Planeamiento estratégico sector educación básica regular región Junín
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La gestión de la Educación Básica Regular de la región Junín es predominantemente
pública, los niños y adolescentes acceden a una educación gratuita; sin embargo se observa
que la calidad de aprendizaje no alcanza los niveles aceptables; la tecnología de muchos
centros educativos es aún limitada; pocos locales escolares se encuentran en buen estado; el
servicio educativo alcanza a una amplia mayoría pero aún no cubre al total de la población en
edad escolar y la calidad de enseñanza no está alineada con los objetivos del sector. Esta
situación ha conllevado a que la Educación Básica Regular pública de la Región Junín ostente
una posición de desventaja frente a su similar de gestión privada.
Ser una región referente en educación básica regular pública es la visión del presente
plan estratégico, para ello se hizo el diagnóstico externo e interno que permitió identificar que
el sector no está neutralizando sus amenazas, tampoco aprovechando sus oportunidades, no
tiene una posición competitiva respecto de sus competidores; sin embargo internamente se
diagnosticó que aprovecha sus fortalezas para superar sus debilidades. En línea con la visión
planteada se han formulado y seleccionado ocho estrategias y cinco objetivos de largo plazo
relacionados con la calidad de aprendizaje, calidad de enseñanza, tecnología, infraestructura
y participación, las que se implementaron a través de 16 objetivos de corto plazo, con sus
respectivas políticas, recursos y metas anualizadas hasta el año 2027; que permitirán hacer el
seguimiento a través del cuadro de control balanceado.
Finalmente, el plan contempla recomendaciones para su inmediata implementación
entre las que destacan: la creación de un centro de monitoreo de logros de aprendizaje en
comprensión de textos y matemática, campañas de sensibilización "Nadie se queda sin
estudiar", generar condiciones para el acceso a internet de las instituciones educativas,
implementar actividades que refuercen la lectura conjunta de los padres de familia con sus
hijos, y creación de centros de educación residencial en áreas rurales
The administration of regular basic education in Junín is predominantly public, children and adolescents have access to free education; however it is fact that the quality of learning does not reach the acceptable levels expected; the technology of many schools is still limited; few schools have their infrastructure in good conditions; the educational service covers a large majority but does not yet cover the total of population in school age, and the quality of the service is not aligned with the objectives of the sector. This situation has led to the public regular basic education of the Junín to have a disadvantaged position compared to the private education service. The vision of the present strategic plan is to be a referent region in public regular basic education service, for that reason it was made an external and internal diagnosis that allowed to identify that the sector is not neutralizing its threats, not taking advantage of its opportunities, does not have a competitive position compared to its competitors; however internally it was diagnosed that the sector uses its strengths to overcome its weaknesses. In line with the vision set out, eight strategies and five long-term objectives related to quality of learning, quality of teaching, technology, infrastructure and participation have been formulated and selected, which were implemented through 15 short-term objectives, with their respective policies, resources and annualized goals until the year 2027; which will allow to control of the implementation using the balance score card. Finally, the strategic plan includes recommendations for its immediate implementation, some of the most important are: the creation of a center for monitoring learning achievements in text comprehension and mathematics, communication campaigns "No one is left without studying", to generate good conditions to bring internet access for schools, implement activities that reinforce the reading of children with their parents, and the creation of residential education centers in rural areas
The administration of regular basic education in Junín is predominantly public, children and adolescents have access to free education; however it is fact that the quality of learning does not reach the acceptable levels expected; the technology of many schools is still limited; few schools have their infrastructure in good conditions; the educational service covers a large majority but does not yet cover the total of population in school age, and the quality of the service is not aligned with the objectives of the sector. This situation has led to the public regular basic education of the Junín to have a disadvantaged position compared to the private education service. The vision of the present strategic plan is to be a referent region in public regular basic education service, for that reason it was made an external and internal diagnosis that allowed to identify that the sector is not neutralizing its threats, not taking advantage of its opportunities, does not have a competitive position compared to its competitors; however internally it was diagnosed that the sector uses its strengths to overcome its weaknesses. In line with the vision set out, eight strategies and five long-term objectives related to quality of learning, quality of teaching, technology, infrastructure and participation have been formulated and selected, which were implemented through 15 short-term objectives, with their respective policies, resources and annualized goals until the year 2027; which will allow to control of the implementation using the balance score card. Finally, the strategic plan includes recommendations for its immediate implementation, some of the most important are: the creation of a center for monitoring learning achievements in text comprehension and mathematics, communication campaigns "No one is left without studying", to generate good conditions to bring internet access for schools, implement activities that reinforce the reading of children with their parents, and the creation of residential education centers in rural areas
Educación básica--Perú--Junín, Planificación estratégica
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