Análisis comparativo de la producción científica peruana y mundial en el campo de la ingeniería para el periodo 2002-2016.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo de investigación se descubren los temas más destacados de
la producción científica peruana y mundial en el campo de la ingeniería para el periodo
2002-2016. Se hizo uso del análisis de coocurrencia de palabras clave y de diagramas
estratégicos aplicados a sub periodos de cinco años cada uno con la finalidad de describir
y analizar su evolución y poder comparar ambas realidades. Los resultados obtenidos
revelan que la ingeniería peruana y la ingeniería mundial tienen ejes temáticos distintos
entre sí, que atienden problemas planteados por la realidad local o global,
respectivamente. En el Perú, los temas más estratégicos están relacionados a las
actividades mineras, petroleras y gasíferas en los primeros dos quinquenios, destacando
los estudios geológicos y de impacto ambiental. De la misma manera, su ubicación
geográfica, contribuye a que el estudio de los sismos sea igualmente estratégico. Se
destaca también la ingeniería de materiales y el uso de algoritmos al servicio de otras
especialidades de la ingeniería. A nivel mundial, los temas más destacados de la
investigación pertenecen a la biotecnología y a la tecnología energética, ambos muy
relacionados con la nanotecnología, el más estratégico según los resultados obtenidos.
Resaltan los aportes relacionados al cáncer, la creación de biomateriales y fármacos, entre
otros. Asimismo, se observa como prioritarios los estudios que buscan la mejora de la
capacidad energética de las baterías usadas especialmente en dispositivos móviles y autos
In the present research work, the most outstanding topics of Peruvian and World scientific production in the field of engineering for the period 2002-2016 are discovered. The analysis of co-occurrence of key words and strategic diagrams applied to sub periods of five years each, was used in order to describe and analyze their evolution and be able to compare both realities. The results reveal that Peruvian engineering and global engineering have different thematic axes, which address problems posed by local or global reality, respectively. In Peru, the most strategic themes are related to mining, oil and gas activities in the first two sub periods, where the geological surveys and environmental impact arises. In the same way, its geographical location contributes to earthquakes to become a strategic theme. The engineering of materials and the use of algorithms, at the service of other engineering branches, are of importance too. Worldwide, the most important research topics belong to biotechnology and energy technology, both of which are closely related to nanotechnology, the most strategic according to the results. The studies related to cancer, the creation of biomaterials and drugs, among others, are of importance. Likewise, studies searching to improve the energy capacity of batteries used especially in mobile devices and electric cars are given priority.
In the present research work, the most outstanding topics of Peruvian and World scientific production in the field of engineering for the period 2002-2016 are discovered. The analysis of co-occurrence of key words and strategic diagrams applied to sub periods of five years each, was used in order to describe and analyze their evolution and be able to compare both realities. The results reveal that Peruvian engineering and global engineering have different thematic axes, which address problems posed by local or global reality, respectively. In Peru, the most strategic themes are related to mining, oil and gas activities in the first two sub periods, where the geological surveys and environmental impact arises. In the same way, its geographical location contributes to earthquakes to become a strategic theme. The engineering of materials and the use of algorithms, at the service of other engineering branches, are of importance too. Worldwide, the most important research topics belong to biotechnology and energy technology, both of which are closely related to nanotechnology, the most strategic according to the results. The studies related to cancer, the creation of biomaterials and drugs, among others, are of importance. Likewise, studies searching to improve the energy capacity of batteries used especially in mobile devices and electric cars are given priority.
Bibliometría, Investigación científica--Evaluación--Siglo XXI, Ingeniería--Estudios comparativos
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