Planeamiento estratégico para la industria textil del hilado de algodón de Arequipa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El plan estratégico para la industria textil del hilado de algodón de Arequipa busca
potenciar el crecimiento de la industria en términos de valor y cantidad de exportación,
posicionando este producto en el mercado internacional como un producto de alta calidad,
aprovechando el crecimiento económico que tiene el país, así como las alianzas estratégicas
comerciales establecidas con diferentes países. A pesar que en los últimos años la industria
textil del hilado de algodón, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, ha tenido un
decrecimiento notable, también la producción nacional de algodón se ha reducido
drásticamente por políticas no favorables para su cultivo, dado que la mitad de la materia
prima para los hilados de algodón es exportada.
En la presente investigación se analizó la industria textil del hilado de algodón de la
región de Arequipa presentando alternativas y estrategias que permitirán desarrollar el sector
haciéndolo más competitivo y atractivo, haciendo énfasis en la formación de clúster entre los
diferentes participantes, desarrollando altos estándares de calidad en la producción con el fin
de poder alcanzar la competitividad que le hace falta al sector y posicionar los hilados del
algodón arequipeño en el mercado internacional, considerando que los países asiáticos tienen
gran cuota de mercado y su diferenciación es por bajos costos de producción.
Con los estudios realizados y las estrategias planteadas se tiene una alta probabilidad
de alcanzar los objetivos trazados para la industria y consecuentemente lograr la visión. Cada
uno de los participantes tiene la necesidad de hacer más competitivo el sector que beneficie al
crecimiento económico de la región y el país. El gobierno desempeñará un rol importante
para lograr los objetivos con políticas favorables a la exportación de productos textiles, así
como la producción del algodón
The strategic plan for the textile industry of cotton yarn of Arequipa seeks to promote the growth of the industry in terms of value and quantity of export, positioning it in the international market as a high-quality product, taking advantage as the economic growth of the country and the strategic commercial alliances that have with different countries. Although in recent years; the nationally and internationally cotton yarn textile industry has had a notable decrease, also the national cotton production has been drastically reduced by unfavorable policies to its cultivation, half of the raw material for cotton yarns is exported. In the present investigation, the cotton yarn textile industry of Arequipa region was analyzed, presenting alternatives and strategies that will allow developing the sector making it more competitive and attractive, emphasizing the formation of clusters between the different participants, developing high quality standards in production in order to achieve the competitiveness and to position it cotton yarn of Arequipa region in the international market, considering that Asian countries have a large market share and its differentiation is low production costs. With the studies and the strategies proposed, there is a high probability of achieving the objectives set for the industry, consequently achieving the vision. Each of the participants have the duty to make the sector more competitive to contribute at the economic growth of the region and the country. The government will play an important role in achieving the objectives making favorable policies to export the textile products and promoting the cotton production
The strategic plan for the textile industry of cotton yarn of Arequipa seeks to promote the growth of the industry in terms of value and quantity of export, positioning it in the international market as a high-quality product, taking advantage as the economic growth of the country and the strategic commercial alliances that have with different countries. Although in recent years; the nationally and internationally cotton yarn textile industry has had a notable decrease, also the national cotton production has been drastically reduced by unfavorable policies to its cultivation, half of the raw material for cotton yarns is exported. In the present investigation, the cotton yarn textile industry of Arequipa region was analyzed, presenting alternatives and strategies that will allow developing the sector making it more competitive and attractive, emphasizing the formation of clusters between the different participants, developing high quality standards in production in order to achieve the competitiveness and to position it cotton yarn of Arequipa region in the international market, considering that Asian countries have a large market share and its differentiation is low production costs. With the studies and the strategies proposed, there is a high probability of achieving the objectives set for the industry, consequently achieving the vision. Each of the participants have the duty to make the sector more competitive to contribute at the economic growth of the region and the country. The government will play an important role in achieving the objectives making favorable policies to export the textile products and promoting the cotton production
Algodón--Industria y comercio--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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