Rotación laboral voluntaria en las agencias de viajes en la Ciudad del Cusco
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente es una investigación descriptiva, con enfoque cualitativo, que se ha
desarrollado con el objetivo de determinar los factores internos y externos que originan la
rotación laboral voluntaria en las agencias de viajes en la ciudad de Cusco. La técnica de
investigación que se ha utilizado es la del método de casos, analizando 19 empresas, que de
acuerdo con la saturación fue suficiente para conocer la realidad. Los resultados indican que
existen altos niveles de rotación en las agencias de viajes de Cusco, donde los colaboradores
duran en sus trabajos entre dos y tres años, retirándose principalmente por la búsqueda de
mayores oportunidades de desarrollo profesional o mejores ingresos.
Al analizar los factores internos, se encontró que no hay un liderazgo claro al interior
de las organizaciones, por lo que no se crea en los empleados un sentido de pertenencia y no
se han creado climas organizacionales apropiados. Se conoció que los colaboradores son
evaluados anualmente, aunque no en todos los casos, pero con estos resultados no se brinda
retroalimentación ni se hacen planes de carrera, lo que lleva a que los colaboradores sientan
que no tienen oportunidades de crecer profesionalmente. Todo esto conduce a la
insatisfacción con el trabajo, aunque no es percibida claramente por los jefes, y se crea la
intención de rotar, que al complementarse con la existencia de oportunidades en el mercado
laboral produce la rotación de los trabajadores. Esto sin duda trae costos a las empresas, al
tener que reclutar, seleccionar y capacitar a los nuevos empleados
This a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach that has been developed with the objective of determining the internal and external factors that originate the voluntary work rotation in the travel agencies of the city of Cusco. The research technique that has been used is that of the case method, analyzing 19 companies, which according to the saturation was enough to know the reality. The results indicate that there are high levels of rotation in travel agencies in Cusco, where employees last between two and three years, mainly withdrawing by seeking greater opportunities for professional development or better income. Through the analysis of internal factors, researchers found that there are not clear leaderships within organizations, so there is no sense of belonging and no appropriate organizational climates have been created. Collaborators are evaluated annually, but not in all cases, but with these results no feedback is provided or career plans are made, which leads employees to feel that they do not have opportunities to grow professionally. All this leads to dissatisfaction with work, although it is not perceived clearly by the bosses, and the intention is created to rotate, which, when complemented by the existence of opportunities in the labor market, produces the rotation of the workers. This undoubtedly brings costs to companies, having to recruit, select and train new employees
This a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach that has been developed with the objective of determining the internal and external factors that originate the voluntary work rotation in the travel agencies of the city of Cusco. The research technique that has been used is that of the case method, analyzing 19 companies, which according to the saturation was enough to know the reality. The results indicate that there are high levels of rotation in travel agencies in Cusco, where employees last between two and three years, mainly withdrawing by seeking greater opportunities for professional development or better income. Through the analysis of internal factors, researchers found that there are not clear leaderships within organizations, so there is no sense of belonging and no appropriate organizational climates have been created. Collaborators are evaluated annually, but not in all cases, but with these results no feedback is provided or career plans are made, which leads employees to feel that they do not have opportunities to grow professionally. All this leads to dissatisfaction with work, although it is not perceived clearly by the bosses, and the intention is created to rotate, which, when complemented by the existence of opportunities in the labor market, produces the rotation of the workers. This undoubtedly brings costs to companies, having to recruit, select and train new employees
Satisfacción en el trabajo, Investigación cualitativa
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