Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución de observancia obligatoria del Tribunal Fiscal No.07308-2-2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El 24 de agosto de 2019 se emitió la Resolución de observancia obligatoria 07308-2-
2019 mediante la cual el Tribunal Fiscal fijo como criterio vinculante la imposibilidad
de controvertir una observación aceptada mediante una declaración jurada
rectificatoria. El presente informe jurídico contiene un análisis crítico de dicho criterio
basado en tres premisas: I) La declaración tributaria (rectificatoria) no constituye un
acto de determinación definitivo; II) la imposibilidad de reclamar una Resolución de
Determinación, pese a existir controversia tributaria, vulnera el derecho de defensa
del contribuyente y III) El Tribunal Fiscal supone equivocadamente que el
allanamiento tributario tiene asidero en nuestra normativa tributaria.
On August 24, 2019, Resolution of mandatory observance 07308-2-2019 was issued by which the Tax Court fixed as a binding criterion the impossibility to dispute an accepted tax observation through a rectifying tax affidavit. This legal report contains a critical analysis of such criterion based on three premises: I) The (rectifying) tax affidavit does not constitute a definitive determination; II) the impossibility of claiming a Determination Resolution, despite the existence of a tax controversy, violates the taxpayer's right of defense and III) The Tax Court points out wrongly that the objections acceptance is supported by our tax regulation.
On August 24, 2019, Resolution of mandatory observance 07308-2-2019 was issued by which the Tax Court fixed as a binding criterion the impossibility to dispute an accepted tax observation through a rectifying tax affidavit. This legal report contains a critical analysis of such criterion based on three premises: I) The (rectifying) tax affidavit does not constitute a definitive determination; II) the impossibility of claiming a Determination Resolution, despite the existence of a tax controversy, violates the taxpayer's right of defense and III) The Tax Court points out wrongly that the objections acceptance is supported by our tax regulation.
Administración tributaria, Tribunales fiscales--Perú, Impuestos
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