Reporte de consultoría para Inca Rail S.A
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Inca Rail SA es una empresa privada perteneciente al grupo económico de Carlyle Perú que
fue constituida en el año 2006, la cual se dedica al transporte terrestre de pasajeros por las
vías férreas y presta servicios generales vinculados al sector turismo. Actualmente posee una
participación en el mercado del 21% y el servicio está enfocado en un 90% a turistas
extranjeros mientras que los nacionales solamente alcanzan un 10%. Debido a la pandemia
por la COVID-19, el sector turismo fue el más afectado debido a que la llegada de los turistas
extranjeros se ha reducido por las medidas extremas tomadas por los gobiernos a través del
cierre de fronteras a nivel mundial y nacional ocasionando una disminución significativa de
las ventas en la empresa para los periodos 2020 y 2021. El objetivo de la presente consultoría
de negocios es analizar el problema clave y brindar las soluciones respectivas con un plan de
implementación. Después de efectuar reuniones con los ejecutivos de la empresa se
identificaron tres problemas claves: (a) Insatisfacción laboral; (b) Inadecuada comunicación
interna y externa; y (c) Disminución significativa de las ventas. Posteriormente a través del
análisis se consideró como alternativas de solución: (a) alianza con agencias turísticos
internacionales en países de altos índice de inoculación; (b) paquetes turísticos integrales para
extranjeros; (c) implementación de la moneda soles en la web de pagos y puntos de venta; (d)
descuentos para el turista nacional; (e) paquetes turísticos integrales para turistas nacionales y
(f) publicitar en redes sociales los paquetes turísticos. Finalmente, las propuestas planteadas
en la presente consultoría buscan que la compañía pueda recuperar los niveles de ventas
similares a prepandemia (año 2019) con resultados positivos históricos. Con las medidas
planteadas se proyecta que las ventas se recuperen en el 2022 en un 70% y en el 2023 en un
100%, en comparación a niveles prepandemia. Además, el valor actual de los flujos del
periodo 2022-2024 es de S/80’367,368.52 miles de soles superior al valor actual de los flujos
sin la implementación que alcanza 52,510.21 miles de soles.
Inca Rail SA is a private company belonging to the economic group of Carlyle Peru that was established in 2006, which is dedicated to the land transport of passengers by railways and provides general services related to the tourism sector. It currently has a market share of 21% and the service is focused 90% on tourists, while nationals will only reach 10%. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism sector was the most affected because the arrival of foreign tourists has been reduced by the extreme measures taken by governments through the closure of borders at the global and national levels, causing a significant decrease in sales in the company for the periods 2020 and 2021. The objective of this business consultancy is to analyze the key problem and provide the respective solutions with an implementation plan. After implementing meetings with company executives, three key problems were identified: (a) Job dissatisfaction; (b) Inadequate internal and external communication; and (c) Significant decrease in sales. Subsequently, through the analysis, the following alternative solutions will be concluded: (a) alliance with international tourist agencies in countries with high rates of inoculation; (b) comprehensive tourist packages for foreigners; (c) implementation of the soles currency on the payment website and points of sale; (d) discounts for national tourists; (e) comprehensive tourist packages for national tourists and (f) publicize the tourist packages on social networks. Finally, the proposals proposed in this contract seek to enable the company to recover sales levels similar to pre-pandemic (year 2019) with positive historical results. With the proposed measures, it is projected that sales will recover by 70% in 2022 and by 100% in 2023, compared to pre-pandemic levels. In addition, the current value of the flows for the 2022-2024 period is S/80,367,368.52, 17.7% higher than the current flows without the implementation of the measures.
Inca Rail SA is a private company belonging to the economic group of Carlyle Peru that was established in 2006, which is dedicated to the land transport of passengers by railways and provides general services related to the tourism sector. It currently has a market share of 21% and the service is focused 90% on tourists, while nationals will only reach 10%. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tourism sector was the most affected because the arrival of foreign tourists has been reduced by the extreme measures taken by governments through the closure of borders at the global and national levels, causing a significant decrease in sales in the company for the periods 2020 and 2021. The objective of this business consultancy is to analyze the key problem and provide the respective solutions with an implementation plan. After implementing meetings with company executives, three key problems were identified: (a) Job dissatisfaction; (b) Inadequate internal and external communication; and (c) Significant decrease in sales. Subsequently, through the analysis, the following alternative solutions will be concluded: (a) alliance with international tourist agencies in countries with high rates of inoculation; (b) comprehensive tourist packages for foreigners; (c) implementation of the soles currency on the payment website and points of sale; (d) discounts for national tourists; (e) comprehensive tourist packages for national tourists and (f) publicize the tourist packages on social networks. Finally, the proposals proposed in this contract seek to enable the company to recover sales levels similar to pre-pandemic (year 2019) with positive historical results. With the proposed measures, it is projected that sales will recover by 70% in 2022 and by 100% in 2023, compared to pre-pandemic levels. In addition, the current value of the flows for the 2022-2024 period is S/80,367,368.52, 17.7% higher than the current flows without the implementation of the measures.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Turismo--Perú, Empresas de servicios, Transporte terrestre--Perú, Transporte ferroviario--Perú, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)