Plan estratégico de la empresa Odín Ingenieros S.R.L.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente documento se elabora el Planeamiento Estratégico de Odín Ingenieros
SRL, se busca contribuir y promover su desarrollo empresarial en la industria de la
construcción. Planteamos como visión que para el año 2020, será la empresa líder a nivel
regional y la región sur del país, mediante la excelencia de la calidad, el diseño, procesos y
capacidad tecnológica e innovadora con que trabaja, salvaguardando la seguridad de sus
trabajadores y con respeto al medioambiente.
Para el logro de nuestra visión nos planteamos objetivos de corto plazo y de largo
plazo buscando impulsar la competitividad mediante la aplicación de calidad y optimización
de sus procesos con el aprovechamiento adecuado de los tiempos y recursos dentro de sus
actividades, así como mejorar y ampliar los servicios de contratación extendiendo la cartera
de clientes a zonas donde no se tiene aún participación y la asociación competitiva con sus
En la elaboración del análisis externo se identificaron oportunidades destacando entre
estas el incremento de la población que genera demanda de servicios básicos y amenazas
como la crisis económica mundial y la desaceleración del crecimiento económico; asimismo
en el análisis interno se pudo identificar a gerentes con experiencia en el área administrativa
y de gestión de la construcción y debilidades como la incipiente política de control de calidad
dentro de la empresa.
Mediante el análisis de planeamiento estratégico, finalmente se plantean las siguientes
estrategias: ampliación de la cartera de proyectos en nuevos ámbitos geográficos de Cusco y
Apurímac, Optimización de los procesos para alcanzar los estándares de calidad basados en
el enfoque Lean, Mejorar las relaciones con los proveedores y stake holders para poder
competir en mercados desarrollados y la aplicación e implementación de sistemas de control
de costos integrados.
This document is the Strategic Planning of Odin Engineers. It pursues to contribute and promote its business development in the construction industry. Set as our vision that for 2020 Odin Engineers will be leading the region and the southern region of the country through excellence in quality, design, technological and innovative capacity working, ensuring the safety of its workers and with respect for the environment. Short term and long term objectives were set to achieve our vision. They seek to improve competitiveness through implementing quality and process optimization with the appropriate use of time and resources in its activities, as well as enhance and expand the contracting services extending the customer base to areas where Odin Engineers does not have participation and competitive partnership with stake holders. Developing the external analysis were identified opportunities, among these is outstanding the increase in population that demands basic services and threats such as the global economic crisis and slowdown in economic growth; also in the internal analysis were identified managers with experience in administration and construction management and weaknesses as the incipient policy of quality control within the company. By analyzing strategic planning, finally it raises the following strategies: expanding the portfolio of projects in new geographical areas of Cusco and Apurimac, optimization of processes to achieve quality standards based on the Lean approach, improve relations with stakeholders and suppliers to compete in developed markets and the application and implementation of integrated control systems costs.
This document is the Strategic Planning of Odin Engineers. It pursues to contribute and promote its business development in the construction industry. Set as our vision that for 2020 Odin Engineers will be leading the region and the southern region of the country through excellence in quality, design, technological and innovative capacity working, ensuring the safety of its workers and with respect for the environment. Short term and long term objectives were set to achieve our vision. They seek to improve competitiveness through implementing quality and process optimization with the appropriate use of time and resources in its activities, as well as enhance and expand the contracting services extending the customer base to areas where Odin Engineers does not have participation and competitive partnership with stake holders. Developing the external analysis were identified opportunities, among these is outstanding the increase in population that demands basic services and threats such as the global economic crisis and slowdown in economic growth; also in the internal analysis were identified managers with experience in administration and construction management and weaknesses as the incipient policy of quality control within the company. By analyzing strategic planning, finally it raises the following strategies: expanding the portfolio of projects in new geographical areas of Cusco and Apurimac, optimization of processes to achieve quality standards based on the Lean approach, improve relations with stakeholders and suppliers to compete in developed markets and the application and implementation of integrated control systems costs.
Industria de la construcción--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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