justifica los medios?: A propósito de la Resolución N°169-2021-SUNAFIL/TFL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El objeto principal del presente informe jurídico es analizar los argumentos emitidos por
el Tribunal de Fiscalización Laboral en la Resolución N°169-2021-SUNAFIL con
respecto a la naturaleza de la infracción en materia de trabajo infantil contenida en el
artículo 25.7 del Reglamento de la Ley General de Inspección del trabajo, calificada
como “muy grave”. En base a ello, determinar cuál es el bien jurídico tutelado en dicho
artículo, pues presenta un problema de tipicidad y razonabilidad al atribuirle la misma
consecuencia jurídica tanto a los incumplimientos administrativos como a las peores
formas de trabajo infantil.
Para resolver si correspondía -o no- sancionar a la empresa por no contar con la
autorización que emite la Autoridad Administrativa de Trabajo para que los
adolescentes laboren, se realizará un análisis a la luz de la normativa nacional e
internacional en materia de trabajo infantil, la inspección laboral, la seguridad y salud
en el trabajo, y los principios del procedimiento sancionador aplicables.
Finalmente, se determinará cuál es la naturaleza de la sanción en materia de trabajo
infantil, al amparo de una correcta graduación de la sanción, del test de
proporcionalidad, y aplicando los principios de razonabilidad y tipicidad para resolver
el caso, a efectos de resguardar la salud integral de los niños, niñas y adolescentes, y
garantizar sus derechos como trabajadores, de la mano con la finalidad de la inspección
The main purpose of this legal report is to analyze the arguments issued by the Labor Inspection Court in Resolution N°169-2021-SUNAFIL about the nature of the child labor infraction contained in Article 25.7 of the Regulation of the General Labor Inspection Law, classified as “very serious”. On this basis, it’s necessary to determine which is the legal right protected in this article, due to the fact that it presents a problem of typicity and reasonableness when attributing the same legal consequence to administrative violations with the worst forms of child labor. In order to resolve whether the company should -or should not- be sanctioned for not having the authorization issued by the Administrative Labor Authority for adolescents to work, an analysis will be made of national and international regulations on child labor, labor inspection, occupational safety and health, and the applicable principles of sanctioning procedure. Finally, the nature of the sanction in the matter of child labor will be determined, under the protection of a correct graduation of the sanction, the proportionality test, and applying the principles of reasonableness and typicality to resolve the case, in order to safeguard the integral children and adolescents’ health and guarantee their rights as workers, with the main purpose of the labor inspection.
The main purpose of this legal report is to analyze the arguments issued by the Labor Inspection Court in Resolution N°169-2021-SUNAFIL about the nature of the child labor infraction contained in Article 25.7 of the Regulation of the General Labor Inspection Law, classified as “very serious”. On this basis, it’s necessary to determine which is the legal right protected in this article, due to the fact that it presents a problem of typicity and reasonableness when attributing the same legal consequence to administrative violations with the worst forms of child labor. In order to resolve whether the company should -or should not- be sanctioned for not having the authorization issued by the Administrative Labor Authority for adolescents to work, an analysis will be made of national and international regulations on child labor, labor inspection, occupational safety and health, and the applicable principles of sanctioning procedure. Finally, the nature of the sanction in the matter of child labor will be determined, under the protection of a correct graduation of the sanction, the proportionality test, and applying the principles of reasonableness and typicality to resolve the case, in order to safeguard the integral children and adolescents’ health and guarantee their rights as workers, with the main purpose of the labor inspection.
Trabajo infantil--Perú, Inspección de trabajo--Legislación--Perú, Seguridad industrial, Derecho laboral--Legislación--Perú
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