Modelo ProLab: “Esencia Cultural”, una plataforma online para el turismo comunitario
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Perú las comunidades rurales enfrentan desafíos significativos en términos de
pobreza económica, subempleo, exclusión social y falta de oportunidades de desarrollo. Por lo
tanto, existe la necesidad de intervenciones efectivas que mejoren sus condiciones económicas
y sociales.
Así nace "Esencia Cultural", una plataforma digital que busca promover el turismo
comunitario de manera efectiva, conectando los servicios de las comunidades rurales con los
turistas nacionales y extranjeros. Esta iniciativa tiene el potencial de transformar la economía
local, preservar la cultura y el medio ambiente. Por lo tanto, la implementación de la solución está
alineada con el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible ODS 8: Trabajo decente y crecimiento
Para verificar la deseabilidad y la factibilidad de la propuesta, el análisis del mercado y la
investigación del usuario han sido fundamental para diseñar una propuesta de valor que
responda a las necesidades y expectativas tanto de los turistas (nacionales y extranjeros) como
de las comunidades. Así también, la innovación y la disrupción han sido claves para desarrollar
un plan de marketing, operaciones y financiero que asegure el éxito y la sostenibilidad del
proyecto. La inversión inicial se estima en S/. 233,188.40, proyectando un Flujo de Caja libre a
cinco años, se obtiene un VAN de S/. 3,312,290.42 y una TIR de 149%, que indica la viabilidad
económica del modelo de negocio.
En términos de sostenibilidad, "Esencia Cultural" tendrá un impacto social positivo, con
un VAN social de S/ 6,309,791.
In Peru, rural communities face significant challenges in terms of economic poverty, underemployment, social exclusion and lack of development opportunities. Therefore, it is needed for effective interventions to improve their economic and social conditions. This way "Cultural Essence" born as a digital platform that seeks to promote community tourism effectively, connecting community services with national and foreign tourists. This initiative has the potential to transform the local economy, preserve culture and the environment. The implementation of "Cultural Essence" is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal SDG No. 8: Decent work and economic growth. To verify the desirability and feasibility of the proposal, market analysis and user research have been essential to design a value proposal that responds to the needs and expectations of both tourists (domestic and foreign) and communities. Likewise, innovation and disruption have been key to developing a marketing, operations and financial plan ensuring the success and sustainability of the project. The initial investment is estimated at S/. 233,188.40, projecting a free cash flow for five years, an NPV of S/. 3,312,290 and an IRR of 149%, which indicates the economic viability of the business model. In terms of sustainability, "Cultural Essence" will have a positive social impact, with a social NPV of S/ 6,309,791.
In Peru, rural communities face significant challenges in terms of economic poverty, underemployment, social exclusion and lack of development opportunities. Therefore, it is needed for effective interventions to improve their economic and social conditions. This way "Cultural Essence" born as a digital platform that seeks to promote community tourism effectively, connecting community services with national and foreign tourists. This initiative has the potential to transform the local economy, preserve culture and the environment. The implementation of "Cultural Essence" is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal SDG No. 8: Decent work and economic growth. To verify the desirability and feasibility of the proposal, market analysis and user research have been essential to design a value proposal that responds to the needs and expectations of both tourists (domestic and foreign) and communities. Likewise, innovation and disruption have been key to developing a marketing, operations and financial plan ensuring the success and sustainability of the project. The initial investment is estimated at S/. 233,188.40, projecting a free cash flow for five years, an NPV of S/. 3,312,290 and an IRR of 149%, which indicates the economic viability of the business model. In terms of sustainability, "Cultural Essence" will have a positive social impact, with a social NPV of S/ 6,309,791.
Turismo--Servicios digitales--Perú, Desarrollo rural--Perú, Desarrollo de la comunidad
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