Informe Jurídico sobre Resolución N° 953-2019-SUNARP-TR-L
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico tiene como objetivo analizar y cuestionar la Resolución N°
953-2019-SUNARP-TR-L, la cual versa sobre una resolución contractual en aplicación
del artículo 1429 del Código Civil que pretende inscribirse en el Registro de Predios de
Lima. El Tribunal Registral deniega la inscripción bajo el argumento principal de que la
parte deudora de la relación jurídica contractual no ha tenido conocimiento de la carta
notarial en tanto, no se entregó la misma de forma personal; es decir, en su mano. Al
respecto, se considera que la exigencia este nuevo requisito incorporado por el
Tribunal Registral no contemplado en la norma legal vulnera el principio de legalidad
reconocido en el Código Civil y en el Título Preliminar del Reglamento General de los
Registros Públicos. Por otro lado, se reconoce que el Tribunal Registral advirtió de
forma adecuada la falta de determinación de la obligación incumplida en la carta
notarial, debido a que ello es un requisito que se desprende del artículo 1429 del
Código Civil. Finalmente, se recomienda la creación de un artículo en el Reglamento
de Inscripciones del Registro de Predios que permita la anotación preventiva de la
resolución por intimación de forma previa a su inscripción definitiva.
The objective of this legal report is to analyze and question the Resolution No. 953- 2019-SUNARP-TR-L, which deals with a contractual termination in application of article 1429 of the Civil Code that intends to be registered in the Registry Properties of Lima. The Registry Court denies the registration under the main argument that the debtor party of the contractual relationship has not been aware of the notarial letter, because it was not hand delivered. In this regard, it is considered that the request of this new requirement incorporated by the Registry Court it is not contemplated in the legal rule violates the principle of legality recognized in the Civil Code and in the Preliminary Title of the General Regulation of Public Registry. On the other hand, it is recognized that the Registry Court adequately warned of the lack of determination of the unfulfilled obligation in the notarial letter, because this is a requirement that follows from article 1429 of the Civil Code. Finally, it is recommended the creation of an article in the Registration Regulations of the Registry Properties that allows the preventive annotation of the resolution by summons prior to its final registration. Keywords:
The objective of this legal report is to analyze and question the Resolution No. 953- 2019-SUNARP-TR-L, which deals with a contractual termination in application of article 1429 of the Civil Code that intends to be registered in the Registry Properties of Lima. The Registry Court denies the registration under the main argument that the debtor party of the contractual relationship has not been aware of the notarial letter, because it was not hand delivered. In this regard, it is considered that the request of this new requirement incorporated by the Registry Court it is not contemplated in the legal rule violates the principle of legality recognized in the Civil Code and in the Preliminary Title of the General Regulation of Public Registry. On the other hand, it is recognized that the Registry Court adequately warned of the lack of determination of the unfulfilled obligation in the notarial letter, because this is a requirement that follows from article 1429 of the Civil Code. Finally, it is recommended the creation of an article in the Registration Regulations of the Registry Properties that allows the preventive annotation of the resolution by summons prior to its final registration. Keywords:
Derecho registral--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Registro de la propiedad--Perú, Contratos--Perú, Resolución (Derecho civil)
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