Planeamiento estratégico para líderes en gastronomía, hotelería y turismo Ligahtur SCRL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente plan estratégico para la empresa Ligahtur SCRL 2019 – 2029 se
analizaron los aspectos externos e internos de la industria de la Educación Superior
Tecnológica reconociendo claramente la urgencia de vincular las carreras tecnológicas con el
sector productivo de la región. La industria en la que se encuentra la empresa Ligahtur SCRL
actualmente está promoviendo reformas enfocadas a la calidad y a la competitividad, se
encuentra en un mercado atractivo por lo que se requiere de una planificación a largo plazo
con herramientas eficientes para aprovechar el entorno. Por esta razón se plantearon
estrategias siguiendo la metodología del modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico según
D’Alessio (2016), con el fin de que la empresa logre un posicionamiento dentro del mercado
y desarrolle su competitividad a través de la productividad asegurando su sostenibilidad
enmarcado en la visión, misión, valores y código de ética, estos son los cuatro componentes
que marcan la brújula para el presente plan y se desarrollaron cumpliendo los criterios de
evaluación, a través de la socialización de estos componentes con todos los colaboradores
para fortalecer la cultura organizacional de la empresa.
La empresa Ligahtur tiene como recurso más valioso a los colaboradores, quienes son
pieza fundamental para la ejecución de las estrategias que permitan alcanzar los objetivos. Se
ha recomendado principalmente el desarrollo de nuevas carreras profesionales vinculadas al
sector productivo, a fin de obtener un incremento en las ventas, mejorando los márgenes de
rentabilidad y atendiendo las necesidades de los clientes a través de una educación de calidad.
Para que la empresa Ligahtur SCRL logre un desempeño superior y un incremento en el valor
agregado aplicará la estrategia genérica competitiva de enfoque en diferenciación, cuyo
objetivo estratégico es el segmento de mercado y la exclusividad percibida, asimismo se ha
identificado cuatro ventajas competitivas que se logran a través de la productividad, las
cuales se deben potenciar y aprovechar para la apertura de las nuevas carreras.
In the following strategic plan for the company Ligahtur SCRL 2019 – 2029 were analyzed internal and external aspects from the Technological Higher Education industry, clearly recognizing the necessity to link technological careers to the region's production sector. The industry in which the company Ligahtur SCRL is currently at, is promoting reforms focused in the quality and competivity, it is an appealing market, and therefore, a long-term planning is needed along with efficient tools to seize the environment. This is why strategies following the methodology of the sequential model from the strategic process according to D'Alessio (2016) were proposed in order for the company to achieve a position inside the market and develop its competitivity by productivity, and so, ensuring its sustainability framed in the vision, mission, values and ethic code, these are the four components for this plan to follow, and were developed by meeting evaluation criteria through socialization of these components with all participants, in order to strengthen the organizational culture of the company. Ligahtur has as the most valuable resource its participants, who are key parts to execute the strategies that allow to achieve objectives. It has been mainly recommended the development of new professional careers linked to the production sector in order to attain an increase in sales, improving profit margins and meeting customers' needs by means of a quality education. In order for Ligahtur SCRL to obtain a higher performance and an increase in the added value, it will apply the generic competitive strategy of differentiation approach, which strategic objective is the market sector and the perceived exclusivity, also it has been identified four competitive advantages that can be achieved by means of productivity, which need to be empowered and seized to open new careers.
In the following strategic plan for the company Ligahtur SCRL 2019 – 2029 were analyzed internal and external aspects from the Technological Higher Education industry, clearly recognizing the necessity to link technological careers to the region's production sector. The industry in which the company Ligahtur SCRL is currently at, is promoting reforms focused in the quality and competivity, it is an appealing market, and therefore, a long-term planning is needed along with efficient tools to seize the environment. This is why strategies following the methodology of the sequential model from the strategic process according to D'Alessio (2016) were proposed in order for the company to achieve a position inside the market and develop its competitivity by productivity, and so, ensuring its sustainability framed in the vision, mission, values and ethic code, these are the four components for this plan to follow, and were developed by meeting evaluation criteria through socialization of these components with all participants, in order to strengthen the organizational culture of the company. Ligahtur has as the most valuable resource its participants, who are key parts to execute the strategies that allow to achieve objectives. It has been mainly recommended the development of new professional careers linked to the production sector in order to attain an increase in sales, improving profit margins and meeting customers' needs by means of a quality education. In order for Ligahtur SCRL to obtain a higher performance and an increase in the added value, it will apply the generic competitive strategy of differentiation approach, which strategic objective is the market sector and the perceived exclusivity, also it has been identified four competitive advantages that can be achieved by means of productivity, which need to be empowered and seized to open new careers.
Gastronomía, Planificación estratégica, Hoteles, Turismo
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