Estilos parentales y resiliencia en adolescentes de nivel socioeconómico bajo de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio buscó determinar la relación entre los estilos parentales y la
resiliencia en un grupo de adolescentes de Lima Metropolitana de nivel socioeconómico
bajo. Además, se buscó comparar los niveles de Cuidado y Sobreprotección materna y
paterna percibidos de acuerdo al sexo de los participantes, así como los factores de
resiliencia de acuerdo al sexo. Para ello, se aplicó el Instrumento del vínculo parental
(PBI) y la Escala de Resiliencia para adolescentes (READ) a 100 adolescentes de 16 y
17 años (M=16.24; DE= 0.43) de ambos sexos (51% hombres y 49% mujeres) , de
nivel socioeconómico bajo que cursaban el quinto grado de secundaria en tres colegios
nacionales de Lima Metropolitana. Se encontraron correlaciones positivas entre la
dimensión de Cuidado materno y paterno y los factores de resiliencia. Además, se
hallaron correlaciones negativas entre la dimensión de Sobreprotección paterna y
algunos factores de resiliencia tales como Competencia social, Cohesión familiar y
Orientación a metas. Asimismo, se encontraron diferencias significativas en la
dimensión Sobreprotección paterna de acuerdo al sexo siendo esta mayor en las
mujeres. Por otro lado, no se encontraron diferencias significativas en la resiliencia
según sexo. Se concluye que aquellos adolescentes que viven en contextos
empobrecidos y perciben un mayor Cuidado de ambos progenitores así como menor
Sobreprotección paterna, presentan mayores niveles de resiliencia.
The present study sought to determine the relationship between parental styles and resilience in a group of adolescents of low socioeconomic level in Lima. In addition, perceived levels of maternal and paternal Care and Overprotection according to the sex of the participants were compared, as well as the factors of resilience according to sex. Data was gathered using the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) and the Resilience Scale for Adolescents (READ) for a sample of 100 adolescents aged 16 and 17 (M=16.24; SD= 0.43) of both sexes of low socioeconomic status who attended the fifth grade of high school in three public schools of Lima. Positive correlations were found between maternal and paternal Care and resilience factors. In addition, negative correlations were found between paternal Overprotection and some resilience factors such as Social competence, Family cohesion and Goal orientation. Likewise, significant differences were found in paternal Overprotection according to sex showing greater levels in women. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in resilience according to sex. It is concluded that adolescents living in impoverished environments and who perceive greater Care from both parents as well as lower paternal Overprotection, have higher levels of resilience.
The present study sought to determine the relationship between parental styles and resilience in a group of adolescents of low socioeconomic level in Lima. In addition, perceived levels of maternal and paternal Care and Overprotection according to the sex of the participants were compared, as well as the factors of resilience according to sex. Data was gathered using the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) and the Resilience Scale for Adolescents (READ) for a sample of 100 adolescents aged 16 and 17 (M=16.24; SD= 0.43) of both sexes of low socioeconomic status who attended the fifth grade of high school in three public schools of Lima. Positive correlations were found between maternal and paternal Care and resilience factors. In addition, negative correlations were found between paternal Overprotection and some resilience factors such as Social competence, Family cohesion and Goal orientation. Likewise, significant differences were found in paternal Overprotection according to sex showing greater levels in women. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in resilience according to sex. It is concluded that adolescents living in impoverished environments and who perceive greater Care from both parents as well as lower paternal Overprotection, have higher levels of resilience.
Resiliencia en adolescentes, Relaciones familiares, Padres e hijos, Psicología del adolescente
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