Informe sobre la Resolución N°2272-2018/SPC-INDECOPI
Sifuentes Rojas, Renzo Fabrizio
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico tiene como propósito analizar de manera detallada los argumentos
y criterios esgrimidos en la Resolución N°2272-2018/SPC/INDECOPI, respecto a una
denuncia por operaciones no reconocidas realizadas como consecuencia de la supuesta
clonación de la tarjeta de crédito de la denunciante. En ese sentido, se analizará cuáles son las
medidas de seguridad que la entidad financiera debe aplicar para cargar válidamente
operaciones en la línea de crédito de la titular, particularmente en operaciones de disposiciones
de efectivo y cumplir con el deber de idoneidad; asimismo, se analizará el criterio utilizado por
la Sala para acreditar la clonación de una tarjeta y la posibilidad de flexibilizar la carga
probatoria, considerando el principio de verdad material y las posiciones de las partes
involucradas. Finalmente, se analizará la naturaleza y finalidad de la sanción administrativa
como elemento disuasivo de futuras conductas infractores por parte de las entidades financieras
y su relación con la materialización de operaciones no reconocidas.
The purpose of this legal report is to analyze in detail the arguments and criteria used in Resolution No.2272-2018/SPC/INDECOPI, regarding a complaint for unrecognized operations carried out as a result of the alleged cloning of the credit card of the complainant. In this sense, it will be analyzed which are the security measures that the financial institution must apply to validly charge operations in the line of credit of the holder, particularly in operations of cash dispositions and comply with the duty of suitability; Likewise, the criteria used by the Chamber to prove the cloning of a card and the possibility of making the burden of proof more flexible will be analyzed, taking into account the rules of the burden of proof, the principle of material truth and the positions of the parties involved. Finally, the nature and purpose of the administrative sanction will be analyzed as a dissuasive element of future infringing behavior by financial entities and its relationship with the materialization of unrecognized operations.
The purpose of this legal report is to analyze in detail the arguments and criteria used in Resolution No.2272-2018/SPC/INDECOPI, regarding a complaint for unrecognized operations carried out as a result of the alleged cloning of the credit card of the complainant. In this sense, it will be analyzed which are the security measures that the financial institution must apply to validly charge operations in the line of credit of the holder, particularly in operations of cash dispositions and comply with the duty of suitability; Likewise, the criteria used by the Chamber to prove the cloning of a card and the possibility of making the burden of proof more flexible will be analyzed, taking into account the rules of the burden of proof, the principle of material truth and the positions of the parties involved. Finally, the nature and purpose of the administrative sanction will be analyzed as a dissuasive element of future infringing behavior by financial entities and its relationship with the materialization of unrecognized operations.
Tarjetas de crédito--Fraude, Tarjetas de crédito--Legislación--Perú, Instituciones financieras--Legislación--Perú, Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú