Relaciones de poder de género en la comprensión de los episodios de ruptura y resolución de una sesión de la fase media de un proceso de psicoterapia breve con una mujer víctima de violencia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El estudio tiene el propósito de describir y comprender el lugar que ocupan las
relaciones de poder de género en los episodios de ruptura y resolución de una sesión de la fase
media de un proceso de psicoterapia breve con una mujer violentada. Para conseguirlo se
realizó un análisis de los episodios de ruptura y resolución a partir del Manual de Ruptura y
Resolución (Eubanks, Muran y Safran, 2015), y se incorporó la mirada del análisis del discurso
con enfoque crítico (Fairclough, 1992, 1995, 2013; Zavala, 2012) a los episodios codificados.
Esto, con el fin de organizar las características emergentes ligadas a las relaciones de poder
género a partir de diferentes ejes temáticos. Las características emergentes ligadas al género
halladas en la presente investigación son la desconfianza hacia los hombres, la percepción de
sometimiento y control por parte de estos, así como las representaciones de masculinidad
hegemónica y de feminidad que se traducen en las identidades que se construyen paciente y
terapeuta. En este sentido, se encontró que estas características emergentes juegan un rol
importante en la pugna por el poder que se refleja en los momentos de tensión de la sesión, es
decir en los episodios de ruptura. Se plantea una discusión que busca profundizar en la
importancia de los episodios de ruptura para comprender las relaciones de poder que entran en
conflicto en la relación terapéutica, así como el valor de la situación terapéutica como escenario
de transformación de las relaciones de poder de género hegemónicas sobre todo en casos de
violencia hacia la mujer.
This study aims to describe and understand the role of gendered power interactions in alliance ruptures and resolutions in the mid-phase of short-term psychoanalytical psychotherapy with a woman who has suffered domestic violence. With this objective, ruptures and resolutions were identified using the Rupture-Resolution Rating System (3RS) (Eubanks, Safran & Muran, 2015), and a critical discourse analysis view was incorporated (Fairclough, 1992, 1995, 2013; Zavala, 2012) to the ruptures identified. This analysis was done to organize the emergent characteristics associated with gendered power interactions. The emergent characteristics found were: distrust in the relationship with men; perception of submission and coercive control in the relationship with men; and representations of hegemonic masculinity and femineity that translate to the identities built between patient and therapist. Results state that these emergent characteristics associated with gender play an essential role in pursuing power in the therapeutic relationship, specifically in alliance ruptures. Further discussion was proposed to deepen the understanding that alliance ruptures have on gendered power interactions and conflict elicited in the therapeutic setting. The value of the therapeutic relationship as an important stage for transformation in the gendered power interactions and its relevance in cases of violence against women is highlighted.
This study aims to describe and understand the role of gendered power interactions in alliance ruptures and resolutions in the mid-phase of short-term psychoanalytical psychotherapy with a woman who has suffered domestic violence. With this objective, ruptures and resolutions were identified using the Rupture-Resolution Rating System (3RS) (Eubanks, Safran & Muran, 2015), and a critical discourse analysis view was incorporated (Fairclough, 1992, 1995, 2013; Zavala, 2012) to the ruptures identified. This analysis was done to organize the emergent characteristics associated with gendered power interactions. The emergent characteristics found were: distrust in the relationship with men; perception of submission and coercive control in the relationship with men; and representations of hegemonic masculinity and femineity that translate to the identities built between patient and therapist. Results state that these emergent characteristics associated with gender play an essential role in pursuing power in the therapeutic relationship, specifically in alliance ruptures. Further discussion was proposed to deepen the understanding that alliance ruptures have on gendered power interactions and conflict elicited in the therapeutic setting. The value of the therapeutic relationship as an important stage for transformation in the gendered power interactions and its relevance in cases of violence against women is highlighted.
Psicoterapia breve, Violencia contra la mujer--Aspectos psicológicos, Relaciones de pareja--Conflictos, Psicoanálisis