Feminidad y masculinidad hegemónica en las configuraciones relacionales de una consultante víctima de violencia de pareja en el curso de un proceso terapéutico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación es un estudio sistemático de caso único de una mujer víctima de
violencia de pareja en el curso de un proceso psicoterapéutico de orientación psicoanalítica.
Tuvo como objetivo describir los elementos de feminidad y masculinidad hegemónica
presente en las narrativas relacionales de la consultante con otros significativos y explorar si
dichos elementos van cambiando a lo largo del proceso terapéutico. Para seleccionar las
configuraciones relacionales en las que ponen en juego elementos de poder de género se
utilizaron categorías lingüísticas y discursivas relacionadas al género hegemónico. A la vez,
se incluyeron índices cuantitativos de prevalencia para indagar si las configuraciones
relacionales de género cambiaron a lo largo del proceso psicoterapéutico. Los resultados
encontrados evidencian la presencia de configuraciones relacionales teñidas por dinámicas
relacionales de poder articuladas desde el género hegemónico (CRH), a la vez que dinámicas
en las que se presentan deseos que van por fuera de la normativa hegemónica (CRNH). Con
relación a estas últimas, al inicio del tratamiento los deseos aparecen frustrados, pero a lo
largo del tratamiento se van construyendo como dinámicas más configuradas. Al final del
tratamiento hay un mayor balance entre las CRH y las CRNH, que parecen dar cuenta de
cambios en las representaciones del self y de otros en aspectos de funcionamiento mental
como integración, diferenciación y tolerancia de ambivalencias.
This research is a systematic single case study of a woman victim of violence from his spouse in a brief psychodynamic therapeutic process. Its objective was to describe elements of hegemonic masculinity and femininity present in the relational narratives of the patient with significant others and explore if these elements changed during the psychotherapeutic process. To select the relational configurations articulated by gender power, linguistic and discursive categories related to gender hegemonic were used. The result shows that relational configurations were driven from components of gender hegemony (CRH) as well as relational dynamics that contain wishes that were not congruent with hegemonic normative (CRNH). Regarding the latter, at the beginning of treatment, the wishes appeared to be frustrated. Nevertheless, within the therapeutic process, they were better integrated into the relational configurations of the patient. Towards the end of the therapeutic process, a better balance was found between the CRH and CRNH, which seem to reflect changes in the consultant's mental functioning, such as integration, differentiation, and ambivalence tolerance.
This research is a systematic single case study of a woman victim of violence from his spouse in a brief psychodynamic therapeutic process. Its objective was to describe elements of hegemonic masculinity and femininity present in the relational narratives of the patient with significant others and explore if these elements changed during the psychotherapeutic process. To select the relational configurations articulated by gender power, linguistic and discursive categories related to gender hegemonic were used. The result shows that relational configurations were driven from components of gender hegemony (CRH) as well as relational dynamics that contain wishes that were not congruent with hegemonic normative (CRNH). Regarding the latter, at the beginning of treatment, the wishes appeared to be frustrated. Nevertheless, within the therapeutic process, they were better integrated into the relational configurations of the patient. Towards the end of the therapeutic process, a better balance was found between the CRH and CRNH, which seem to reflect changes in the consultant's mental functioning, such as integration, differentiation, and ambivalence tolerance.
Feminidad, Masculinidad, Rol sexual, Violencia contra la mujer