Factores que influyeron en las victorias electorales de los partidos nacionales frente a los movimientos regionales, en las elecciones regionales de Cusco 2002-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis, analiza los factores que influyeron en las victorias electorales de los Partidos
Nacionales frente a los Movimientos Regionales, en las elecciones Regionales del Cusco durante
el espacio entendido del 2002 al 2018, cuatro competencias electorales que ameritan resaltar el
formato que permitió que entraran en competencia los Partidos Políticos de nivel nacional y
Movimientos Regionales, quienes tuvieron que adaptarse, organizarse y disputarse las alianzas con
los líderes provinciales y Distritales.
Los resultados de las 4 ediciones electorales de la Región Cusco, arrojan resultados favorables
hacia los Partidos Políticos Nacionales, siendo el caso excepcional las elecciones del 2014 en la
cual resultó vencedor un Movimiento Regional (Movimiento Kausachun), de esta manera se
analizará la organización, desempeño y performance con las que cuentan las organizaciones
políticas de nivel y de Nivel Regional. Entrando en la arena electoral cada grupo político estructura
con anticipación las alianzas necesarias con los líderes locales, líderes de las provincias que el
garanticen el apoyo electoral para el triunfo, otro factor sumamente importante es la ideología
Izquierdista de los Partidos Políticos que son del agrado y sintonía del electorado Cusqueño.
La Región Cusco, ha preferido elegir autoridades provenientes de organizaciones de nivel nacional
demostrándose la hegemonía sobre los Movimientos Regionales, suceso contrario demuestran los
resultados de las Regiones sureñas del País, tales como; Puno, Arequipa, y Tacna que la mayoría
de veces han elegido autoridades Regionales provenientes de las organizaciones políticas
Regionales. El presente estudio entrega a la comunidad científica el comportamiento electoral que
experimenta la Región Cusco, en comparación a otras Regiones del país.
This thesis analyzes the factors that influenced the electoral victories of the National Parties over the Regional Movements, in the Regional elections of Cusco during the period from 2002 to 2018, four electoral competitions that deserve to highlight the format that allowed national level Political Parties and Regional Movements to enter the competition, who had to adapt, organize themselves and fight for alliances with provincial and District leaders. The results of the 4 electoral editions of the Cusco Region, show favorable results for the National Political Parties, being the exceptional case of the 2014 elections in which a Regional Movement (Kausachun Movement) was the winner, in this way we will analyze the organization and performance of the political organizations at the regional level. Entering to the electoral sand, each political group structures in advance the necessary alliances with local leaders, leaders of the provinces that guarantee the electoral support for the victory; another extremely important factor is the leftist ideology of the political parties that are liked and in tune with the Cusquenian electorate. The Cusco Region has preferred to elect authorities coming from national level organizations, demonstrating the hegemony over the Regional Movements, contrary to the results of the southern regions of the country, such as Puno, Arequipa, and Tacna, which most of the time have elected Regional authorities coming from Regional political organizations. The present study provides the scientific community with the electoral behavior experienced by the Cusco Region, in comparison to other regions of the country.
This thesis analyzes the factors that influenced the electoral victories of the National Parties over the Regional Movements, in the Regional elections of Cusco during the period from 2002 to 2018, four electoral competitions that deserve to highlight the format that allowed national level Political Parties and Regional Movements to enter the competition, who had to adapt, organize themselves and fight for alliances with provincial and District leaders. The results of the 4 electoral editions of the Cusco Region, show favorable results for the National Political Parties, being the exceptional case of the 2014 elections in which a Regional Movement (Kausachun Movement) was the winner, in this way we will analyze the organization and performance of the political organizations at the regional level. Entering to the electoral sand, each political group structures in advance the necessary alliances with local leaders, leaders of the provinces that guarantee the electoral support for the victory; another extremely important factor is the leftist ideology of the political parties that are liked and in tune with the Cusquenian electorate. The Cusco Region has preferred to elect authorities coming from national level organizations, demonstrating the hegemony over the Regional Movements, contrary to the results of the southern regions of the country, such as Puno, Arequipa, and Tacna, which most of the time have elected Regional authorities coming from Regional political organizations. The present study provides the scientific community with the electoral behavior experienced by the Cusco Region, in comparison to other regions of the country.
Partidos políticos--Perú--Cuzco, Regionalismo--Perú--Cuzco, Elecciones locales--Perú--Cuzco--Siglo XXI, Gobiernos subnacionales--Perú--Cuzco
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