Plan de negocios para la implementación del aplicativo Smart Fashion que conecta a diseñadores de modas con consumidores de prendas de vestir
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El consumo de prendas de vestir de moda en el mercado peruano muestra un
incremento razonable, es así que se estima un crecimiento del 49% de las ventas para el año
2023. Esto está relacionado directamente con el incremento de los centros comerciales y
tiendas especializadas durante los últimos años, los cuales son visitados por el consumidor
peruano, principalmente de los niveles socioeconómicos A, B y C (BlackSip, 2019). Sin
embargo, el perfil del consumidor peruano está evolucionando y exigen cada vez más
productos personalizados, que puedan adquirirlos desde el lugar de su conveniencia y por
canales electrónicos (Angus & Westbrook, 2020).
Por otra parte, a raíz de una investigación de mercado realizada como parte del
proyecto de negocio, se detectó que del 100% de entrevistados que acuden a comprar sus
prendas de vestir, el 81% indicaron que no quedan totalmente satisfechos ya que los modelos,
tallas y colores no siempre son lo que esperan. Adicionalmente, el 63% indicó que antes de
comprar sus prendas de vestir, acude a dos o tres lugares para realizar comparaciones o
buscar mejores opciones. De ello, se deduce que la oferta actual y la modalidad de venta de
las prendas de vestir no son del todo satisfactorias para el consumidor peruano. Es por este
motivo que, ante la necesidad identificada, el presente proyecto de negocio propone la
creación de un aplicativo móvil llamado Smart Fashion, en el cual el consumidor peruano
accederá a catálogos de prendas de vestir diseñadas y confeccionadas por diseñadores de
moda peruanos y en la cual tendrá la posibilidad de personalizar su prenda de vestir de
acuerdo con el modelo, talla y diseño de su conveniencia.
Smart Fashion, es un aplicativo que adopta el modelo de negocio de plataforma
multilateral, el cual interconecta a dos grupos de clientes. El primero de estos grupos está
conformado por los profesionales del diseño de modas, que expondrán sus diseños y
catálogos al otro grupo de clientes (consumidores finales). El segundo grupo contiene a los consumidores finales de prendas de vestir, los que tendrán la posibilidad de elegir,
personalizar y comprar la prenda de su preferencia tan sólo ingresando y registrándose en el
aplicativo. Al realizar una elección, el cliente final tendrá la posibilidad de entrevistarse con
el diseñador para la personalización y otros detalles de la prenda, finalmente concretarán la
compra a través de un proceso de pago ágil y seguro.
Asimismo, el desarrollo del presente proyecto formula la estrategia de Smart Fashion
para la consecución de los objetivos propuestos como negocio, la cual se ve soportada en la
propuesta de los planes de marketing, operaciones, recursos humanos y finanzas. En el
ámbito financiero se realizó la evaluación del proyecto y entre los principales indicadores se
presenta la proyección de ventas, el cual contempla que para el primer año de operación se
alcanzará los S/ 2’586,322. Luego, al término del año cinco, las ventas estimadas llegarán a
S/3’613,319. La ganancia neta promedio al finalizar el primer año es de S/ 62,455 y para el
quinto año es de S/ 123,644.
Finalmente, el valor actual neto (VAN) del flujo de caja económico o del negocio se
estimaría en un monto de S/ 142,044, mientras que el VAN del flujo de caja financiero o
también llamada del inversionista se estimaría en un monto de S/ 144,064. Adicionalmente la
tasa interna de retorno (TIR) del flujo de caja financiero es de 50.22%. Con los resultados de
las principales ratios financieros expuestos para evaluar la viabilidad del plan de negocio, se
colige que el plan de negocio resulta viable, por lo cual recomendamos su implementación y
puesta en marcha.
