Plan estratégico de la Asociación Cultural La Tarumba
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento propone un Planeamiento Estratégico para La Tarumba 2021-
2023, con la finalidad de fortalecer su tránsito hacia la excelencia en los dos servicios que
presta: los espectáculos de circo y los talleres de teatro, circo y música arte para niños, niñas
y adolescentes. Este planeamiento estratégico analiza los problemas estructurales de la
organización y los contextualiza frente a las adversidades que impone la pandemia sobre las
actividades de aglomeración, como son las artes escénicas y la educación.
La metodología empleada se basa en un proceso estratégico que desarrolla un
conjunto de pruebas que se aplican de manera secuencial, las cuales permiten una iteración
constante para identificar las mejores estrategias que surjan del cruce de las fortalezas,
oportunidades, debilidades y amenazas. A partir de ello, se diseñan los objetivos de largo y
corto plazo que permitan a La Tarumba crecer y diversificar mejor sus ingresos; fortalecer su
cultura organizacional que representa la base de su desarrollo, y ampliar el reconocimiento de
su propuesta en el público para el cumplimiento de su misión social.
Finalmente, este plan estratégico contiene información y análisis relevante para otras
organizaciones culturales del Perú que buscan una mayor profesionalidad y sostenibilidad en
su desarrollo y que, frente a la pandemia, pueden desaparecer. Esta tesis es un ejemplo de
cómo poner en valor la propuesta artística, de circo peruano; de la pedagógica, basada en el
juego, la creatividad y el afecto, y del reconocimiento y trayectoria de la organización para
superar la crisis sanitario y salir fortalecidos de ella.
This document propuse a Strategic Planning for La Tarumba 2021-2023, in order to strengthen its path towards excellence in the two services it provides: circo shows and theater, circus and art music workshops for children. This strategic planning analyzes the structural problems of the organization and contextualizes them in terms of the adversities brougth by the pandemic for agglomeration activities, such as the performing arts and education. The methodology used is based on a strategic process that develops a set of tests sequentially applied, which allow a constant iteration to identify the best strategies that arise from the crossing of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. Based on this, long and short-term objectives are designed for the grown and better diversify of the La Tarumba income; strengthen its organizational culture that represents the basis of its development, and expand the recognition of its proposal in the public for the fulfillment of its social mission. Finally, this strategic plan contains information and relevant analysis for other cultural organizations in Peru that seek greater sustainability in their development and that, in the face of the pandemic, may disappear. This thesis is an example of how to value the artistic proposal, of the Peruvian circus; pedagogical, based on play, creativity and affection, and the recognition and trajectory of the organization to overcome the health crisis and emerge stronger from it.
This document propuse a Strategic Planning for La Tarumba 2021-2023, in order to strengthen its path towards excellence in the two services it provides: circo shows and theater, circus and art music workshops for children. This strategic planning analyzes the structural problems of the organization and contextualizes them in terms of the adversities brougth by the pandemic for agglomeration activities, such as the performing arts and education. The methodology used is based on a strategic process that develops a set of tests sequentially applied, which allow a constant iteration to identify the best strategies that arise from the crossing of strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. Based on this, long and short-term objectives are designed for the grown and better diversify of the La Tarumba income; strengthen its organizational culture that represents the basis of its development, and expand the recognition of its proposal in the public for the fulfillment of its social mission. Finally, this strategic plan contains information and relevant analysis for other cultural organizations in Peru that seek greater sustainability in their development and that, in the face of the pandemic, may disappear. This thesis is an example of how to value the artistic proposal, of the Peruvian circus; pedagogical, based on play, creativity and affection, and the recognition and trajectory of the organization to overcome the health crisis and emerge stronger from it.
Planificación estratégica, Artes escénicas, Circos--Perú, Desarrollo sostenible, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Prevención