Business consulting para el incremento de la capacidad de tratamiento de mineral en planta concentradora de la Mina Colquisiri
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La Minera Colquisiri S.A. fue fundada en el año 1981, es una compañía peruana
ubicada en la provincia de Huaral departamento de Lima, produce concentrados de zinc,
plomo y cobre, con contenido de plata, y se clasifica como mediana minería por su
producción de 1,660 toneladas métricas secas diarias (TMSD). La compañía está
comprometida con el desarrollo de una explotación sostenible, con la generación de valor
compartido y con la seguridad de sus colaboradores en todas sus actividades. Un hito
importante en la compañía se presentó a mediados del año 2018 donde se halló un nuevo
cuerpo de mineral denominado “Sofía D”, que amplió la vida útil del yacimiento de mineral a
un tiempo no menor de 10 años y que aportará el 46% de la producción futura. A razón de
este hallazgo, se cuenta con un proyecto de incremento de producción a 2,200 TMSD para el
año 2023, el cual es motivo de esta tesis.
Para identificar el problema central se planteó la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las
limitantes que afronta la compañía para incrementar la producción a 2,200 TMSD?, para dar
respuesta a esta interrogante se estableció una metodología de resolución de problemas
compuesta por cuatro pasos que van desde el levantamiento de información hasta la matriz
multivotación, la que permitió identificar el problema central, siendo este la limitada
capacidad de producción de la planta concentradora. Luego, haciendo uso del diagrama de
Ishikawa, se identificaron las principales causas raíz, siendo estas: la falta de maquinaria de
mayor procesamiento, la mala distribución de la planta concentradora, la falta de personal
técnico y obrero, y la falta de proyección a largo plazo.
Para solucionar las causas raíz antes señaladas, se realizaron estudios de capacidad de
planta y distribución óptima de la unidad minera, así como el dimensionamiento de la mano
de obra actual y proyectada, identificando soluciones orientadas a: la compra de equipos para
reemplazo o adición, mejoras en la distribución de áreas de la unidad minera y la contratación de personal adicional. Asimismo, se debe implementar el plan estratégico 2021-2025 para
lograr la continuidad del negocio, así como fortalecer la cultura y valores organizacionales
ante las exigencias de explotación e incertidumbre económica mundial por la pandemia
Finalmente, se propone un plan de implementación que contempla 23 actividades y
una inversion total de $ 9’388,000; en este sentido, se definieron los factores claves de éxito
orientados a la gestion y capacidades técnicas requeridas, así como las expectativas en los
cuatro frentes de solución propuestos, teniendo como resultado esperado en términos macro
el incremento de producción a 2,200 TMSD.
Minera Colquisiri S.A founded in 1981 is a Peruvian company located in Huaral, province of Lima. Its core business is the production of concentrate of zinc, lead and cooper being classified as a medium size mining company due to its production of 1,660 daily metric dry tons (DMDT). The company is committed to sustainable sources and the safety of its workers. An important milestone of the company was the discovery of a new mineral zone named ‘Sofía D’ during the 2nd half of 2018, hence the mineral deposit will contribute the 46% of the future productions and useful life was extended for at least another 10 more years. Due to this discover, there is an increase of the production development plan to 2,200 DMDT which is the subject of this study case thesis. To make sure that the company will be able to achieve its estimate new production, we wonder, what are the challenges that the company has to deal with to be able to increase its production to 2,200 DMDT?. Firstly, a methodology of four steps problems solutions, including the gathering of relevant information as well the multivotation matrix, things that allowed the identification of the main issue that is the limited production capability of the central plant. Then, using the Ishikawa diagram, we were able to identified another main causes as the inexistent big volume processing machinery, the wrong distribution and design of the main machinery plant, the lack for the qualified personnel between technicians and labor and the lack of estimate of milestone to be achieved. As a solution plan for the above mentioned issues, a study of the plant capacity and an optimum distribution of the mining unity capacity were done including the measurement of the qualified labor employees, actual and estimate, being identified orientated solutions such as the buying of new specialized machineries to add or be replaced, improvements of the mining areas distributions and increases of hiring adequate personnel. On the same way, a new strategic company plan 2021-2025 must be implemented to achieve business continuity as well as strengthen the organizational culture and values in the face of the demands of new sustainable sources and global economic uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lastly, an implementation plan that includes 23 activities and a total investment of US$ 9’388,000 has been proposed including the definition of the key success factors that aimed the management and technical capacities required as well as the expectation of the four proposed solution fronts, with the aim of the macro terms the increase in production to 2,200 DMDT.
Minera Colquisiri S.A founded in 1981 is a Peruvian company located in Huaral, province of Lima. Its core business is the production of concentrate of zinc, lead and cooper being classified as a medium size mining company due to its production of 1,660 daily metric dry tons (DMDT). The company is committed to sustainable sources and the safety of its workers. An important milestone of the company was the discovery of a new mineral zone named ‘Sofía D’ during the 2nd half of 2018, hence the mineral deposit will contribute the 46% of the future productions and useful life was extended for at least another 10 more years. Due to this discover, there is an increase of the production development plan to 2,200 DMDT which is the subject of this study case thesis. To make sure that the company will be able to achieve its estimate new production, we wonder, what are the challenges that the company has to deal with to be able to increase its production to 2,200 DMDT?. Firstly, a methodology of four steps problems solutions, including the gathering of relevant information as well the multivotation matrix, things that allowed the identification of the main issue that is the limited production capability of the central plant. Then, using the Ishikawa diagram, we were able to identified another main causes as the inexistent big volume processing machinery, the wrong distribution and design of the main machinery plant, the lack for the qualified personnel between technicians and labor and the lack of estimate of milestone to be achieved. As a solution plan for the above mentioned issues, a study of the plant capacity and an optimum distribution of the mining unity capacity were done including the measurement of the qualified labor employees, actual and estimate, being identified orientated solutions such as the buying of new specialized machineries to add or be replaced, improvements of the mining areas distributions and increases of hiring adequate personnel. On the same way, a new strategic company plan 2021-2025 must be implemented to achieve business continuity as well as strengthen the organizational culture and values in the face of the demands of new sustainable sources and global economic uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lastly, an implementation plan that includes 23 activities and a total investment of US$ 9’388,000 has been proposed including the definition of the key success factors that aimed the management and technical capacities required as well as the expectation of the four proposed solution fronts, with the aim of the macro terms the increase in production to 2,200 DMDT.
Industria minera, Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica
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