Calidad en las empresas del sector hoteles del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El propósito de la presente investigación ha sido medir el nivel de calidad de las
empresas que pertenecen al sector hoteles en el Perú; asimismo, comparar la diferencia entre
aquellas que tienen implementado un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad y las que no.
Para lo mencionado se ha utilizado como marco conceptual el estudio realizado por el
profesor Benzaquen (2013), la ISO 9001 y TQM en las empresas latinoamericanas: Perú, el
cual aplica los nueves factores de éxito del Total Quality Management [TQM] a diferentes
empresas basado en un instrumento de 35 preguntas. La naturaleza de la investigación tuvo
un enfoque cuantitativo, un alcance descriptivo y explicativo. El diseño de la investigación
fue no experimental y transversal.
En el estudio, el instrumento fue aplicado a 169 empresas hoteleras de tres a cinco
estrellas del Perú registradas en MINCETUR, y se llegó a la conclusión que las empresas del
Sector Hoteles en el Perú con un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad tienen diferencias
significativas con aquellas empresas que no tienen un SGC de acuerdo al modelo TQM en los
nueve factores de Calidad; Alta Gerencia, Planeamiento de la Calidad, Auditoría y
Evaluación de la Calidad, Diseño del Producto, Control y Mejoramiento del Proceso,
Entrenamiento y Educación, Círculos de Calidad y Enfoque hacia la Satisfacción del Cliente
The purpose of this research was to measure the quality of the companies that belong to the hotel sector in Peru; and compare the difference between those that have implemented a Quality Management System and those that no. To the above was used as a conceptual framework the study by Professor Benzaquen (2013), ISO 9001 and TQM in Latin American companies: Peru, which applies the nine factors of Total Quality Management [TQM] to different companies based on one instrument 35 questions. The nature of the research was quantitative, descriptive and explanatory. The research design was non-experimental and transversal. In the research, the instrument was applied to 169 hotel companies from three to five stars of Peru registered MINCETUR, and concluded that companies Sector Hotels in Peru with a System of Quality Management are significant differences in Quality factors with companies that do not have a QMS according to TQM. Senior Management, Quality Planning, Audit and Quality Assessment, Product Design, Quality Control and Process Improvement, Training and Education, Quality Circles and Approach to Satisfaction
The purpose of this research was to measure the quality of the companies that belong to the hotel sector in Peru; and compare the difference between those that have implemented a Quality Management System and those that no. To the above was used as a conceptual framework the study by Professor Benzaquen (2013), ISO 9001 and TQM in Latin American companies: Peru, which applies the nine factors of Total Quality Management [TQM] to different companies based on one instrument 35 questions. The nature of the research was quantitative, descriptive and explanatory. The research design was non-experimental and transversal. In the research, the instrument was applied to 169 hotel companies from three to five stars of Peru registered MINCETUR, and concluded that companies Sector Hotels in Peru with a System of Quality Management are significant differences in Quality factors with companies that do not have a QMS according to TQM. Senior Management, Quality Planning, Audit and Quality Assessment, Product Design, Quality Control and Process Improvement, Training and Education, Quality Circles and Approach to Satisfaction
Calidad total, Hoteles -- Perú, Investigación cuantitativa
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