Business consulting a la empresa Smart Reasons S.R.L.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar a Smart Reasons, una
empresa dedicada a la implementación de soluciones tecnológicas que ofrece diferentes
alternativas en el área de desarrollo de software. Se identificaron cuatro problemas en la
organización luego de aplicar el método empírico-analítico y la descomposición de los
elementos para estudiar sus causas y realizar un análisis profundo del contenido de las
entrevistas semi estructuradas efectuadas vía telefónica al Gerente General, Gerente
Comercial, Gerente de Desarrollo I + D de la empresa, además de las reuniones con el
Gerente General para discutir dichos problemas que están afectando el pleno desarrollo de
sus actividades y los resultados económicos esperados. El problema principal que se
determinó tras la realización del business consulting fue la disminución de las ventas en el
2018, debido a que los ingresos percibidos no generaron ningún tipo de oportunidad de
crecimiento para la compañía. La problemática fue originada por la falta de respaldo
económico, la ausencia de un mapa estratégico, la falta de un área de administración de
contratos (área legal interna) y la pérdida de negocio del rubro minero porque los ingresos de
la organización se basaban en un 100% de las ventas en dicho sector. Por esa razón, se diseñó
un mapa estratégico para darle solución al problema de la disminución de las ventas, lograr
tanto excelencia operativa como liderazgo en producto y finalmente la consolidación de las
relaciones con los clientes. La implementación de este mapa estratégico requiere de una
inversión total de S/ 55,000.00; dicho monto será recuperado en un período de 2.27 años, con
un beneficio / costo de 2.09. Esto significa que por cada sol que los socios de la empresa
inviertan en el mapa estratégico, recuperan 1.09 soles, convirtiéndolo en un proyecto
económicamente viable.
The main objective of this research is to analyze Smart Reasons, a company dedicated to the implementation of technological solutions that offers different alternatives in the software development area. Four problems in the organization were identified after applying the empirical-analytical method and the decomposition of the elements to study their causes and carry out a deep analysis of the content of the semi-structured interviews carried out by telephone with the General Manager, Commercial Manager, R&D Development Manager of the company, in addition to the meetings with the General Manager to discuss the problems that are affecting the full development of their activities and the expected economic results. The main problem determined after the business consulting was the decrease in sales in 2018, since the income received did not offer any kind of growth opportunity. The problem was originated by the lack of financial support, the absence of strategic plan, the lack of contract management area (internal legal area) and the loss of the mining business because the organization´s income was based on 100% of sales in that sector. For this reason, a strategic map was designed to solve the problem of sales decline, achieve both operational excellence and product leadership, and finally the consolidation of customer relationships. The implementation of this strategic map requires a total investment of S/55,000; this amount will be recovered in a period of 2.27 years, with a benefit/cost of 2.09. This means that for every Sol that the partners of the company invest in the plan, they will recover S/1.09, making it an economically viable project.
The main objective of this research is to analyze Smart Reasons, a company dedicated to the implementation of technological solutions that offers different alternatives in the software development area. Four problems in the organization were identified after applying the empirical-analytical method and the decomposition of the elements to study their causes and carry out a deep analysis of the content of the semi-structured interviews carried out by telephone with the General Manager, Commercial Manager, R&D Development Manager of the company, in addition to the meetings with the General Manager to discuss the problems that are affecting the full development of their activities and the expected economic results. The main problem determined after the business consulting was the decrease in sales in 2018, since the income received did not offer any kind of growth opportunity. The problem was originated by the lack of financial support, the absence of strategic plan, the lack of contract management area (internal legal area) and the loss of the mining business because the organization´s income was based on 100% of sales in that sector. For this reason, a strategic map was designed to solve the problem of sales decline, achieve both operational excellence and product leadership, and finally the consolidation of customer relationships. The implementation of this strategic map requires a total investment of S/55,000; this amount will be recovered in a period of 2.27 years, with a benefit/cost of 2.09. This means that for every Sol that the partners of the company invest in the plan, they will recover S/1.09, making it an economically viable project.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Soluciones tecnológicas