Influencia de las políticas públicas en el proceso de formalización minera en la región Junín, periodo 2012 al 2023
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo realiza un análisis de la interpretación de las políticas públicas, su
diferenciación con políticas de gobierno y políticas nacionales, así como las etapas para
la formulación de las políticas públicas; a la vez se hace un breve análisis de la legislación
orientada a la formalización minera, así como su diferenciación según estrato, legalidad y
Se identifico que las políticas públicas adoptadas por el estado peruano con respecto a la
formalización minera son mayormente de legislación; sin embargo no han desarrollado
articulación interinstitucional y capacidades en las instituciones que se encargan por
promover y fiscalizar la formalización de la pequeña minería y minería artesanal,
consecuentemente promoviendo que el minero en vías de formalización desista del
proceso al no tener el apoyo del estado, no tener exigencias e incentivos para su
Se determino que no son políticas públicas si no políticas de gobierno que van cambiando
con cada cambio de gobierno lo cual es diferente a una política pública que se mantiene
en el tiempo. De lo analizado da la percepción de que las políticas han sido implementadas
desde un punto de vista político, social mas no ha considerado otros aspectos como lo
económico y ambiental; ya que su implementación se debería de dar según el contexto
donde se realiza la actividad por ejemplo la minería no metálica prima en la región junín
mientras que la minería metálica se realiza en mayor cantidad en regiones como madre
de dios, Arequipa y puno. Siendo la minera metálica la que genera mayor cantidad de
impactos ambientales significativos al ambiente y a las personas, por lo que no deberían
tener los mismos requisitos exigibles.
En la región Junín durante el año 2022 se lograron formalizar 65 mineros informales
equivalente al 3.97% de los 1687 sujetos que se inscribieron al REINFO, ello es una
cantidad incipiente para lograr los objetivos de formalización propuestos por el estado.
This work carries out an analysis of the interpretation of public policies, their differentiation with government policies and national policies, as well as the stages for the formulation of public policies; At the same time, a brief analysis is made of the legislation aimed at mining formalization, as well as its differentiation according to stratum, legality and composition. It was identified that the public policies adopted by the Peruvian state with respect to mining formalization are mostly legislation; However, they have not developed inter-institutional articulation and capacities in the institutions that are responsible for promoting and supervising the formalization of small and artisanal mining, consequently promoting the miner in the process of formalization to give up on the process as they do not have the support of the state. have demands and incentives for its formalization. It was determined that they are not public policies but government policies that change with each change of government, which is different from a public policy that is maintained over time. From what was analyzed it gives the perception that the policies have been implemented from a political and social point of view but have not considered other aspects such as economic and environmental aspects; since its implementation should occur according to the context where the activity is carried out, for example, primary non-metallic mining in the Junín region while metallic mining is carried out in greater quantities in regions such as Madre de Dios, Arequipa and Puno. Metal mining is the one that generates the greatest number of significant environmental impacts on the environment and people, so they should not have the same requirements. In the Junín region, during the year 2022, 65 informal miners were formalized, equivalent to 3.97% of the 1,687 subjects who registered with REINFO, this is an incipient amount to achieve the formalization objectives proposed by the state.
This work carries out an analysis of the interpretation of public policies, their differentiation with government policies and national policies, as well as the stages for the formulation of public policies; At the same time, a brief analysis is made of the legislation aimed at mining formalization, as well as its differentiation according to stratum, legality and composition. It was identified that the public policies adopted by the Peruvian state with respect to mining formalization are mostly legislation; However, they have not developed inter-institutional articulation and capacities in the institutions that are responsible for promoting and supervising the formalization of small and artisanal mining, consequently promoting the miner in the process of formalization to give up on the process as they do not have the support of the state. have demands and incentives for its formalization. It was determined that they are not public policies but government policies that change with each change of government, which is different from a public policy that is maintained over time. From what was analyzed it gives the perception that the policies have been implemented from a political and social point of view but have not considered other aspects such as economic and environmental aspects; since its implementation should occur according to the context where the activity is carried out, for example, primary non-metallic mining in the Junín region while metallic mining is carried out in greater quantities in regions such as Madre de Dios, Arequipa and Puno. Metal mining is the one that generates the greatest number of significant environmental impacts on the environment and people, so they should not have the same requirements. In the Junín region, during the year 2022, 65 informal miners were formalized, equivalent to 3.97% of the 1,687 subjects who registered with REINFO, this is an incipient amount to achieve the formalization objectives proposed by the state.
Políticas públicas--Perú, Industria minera--Legislación--Perú, Economía informal--Perú
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