The consumption of fashion clothing in the Peruvian market is on the rise, which is why a growth of 49% in sales is estimated for the year 2023. This is mainly reflected in the increase in shopping centers and specialized stores in recent years, which is visited by the Peruvian client mainly from socioeconomic levels A, B and C (BlackSip, 2019). However, the Peruvian consumer has been evolving and demands more and more personalized products, which can be purchased from the place of their convenience and through electronic channels (Angus & Westbrook, 2020). On the other hand, because of a market research carried out as part of the business project, it was detected that of the 100% of those interviewed who go to buy their clothing, 81% indicate that they are not completely satisfied since the models, sizes and colors are not always what they expect. Additionally, 63% indicated that they go between two and three places before buying their clothing. It follows from this that the current offer and method of sale of clothing is not entirely satisfactory for the Peruvian consumer. Given this, this business project proposes the creation of a mobile application called Smart Fashion, in which the Peruvian consumer can access catalogs of garments designed and made by fashion designers, and in which they can customize their garment to dress according to the model, size and design of your convenience. Smart Fashion is an application that adopts the multilateral platform business model, in which it interconnects two groups of clients, made up on the one hand by fashion design professionals, who are designers with studies in the professional design career of fashion in which through the application they will be able to expose their catalogs with their designs which will be offered in favor of the other group of clients, which are the consumers of clothing that will be able to access and buy the garment of their preference just by entering and registering in the application. Choosing the garment of your preference, you will be able to coordinate and meet with the designer for the customization of the garment and finalizing the purchase through a payment process will be agile and safe. Likewise, the development of this project formulates the Smart Fashion strategy to achieve the objectives proposed as a business, which is supported by the proposed marketing, operations, and human resources operational plans. On the other hand, the financial evaluation of the project was made, among the main indicators the sales projection begins for the first year of operation is estimated at S/ 2’586,322 and then to the end of year five with estimated sales of S/3’613,319. The average net profit at the end of the first year is S/62,455 and for the fifth year it is S/123,644. Finally, the net present value (NPV) of the economic or business cash flow would be estimated at an amount of S/ 142,044, while the NPV of the financial cash flow or also the investor's call would be estimated at an amount of S/144,064. Additionally, the internal rate of return (IRR) of the financial cash flow is 50.22%. With the results of the main financial ratios exposed to evaluate the viability of the business plan, it is concluded that the business plan is viable, for which we recommend its implementation and start-up.
The consumption of fashion clothing in the Peruvian market is on the rise, which is why a growth of 49% in sales is estimated for the year 2023. This is mainly reflected in the increase in shopping centers and specialized stores in recent years, which is visited by the Peruvian client mainly from socioeconomic levels A, B and C (BlackSip, 2019). However, the Peruvian consumer has been evolving and demands more and more personalized products, which can be purchased from the place of their convenience and through electronic channels (Angus & Westbrook, 2020). On the other hand, because of a market research carried out as part of the business project, it was detected that of the 100% of those interviewed who go to buy their clothing, 81% indicate that they are not completely satisfied since the models, sizes and colors are not always what they expect. Additionally, 63% indicated that they go between two and three places before buying their clothing. It follows from this that the current offer and method of sale of clothing is not entirely satisfactory for the Peruvian consumer. Given this, this business project proposes the creation of a mobile application called Smart Fashion, in which the Peruvian consumer can access catalogs of garments designed and made by fashion designers, and in which they can customize their garment to dress according to the model, size and design of your convenience. Smart Fashion is an application that adopts the multilateral platform business model, in which it interconnects two groups of clients, made up on the one hand by fashion design professionals, who are designers with studies in the professional design career of fashion in which through the application they will be able to expose their catalogs with their designs which will be offered in favor of the other group of clients, which are the consumers of clothing that will be able to access and buy the garment of their preference just by entering and registering in the application. Choosing the garment of your preference, you will be able to coordinate and meet with the designer for the customization of the garment and finalizing the purchase through a payment process will be agile and safe. Likewise, the development of this project formulates the Smart Fashion strategy to achieve the objectives proposed as a business, which is supported by the proposed marketing, operations, and human resources operational plans. On the other hand, the financial evaluation of the project was made, among the main indicators the sales projection begins for the first year of operation is estimated at S/ 2’586,322 and then to the end of year five with estimated sales of S/3’613,319. The average net profit at the end of the first year is S/62,455 and for the fifth year it is S/123,644. Finally, the net present value (NPV) of the economic or business cash flow would be estimated at an amount of S/ 142,044, while the NPV of the financial cash flow or also the investor's call would be estimated at an amount of S/144,064. Additionally, the internal rate of return (IRR) of the financial cash flow is 50.22%. With the results of the main financial ratios exposed to evaluate the viability of the business plan, it is concluded that the business plan is viable, for which we recommend its implementation and start-up.
Comercio electrónico, Dispositivos móviles--Aplicaciones, Prendas de vestir--Comercialización--Perú
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