Modelo prolab: Compara Mype
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis se centra en la necesidad apremiante de impulsar la transformación digital
en las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (MYPEs) de Lima, Perú, con el objetivo de mejorar su
competitividad en un entorno empresarial cada vez más competitivo y dinámico. En un
contexto de globalización y avances tecnológicos acelerados, las MYPEs enfrentan desafíos
significativos que limitan su crecimiento y sostenibilidad a largo plazo. Se ha realizado un
análisis detallado de la situación actual de las MYPEs en Lima, abordando sus principales
obstáculos y necesidades, que van desde la gestión de procesos internos hasta la expansión de
su presencia en línea. Se destaca la falta de acceso a tecnologías avanzadas, la resistencia al
cambio y la limitada inversión en capacitación digital como factores que obstaculizan la
adopción de soluciones digitales.
La propuesta de esta tesis es la creación de una solución digital integral diseñada
específicamente para las MYPEs de Lima, Perú. Esta solución busca abordar las siguientes
áreas clave:
Dimensionamiento de líneas de capital de trabajo: Dentro de nuestra plataforma los
empresarios podrán ingresar datos financieros mínimos para saber hasta que monto les
podrían prestar las entidades financieras (Cajas y Bancos principalmente)
Plataforma multiproductos: Facilitar la contratación de productos y servicios
financieros en un entorno 100% digital.
Soporte Técnico Local: Establecer un sistema de soporte técnico local que brinde
asistencia rápida y eficiente a las MYPEs en caso de problemas o dudas relacionadas con
nuestra solución digital. La implementación de esta solución se realizará a través de alianzas estratégicas con
entidades financieras, notarias, empresas de factoring, medios de pago electrónico, estudios
contables, entre otros, con el fin de garantizar su accesibilidad y sostenibilidad a largo plazo.
Además, se llevará a cabo un seguimiento y evaluación constante para medir el impacto de la
solución en la competitividad y el crecimiento de las MYPEs de Lima. Se precisa que es un
modelo de negocio B2B y los ingresos se generan por las comisiones a recibir por parte de
nuestros clientes una vez que se materialice la contratación del servicio o producto financiero
por parte de nuestros usuarios.
En conclusión, se determinó que el modelo de negocio es deseable, factible, con
potencial para escalar a nivel mundial. Así también, se demostró la viabilidad por las cifras
que presenta: VAN de US$ 1,489,864.76 y TIR modificado de 102% para una inversión
inicial de S/.320,000.
This thesis focuses on the pressing need to drive digital transformation in Micro and Small Enterprises (Mypes) in Lima, Peru, with the aim of enhancing their competitiveness in an increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment. In a context of globalization and rapid technological advancements, MYPEs face significant challenges that limit their growth and long-term sustainability. A detailed analysis of the current situation of MYPEs in Lima has been conducted, addressing their primary obstacles and needs, ranging from internal process management to expanding their online presence. The lack of access to advanced technologies, resistance to change, and limited investment in digital training are highlighted as factors hindering the adoption of digital solutions. The proposal of this thesis is the creation of a comprehensive digital solution designed specifically for MYPEs in Lima, Peru. This solution aims to address the following key areas: Working Capital Lines Sizing: Within our platform, entrepreneurs will be able to input minimal financial data to determine the amount that financial institutions (primarily banks and credit unions) could potentially lend to them. Multi-product Platform: Simplifying the acquisition of financial products and services in a 100% digital environment. Local Technical Support: Establishing a local technical support system to provide fast and efficient assistance to MYPEs in case of issues or questions related to our digital solution. The implementation of this solution will be carried out through strategic partnerships with financial institutions, notaries, factoring companies, electronic payment providers, accounting firms, among others, to ensure its accessibility and long-term sustainability. Continuous monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to measure the impact of the solution on the competitiveness and growth of MYPEs in Lima. It should be noted that this is a B2B business model, and revenue is generated through commissions received from our clients once the financial service or product is contracted by our users. In conclusion, it was determined that the business model is desirable, feasible, and has the potential to scale globally. Viability is also demonstrated by the figures presented: a Net Present Value (NPV) of US$1,489,864.76 and modified Internal Rate of Return of 102% for an initial investment of S/.320,000.
This thesis focuses on the pressing need to drive digital transformation in Micro and Small Enterprises (Mypes) in Lima, Peru, with the aim of enhancing their competitiveness in an increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment. In a context of globalization and rapid technological advancements, MYPEs face significant challenges that limit their growth and long-term sustainability. A detailed analysis of the current situation of MYPEs in Lima has been conducted, addressing their primary obstacles and needs, ranging from internal process management to expanding their online presence. The lack of access to advanced technologies, resistance to change, and limited investment in digital training are highlighted as factors hindering the adoption of digital solutions. The proposal of this thesis is the creation of a comprehensive digital solution designed specifically for MYPEs in Lima, Peru. This solution aims to address the following key areas: Working Capital Lines Sizing: Within our platform, entrepreneurs will be able to input minimal financial data to determine the amount that financial institutions (primarily banks and credit unions) could potentially lend to them. Multi-product Platform: Simplifying the acquisition of financial products and services in a 100% digital environment. Local Technical Support: Establishing a local technical support system to provide fast and efficient assistance to MYPEs in case of issues or questions related to our digital solution. The implementation of this solution will be carried out through strategic partnerships with financial institutions, notaries, factoring companies, electronic payment providers, accounting firms, among others, to ensure its accessibility and long-term sustainability. Continuous monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to measure the impact of the solution on the competitiveness and growth of MYPEs in Lima. It should be noted that this is a B2B business model, and revenue is generated through commissions received from our clients once the financial service or product is contracted by our users. In conclusion, it was determined that the business model is desirable, feasible, and has the potential to scale globally. Viability is also demonstrated by the figures presented: a Net Present Value (NPV) of US$1,489,864.76 and modified Internal Rate of Return of 102% for an initial investment of S/.320,000.
Transformación digital--Empresas, Pequeñas y medianas empresas--Perú
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