Calidad en las empresas del sector privado de salud de la Región Ica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El derecho a la salud se encuentra contemplado en la Constitución Política del Perú de manera fundamental a cada ciudadano desde el inicio de su vida; sin embargo, a pesar que es el Estado el principal proveedor del servicio de salud, éste no logra cubrir de manera eficiente las necesidades de atención médicas en los diferentes centros de salud pública; por ello, nace la oportunidad de negocio para el sector privado que cuenta con las posibilidades de inversión para brindar un servicio eficiente en salud que cuente con las herramientas y mecanismos necesarios para cubrir los requerimientos de los usuarios. Frente a esta oportunidad de negocio, se busca cumplir la fórmula de eficiencia más rentabilidad con el objetivo de lograr alcanzar metas tanto para el inversor como para el consumidor final; es ese propósito el que hace imperiosa la necesidad de utilizar herramientas que hagan el proceso de manera eficiente y así lograr la calidad total mediante el uso de las herramientas de Administración de la Calidad Total, que redundarán en mejores resultados.
Para la presente investigación, se tomó como muestra 50 empresas del sector privado de salud de la región Ica, de una población de 100 empresas; luego se realizaron las entrevistas en función al cuestionario de 35 preguntas relacionados con los nueve factores de éxito de la Administración de la Calidad Total, que permitieron establecer dos hipótesis, las cuales son:
Hipótesis Nula Ho: No hay diferencia significativa entre las empresas que tienen SGC respecto de los factores de calidad con aquellas que no lo tienen.
Hipótesis alternativa H1: Existe diferencia significativa entre las empresas que tienen un SGC respecto de los factores de calidad con aquellas que no lo tienen.
Primero, se utilizó el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach, para medir la confiabilidad asociada a la relación entre las preguntas y los factores evaluados, se corrió el análisis en el programa SPSS 22 para cada factor agrupado en empresas que cuentan con un SGC implementado y las que no tienen; de este proceso se concluyó que tres de los nueve factores presentan un valor menor a 0.6 que indica poca confiabilidad en la correlación en las respuestas, es probable que ello ocurra por el pobre entendimiento de las preguntas al momento de realizar la encuesta.
Luego se procede a validar o rechazar las hipótesis planteadas y se demuestra que, ocho de los nueve factores presentan diferencias significativas, por lo que se rechaza la hipótesis nula, y se acepta la hipótesis alternativa; el factor en el cual no se encuentra diferencia significativa es control y mejoramiento del proceso. Así mismo se concluyó que de las empresas del sector privado de salud de la región Ica con SGC implementado tienen el factor con más puntuación en el de alta gerencia y liderazgo, y el de menor puntuación en el de auditoría y evaluación de calidad. En el caso de las empresas del sector salud privado de la región Ica sin SGC el factor de mayor puntuación fue el de enfoque hacia a satisfacción del cliente y el factor de menor puntuación fue el de auditoría y evaluación de la calidad
Health is a fundamental right under the Constitution of Peru that every citizen is granted from at beginning of his life. However, the state is the main health service provider, and fails to meet efficiently the basic features at different public health centers. So this is a business possibility for the private sector that have investment opportunities to provide efficient health services, because they have the tools and mechanisms needed to meet the requirements of users. Faced with this business opportunity to comply with the formula: efficiency and profitability in order to achieve goals for both the invertor and the consumer. Accomplish that purpose makes it imperative to use tools that facilitate an efficient process and thus achieve total quality by using the tools of Total Quality Management, which will translate into better results. For this investigation, it was taken as sample 50 private sector health companies of the Ica region, with a population of 100 companies. Then interviews function questionnaire 35 questions related to the nine factors of success of the Total Quality Management were made. This allowed to establish two hypotheses: Null hypothesis Ho: There is no significant difference between companies that have QMS regarding quality factors with those that do not. Alternative hypothesis H1: There is significant difference between companies that have a QMS regarding quality factors with those that do not. First, measure the reliability of the document associated with the relationship between questions and evaluated factors was used Cronbach's Alpha. The analysis was run in SPSS 22 program for each factor grouped into companies that have a QMS implemented and that they do not have. This process concluded that three of the nine factors have a smaller 0.6 unreliability value indicating the correlation in responses is likely to occur by the poor understanding of the questions at the time of the survey. Then it proceeds to validate or reject the hypotheses and shows that eight of the nine factors have significant differences, so that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The factor in which no significant difference was found is control and process improvement. Also it concluded that companies in the private health sector in the Ica region QMS implemented have the factor with the highest score in senior management and leadership, and the lowest score in audit and quality assessment. In the case of companies in the private health sector in the Ica region without QMS highest score factor was to focus on customer satisfaction and the lowest score factor was the audit and quality assessment
Health is a fundamental right under the Constitution of Peru that every citizen is granted from at beginning of his life. However, the state is the main health service provider, and fails to meet efficiently the basic features at different public health centers. So this is a business possibility for the private sector that have investment opportunities to provide efficient health services, because they have the tools and mechanisms needed to meet the requirements of users. Faced with this business opportunity to comply with the formula: efficiency and profitability in order to achieve goals for both the invertor and the consumer. Accomplish that purpose makes it imperative to use tools that facilitate an efficient process and thus achieve total quality by using the tools of Total Quality Management, which will translate into better results. For this investigation, it was taken as sample 50 private sector health companies of the Ica region, with a population of 100 companies. Then interviews function questionnaire 35 questions related to the nine factors of success of the Total Quality Management were made. This allowed to establish two hypotheses: Null hypothesis Ho: There is no significant difference between companies that have QMS regarding quality factors with those that do not. Alternative hypothesis H1: There is significant difference between companies that have a QMS regarding quality factors with those that do not. First, measure the reliability of the document associated with the relationship between questions and evaluated factors was used Cronbach's Alpha. The analysis was run in SPSS 22 program for each factor grouped into companies that have a QMS implemented and that they do not have. This process concluded that three of the nine factors have a smaller 0.6 unreliability value indicating the correlation in responses is likely to occur by the poor understanding of the questions at the time of the survey. Then it proceeds to validate or reject the hypotheses and shows that eight of the nine factors have significant differences, so that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The factor in which no significant difference was found is control and process improvement. Also it concluded that companies in the private health sector in the Ica region QMS implemented have the factor with the highest score in senior management and leadership, and the lowest score in audit and quality assessment. In the case of companies in the private health sector in the Ica region without QMS highest score factor was to focus on customer satisfaction and the lowest score factor was the audit and quality assessment
Calidad, Servicios de salud, Investigación
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