Discapacidad física y sentido de persona: significados y narrativas en torno a las trayectorias laborales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los estudios de la discapacidad permiten notar que los paradigmas de eficiencia,
trabajo y productividad de las personas adultas están construidos desde perspectivas
capacitistas que no consideran las diversidades físicas, sensoriales, psicosociales e
intelectuales existentes. Impuestas sobre las personas con discapacidad, estas
expectativas pueden ocasionar una erosión del sentido de persona adulta y
trabajadora, que se construye, a su vez, a partir de los significados del entorno social
y laboral. Esta investigación busca explorar el modo en que las personas con
discapacidad física experimentan y significan su sentido de persona ante los cambios
y continuidades en sus trayectorias laborales. Se analizan sus trayectorias laborales
y sus itinerarios corporales; la construcción de narrativas en torno a su cuerpo y las
expectativas laborales; además de la resignificación y reconstrucción de la experiencia
corporizada en el marco de sus procesos de recuperación. Para ello, se considera un
enfoque fenomenológico que conceptualiza al cuerpo como un agente activo y una
fuente de subjetividad, así como una dimensión constitutiva del ser. A partir de un
trabajo etnográfico, se estudiaron seis casos de personas adultas con alguna
discapacidad en los miembros superiores que residen en Lima (Perú).
Disability studies show that the paradigms of efficiency, work and productivity of adults are built from ableist perspectives that do not consider the physical, sensory, psychosocial and intellectual diversities. Imposed on people with disabilities, these expectations can lead to an erosion of their full-adult personhood, which is constructed from the significance of the social and work environment. This research seeks to explore how people with physical disabilities experience and signify their personhood in the face of changes and continuities in their work trajectories. It analyzes their labor trajectories and their bodily itineraries; the construction of narratives around their body and work expectations; in addition to the resignification and reconstruction of the embodied experience within their recovery processes. For this purpose, a phenomenological approach is considered, which conceptualizes the body as an active agent and a source of subjectivity, as well as a constitutive dimension of the self. From an ethnographic approach, the research studied six case studies of adults with upper limb disabilities residing in Lima (Peru).
Disability studies show that the paradigms of efficiency, work and productivity of adults are built from ableist perspectives that do not consider the physical, sensory, psychosocial and intellectual diversities. Imposed on people with disabilities, these expectations can lead to an erosion of their full-adult personhood, which is constructed from the significance of the social and work environment. This research seeks to explore how people with physical disabilities experience and signify their personhood in the face of changes and continuities in their work trajectories. It analyzes their labor trajectories and their bodily itineraries; the construction of narratives around their body and work expectations; in addition to the resignification and reconstruction of the embodied experience within their recovery processes. For this purpose, a phenomenological approach is considered, which conceptualizes the body as an active agent and a source of subjectivity, as well as a constitutive dimension of the self. From an ethnographic approach, the research studied six case studies of adults with upper limb disabilities residing in Lima (Peru).
Personas con discapacidad--Empleo--Perú--Lima, Personas con discapacidad--Perú--Lima--Condiciones sociales, Mercado de trabajo--Perú--Lima
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