“Yo digo que es esto… (porque lo veo)”: El evidencial -ra del shipibo-konibo en interacción
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La evidencialidad es un concepto que ha pasado por múltiples redefiniciones,
desde aquellas que lo subsumen a la modalidad (Chafe, 1986), pasando por otras
más estrechas que lo independizan como marcador gramatical presente en
algunas lenguas (Aikhenvald, 2004) y, finalmente, por otras cuya aproximación
consiste en evaluar su comportamiento junto a otros valores interaccionales (no
necesariamente ligados a valores modales como la verdad o la justificación
epistémica) (Bergqvist y Kittila, 2020). En el presente trabajo se caracterizará
los valores semánticos y pragmáticos del evidencial directo -ra de la lengua
shipibo-konibo (SK) desde una orientación (línguístico) interacional (Selting y
Couper-Kuhlen 2001, 2017). Es decir, una que busca entender las motivaciones
de su uso en el diseño de actividades conversacionales. Con miras a lograr este
objetivo, se analizan muestras conversacionales de 3 pares de hablantes durante
la ejecución del Family Problems Picture Task (San Roque et al., 2012), el cual
distingue 3 momentos en donde los hablantes sostienen diferentes asimetrías
epistémicas: descripción de figuras, negociación epistémica, renarración. Se
concluirá que, en tanto semántica, el evidencial reúne la mejor evidencia posible
(best posible ground) y articula un valor de fuerza directa sobre las aserciones
(Matthewson, 2020); por otro lado, interaccionalmente, el evidencial es mejor
caracterizado como un marcador de primacía epistémica (Grzech, 2020, 2021)
que, además, permite construir estructuras secuenciales específicas, desde
aserciones de primera posición, enmiendas hechas por otro y cierres-inicio de
Evidentiality is a concept that has undergone multiple redefinitions, from those that subsume it to modality (Chafe, 1986), to narrower ones that make it independent as a grammatical marker present in some languages (Aikhenvald, 2004) and, finally, to others whose approach consists of evaluating its behavior together with other interactional values (not necessarily linked to modal values such as truth or epistemic justification) (Bergqvist and Kittila, 2020). In this work, the semantic and pragmatic values of the direct evidential -ra of the Shipibo-Konibo (SK) language will be characterized from an interactional (linguistic) orientation (Selting y Couper-Kuhlen, 2001, 2017). That is, one that seeks to understand the motivations for its use in the design of conversational activities. In order to achieve this objective, conversational samples from 3 pairs of speakers are analyzed during the execution of the Family Problems Picture Task (San Roque et al., 2012), which distinguishes 3 moments in which speakers maintain different epistemic asymmetries: description of figures, epistemic negotiation, retelling. It will be concluded that, as semantics, the evidential gathers the best possible evidence (best possible ground) and articulates a value of direct force on the assertions (Matthewson, 2020); on the other hand,, interactionally, the evidential is better characterized as a marker of epistemic primacy (Grzech, 2020, 2021) that, in addition, allows to build specific sequential structures, from first-position assertions, third part repairs and topicstart closures.
Evidentiality is a concept that has undergone multiple redefinitions, from those that subsume it to modality (Chafe, 1986), to narrower ones that make it independent as a grammatical marker present in some languages (Aikhenvald, 2004) and, finally, to others whose approach consists of evaluating its behavior together with other interactional values (not necessarily linked to modal values such as truth or epistemic justification) (Bergqvist and Kittila, 2020). In this work, the semantic and pragmatic values of the direct evidential -ra of the Shipibo-Konibo (SK) language will be characterized from an interactional (linguistic) orientation (Selting y Couper-Kuhlen, 2001, 2017). That is, one that seeks to understand the motivations for its use in the design of conversational activities. In order to achieve this objective, conversational samples from 3 pairs of speakers are analyzed during the execution of the Family Problems Picture Task (San Roque et al., 2012), which distinguishes 3 moments in which speakers maintain different epistemic asymmetries: description of figures, epistemic negotiation, retelling. It will be concluded that, as semantics, the evidential gathers the best possible evidence (best possible ground) and articulates a value of direct force on the assertions (Matthewson, 2020); on the other hand,, interactionally, the evidential is better characterized as a marker of epistemic primacy (Grzech, 2020, 2021) that, in addition, allows to build specific sequential structures, from first-position assertions, third part repairs and topicstart closures.
Shipibo-Conibo--Adverbio, Evidencialidad (Lingüística), Modalidad (Lingüística)
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