Informe Jurídico sobre Casación N° 11978-2020 LIMA ESTE: Rescisión contractual por lesión
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis de la sentencia contenida en la
Casación N° 11978-2020 LIMA ESTE desde la perspectiva del principio de
congruencia procesal.
Comenzamos por realizar un análisis sobre la declaración de rebeldía y si la
misma pudiera implicar una vulneración al derecho a la defensa. Posteriormente,
se procede con el análisis de la sentencia de vista que dio origen a la casación,
siendo que, durante el desarrollo de todo el proceso, se presentaron diversas
patologías de carácter procesal que dieron lugar a una de las figuras más
controvertidas en la actualidad: un pronunciamiento inhibitorio contenido en
sentencia. Además, nos referiremos a si, en el caso concreto, la revocación de
la sentencia de primera instancia mediante la sentencia de vista fue adecuada o
si, en todo caso, debió declararse nula.
Posteriormente, se realiza un análisis de la sentencia de casación en concreto,
el cual nos permite referirnos al alcance del principio de congruencia procesal,
para luego referirnos a los alcances del principio iura novit curia y cuáles son las
reglas vinculadas a su aplicación.
Finamente, se realiza un contraste entre ambos principios para así poder
determinar si son excluyentes entre sí o sí pueden coexistir en un proceso,
siendo la tarea en cuestión establecer si el principio de congruencia procesal es
factible de ser flexibilizado.
The present paper contains an analysis of the sentence contained in Cassation No. 11978-2020 LIMA ESTE from the perspective of the principle of procedural congruence. We begin by analyzing the declaration of default and whether it could imply a violation of the right to defense. Subsequently, we proceed with the analysis of the appellate judgment that originated the cassation, given that throughout the entire process, various procedural irregularities occurred, giving rise to one of the most controversial figures nowadays: an inhibitory pronouncement contained in the sentence. Furthermore, we will address whether, in the specific case, the revocation of the initial judgment by the appellate judgment was appropriate, or if, in any case, it should have been declared null. Later, a specific analysis of the cassation sentence is carried out, which allows us to refer to the scope of the principle of procedural congruence, and then discuss the scope of the principle of iura novit curia and the rules associated with its application. Finally, a comparison between both principles is made in order to determine if they are mutually exclusive or if they can coexist during the process, with the task at hand being to establish whether the principle of procedural congruence can be flexibilized or not
The present paper contains an analysis of the sentence contained in Cassation No. 11978-2020 LIMA ESTE from the perspective of the principle of procedural congruence. We begin by analyzing the declaration of default and whether it could imply a violation of the right to defense. Subsequently, we proceed with the analysis of the appellate judgment that originated the cassation, given that throughout the entire process, various procedural irregularities occurred, giving rise to one of the most controversial figures nowadays: an inhibitory pronouncement contained in the sentence. Furthermore, we will address whether, in the specific case, the revocation of the initial judgment by the appellate judgment was appropriate, or if, in any case, it should have been declared null. Later, a specific analysis of the cassation sentence is carried out, which allows us to refer to the scope of the principle of procedural congruence, and then discuss the scope of the principle of iura novit curia and the rules associated with its application. Finally, a comparison between both principles is made in order to determine if they are mutually exclusive or if they can coexist during the process, with the task at hand being to establish whether the principle of procedural congruence can be flexibilized or not
Jueces, Sentencias, Derecho procesal, Recurso de casación--Perú
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