Modelo Prolab: Mikuna: una propuesta sostenible para acceder a alimentos saludables, funcionales y orgánicos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Ante la creciente necesidad y falta de conciencia de una alimentación completa y variada, se
planteó Mikuna, una propuesta sostenible que utiliza la metodología ágil de pensamiento de
diseño para desarrollar un modelo de negocio innovador y alineado con el cuidado del
medioambiente. El problema que se pretende resolver es la preocupación cada vez mayor que
existe en la población perteneciente a los niveles socioeconómicos (NSE) A, B y C de Lima
Metropolitana inicialmente, acerca de tanto problemas de salud que les aqueja o les puede
aquejar como la dificultad que tienen para poder acceder a una amplia oferta de productos
saludables, funcionales y orgánicos que estén al alcance de sus posibilidades económicas que
les garantice una alimentación o dieta completa y variada. En ese sentido, para resolver este
problema se propone Mikuna, que es una aplicación móvil y web que generará un modelo de
negocio sostenible que elimina intermediarios, reduciendo costos, mejorando la eficiencia de
la cadena de suministro y brindando beneficios a los consumidores y productores, que son las
principales partes involucradas de un ecosistema en torno a productos saludables, funcionales
y orgánicos. Por un lado, los consumidores tendrán acceso a estos alimentos de alta calidad y;
por otro lado, los productores obtendrán mejoras en sus márgenes de ganancia al eliminar
intermediarios y obtener una conexión directa con el mercado. Durante el proceso de diseño,
se pudo comprobar la deseabilidad, viabilidad y factibilidad de la propuesta de solución, la
cual impacta de manera positiva en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) 3-Salud y
bienestar y ODS 12-Producción y consumo responsables, contribuyendo activamente en la
promoción de estilos de vida saludables y a la reducción del impacto ambiental de la cadena
alimentaria. Finalmente, se obtuvieron resultados positivos en cuanto al valor actual neto
(VAN) económico y social, con valores de US$1’108,689 y US$17’005,088,
respectivamente, para un horizonte de 5 años, lo cual indica que Mikuna representa el 6.5%
del valor que genera el proyecto para la sociedad y el medioambiente.
Faced with the growing need and lack of awareness of a complete and varied diet, Mikuna was proposed as a sustainable solution that utilizes agile design thinking methodology to develop an innovative business model aligned with environmental care. The problem aimed to be addressed is the growing concern within the population belonging to socioeconomic levels (NSE) A, B, and C of Lima Metropolitana initially, regarding both health issues they currently face or might face, as well as the difficulty they experience in accessing a wide range of healthy, functional, and organic products within their economic reach that ensures them a complete and varied diet. In this context, Mikuna is suggested as a solution, which is a mobile and web application that will create a sustainable business model by eliminating intermediaries, reducing costs, improving supply chain efficiency, and providing benefits to both consumers and producers, who are the main stakeholders in an ecosystem focused on healthy, functional, and organic products. On one hand, consumers will have access to high- quality foods, and on the other hand, producers will see improvements in their profit margins by eliminating intermediaries and establishing a direct connection with the market. During the design process, the desirability, feasibility, and viability of the proposed solution were confirmed, which positively impacts the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 - Good Health and Well-being and SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, actively contributing to the promotion of healthy lifestyles and the reduction of environmental impact in the food chain. Finally, positive results were obtained in terms of economic and social net present value (NPV), with values of USD1,108,689 and USD17,005,088, respectively, for a 5-year horizon, indicating that Mikuna represents 6.5% of the value generated by the project for society and the environment.
Faced with the growing need and lack of awareness of a complete and varied diet, Mikuna was proposed as a sustainable solution that utilizes agile design thinking methodology to develop an innovative business model aligned with environmental care. The problem aimed to be addressed is the growing concern within the population belonging to socioeconomic levels (NSE) A, B, and C of Lima Metropolitana initially, regarding both health issues they currently face or might face, as well as the difficulty they experience in accessing a wide range of healthy, functional, and organic products within their economic reach that ensures them a complete and varied diet. In this context, Mikuna is suggested as a solution, which is a mobile and web application that will create a sustainable business model by eliminating intermediaries, reducing costs, improving supply chain efficiency, and providing benefits to both consumers and producers, who are the main stakeholders in an ecosystem focused on healthy, functional, and organic products. On one hand, consumers will have access to high- quality foods, and on the other hand, producers will see improvements in their profit margins by eliminating intermediaries and establishing a direct connection with the market. During the design process, the desirability, feasibility, and viability of the proposed solution were confirmed, which positively impacts the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 3 - Good Health and Well-being and SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, actively contributing to the promotion of healthy lifestyles and the reduction of environmental impact in the food chain. Finally, positive results were obtained in terms of economic and social net present value (NPV), with values of USD1,108,689 and USD17,005,088, respectively, for a 5-year horizon, indicating that Mikuna represents 6.5% of the value generated by the project for society and the environment.
Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Lima Metropolitana, Nutrición--Aspectos sociales--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Negocios--Planificación, Hábitos alimenticios, Aplicaciones--Dispositivos móviles
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