Modelo prolab: Qhali Cuy, enlatado de carne de cuy
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Nuestro modelo de negocio, pretende resolver el problema de personas que mantienen una vida
no saludable, por el aumento de la comida chatarra y la poca disponibilidad de tiempo para
preparar sus alimentos, por lo que presentamos un producto mínimo viable del enlatado de
carne de cuy, denominado Qhali Cuy, cuyas beneficios y características son de un producto
nutritivo, con estándares altos de calidad y salubridad de fácil acceso, preparación y
conservación; que a diferencia de los productos sustitutos que existen en el mercado, no
contienen aditivos químicos que causen daño a la salud en el largo tiempo. Se realizó una
investigación de mercado, mediante entrevistas y encuestas, en los niveles socioeconómicos B
y C, de las ciudades de Lima Metropolitana y Arequipa, obteniendo un mercado meta de 46,515
de personas. Asimismo, se determinó la aceptación de nuestro producto en dicho mercado y la
predisposición de pago. De la misma forma se investigó el perfil del consumidor, lo que nos
permitió dirigir nuestro producto a personas ejecutivas, que por su trabajo no disponen de
tiempo para poder preparar sus alimentos, lo que les obliga a comer comida rápida. Se elaboró
el mapa de la experiencia del usuario, obteniendo como punto de dolor la búsqueda de
alimentos saludables de fácil acceso, preparación, conserva, con alto valor nutritivo,
condiciones sanitarias correspondientes y uso mínimo de aditivos. Para la concepción del
producto se usó el Lienzo 6 x 6 y mediante la Matriz Costo Impacto, se concluye elaborar el
enlatado de cuy, el cual es un producto novedoso, al no encontrarse patentes similares a nuestro
producto, y la propuesta de valor radica en mejorar la alimentación de nuestros consumidores,
eficiencia del tiempo en su preparación. que será preservado a través, de conserva enlatada con
agua y sal para preservar sus nutrientes. Se elaboró el Business Model Canvas, donde se realiza
la viabilidad económica, concluyendo que es viable con una proyección de cinco años, con un
VAN de S/ 3,558,990.82, TIR de 176.25 % y WACC 11.02%. Este modelo es escalable en el
tiempo porque es un producto básico y necesario, porque cumple con los estándares de calidad que la legislación peruana exige. Además, se evaluó la sostenibilidad del modelo de negocio,
considerando la ODS 3, con meta 3.1; 3.4; 3.8; 3.9 y la ODS 8 con meta 8.1; 8.2; 8.3; 8.4; 8.5;
8.7 y 8.8.
Our business model aims to solve the problem of people who maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, due to the increase of junk food and the lack of time to prepare their food, so we present a minimum viable product of canned guinea pig meat, called Qhali Cuy, whose benefits and characteristics are a nutritious product, with high standards of quality and healthiness of easy access, preparation and conservation; which unlike substitute products that exist in the market, do not contain chemical additives that cause damage to health in the long term. In order to determine our target market, market research was conducted through interviews and surveys in socioeconomic levels B and C in the cities of Metropolitan Lima and Arequipa, obtaining a target market of 46,515 people. Likewise, we have determined the acceptance of our product in this market and the willingness to pay. In the same way, the consumer profile was investigated, which allowed us to direct our product to executives, who due to their work do not have time to prepare their food, which forces them to eat fast food. The user experience map was drawn up, obtaining as a pain point the search for healthy food that is easy to access, easy to prepare, easy to preserve, with high nutritional value, corresponding sanitary conditions and minimum use of additives. For the conception of the product, the 6 x6 Canvas was used and through the Cost-Impact Matrix, it was concluded to elaborate the canned guinea pig, where it is a novel product, since there are no patents similar to our product, and the value proposition lies in improving the nutrition of our consumers, time efficiency in its preparation, which will be preserved through canning with water and salt to preserve its nutrients. The Business Model Canvas was also elaborated, where the economic feasibility is made, concluding that it is viable with a projection of five years, with an NPV of S/ 3,558,990.82, IRR of 176.25 % and WACC 11.02%. This model is scalable over time because it is a basic and necessary product, because it meets the quality standards required by Peruvian legislation.In addition, the sustainability of the business model was evaluated, considering SDG 3, with target 3.1; 3.4; 3.8; 3.9 and, SDG 8 with target 8.1; 8.2; 8.3; 8.4; 8.5; 8.7 and 8.8.
Our business model aims to solve the problem of people who maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, due to the increase of junk food and the lack of time to prepare their food, so we present a minimum viable product of canned guinea pig meat, called Qhali Cuy, whose benefits and characteristics are a nutritious product, with high standards of quality and healthiness of easy access, preparation and conservation; which unlike substitute products that exist in the market, do not contain chemical additives that cause damage to health in the long term. In order to determine our target market, market research was conducted through interviews and surveys in socioeconomic levels B and C in the cities of Metropolitan Lima and Arequipa, obtaining a target market of 46,515 people. Likewise, we have determined the acceptance of our product in this market and the willingness to pay. In the same way, the consumer profile was investigated, which allowed us to direct our product to executives, who due to their work do not have time to prepare their food, which forces them to eat fast food. The user experience map was drawn up, obtaining as a pain point the search for healthy food that is easy to access, easy to prepare, easy to preserve, with high nutritional value, corresponding sanitary conditions and minimum use of additives. For the conception of the product, the 6 x6 Canvas was used and through the Cost-Impact Matrix, it was concluded to elaborate the canned guinea pig, where it is a novel product, since there are no patents similar to our product, and the value proposition lies in improving the nutrition of our consumers, time efficiency in its preparation, which will be preserved through canning with water and salt to preserve its nutrients. The Business Model Canvas was also elaborated, where the economic feasibility is made, concluding that it is viable with a projection of five years, with an NPV of S/ 3,558,990.82, IRR of 176.25 % and WACC 11.02%. This model is scalable over time because it is a basic and necessary product, because it meets the quality standards required by Peruvian legislation.In addition, the sustainability of the business model was evaluated, considering SDG 3, with target 3.1; 3.4; 3.8; 3.9 and, SDG 8 with target 8.1; 8.2; 8.3; 8.4; 8.5; 8.7 and 8.8.
Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Cuyes--Producción y consumo--Perú
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