Informe jurídico sobre la casación 6428-2019 Cajamarca
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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A través de la Sentencia recaída en el Expediente 976-2011-AA/TC se determinó
que un despido fraudulento se configurará cuando se impute al trabajador una
falta no prevista legalmente.
Sin embargo, la Casación 6428-2019 tiene como primer eje principal la
imputación de un despido a una trabajadora fundamentada en una ley española.
Tal sentencia nos trae a colación las siguientes interrogantes ¿todas las faltas
no previstas legalmente constituyen un despido fraudulento? ¿qué tipos de faltas
no previstas legalmente que pueden imputarse? ¿varía en algo si en nuestro país
existe una falta grave igual o similar a la que no se encuentra prevista
De igual manera, la Casación 6428-2019 guarda como uno de sus ejes centrales
los tipos de procedimiento de despido, ya sea por conducta o por capacidad, y
cómo cada uno de estos se materializa frente a la existencia de un rendimiento
deficiente o una disminución en el rendimiento. ¿Por cuál procedimiento deberá
optar el empleador frente a dichos casos? ¿Qué metodología de evaluación se
necesita para comparar el rendimiento de los trabajadores y para acreditarlo en
un despido?
Por último, a partir de los hechos narrados en la Casación 6428 también surgen
diferentes cuestiones ¿el principio de igualdad de trato en la extinción de labores
también debe aplicarse frente a casos de trabajadores con deficiencias en su
capacidad? ¿Puede condicionarse la renovación de un contrato de trabajo a la
mejoría del rendimiento del trabajador? A partir del siguiente Informe se
dilucidará sobre todas las cuestiones formuladas.
Through the Judgment handed down in File 976-2011-AA/TC, it will be limited that a fraudulent dismissal will be configured when the worker is charged with an serious misconduct not legally provided for. However, Cassation 6428-2019 has as its first main axis the imputation of a dismissal to a fundamental worker in a Spanish law. Such sentence brings us a collation of the following questions: all the misdemeanors not legally foreseen constitute a fraudulent dismissal? What types of offenses not legally foreseen that can be imputed? Does it vary somewhat if in our country there is a serious fault equal or similar to that which is not legally provided for? Similarly, Cassation 6428-2019 keeps as one of its central axes the types of dismissal procedures, either for conduct or capacity, and how each of these materializes in the face of poor performance or a decrease in performance. Which procedure should the employer opt for in such cases? What evaluation methodology is needed to compare the performance of workers and to accredit it in a dismissal? Finally, based on the facts narrated in Cassation 6428, different questions also arise. Should the principle of equal treatment in job termination also be applied to cases of workers with deficiencies in their capacity? Can the renewal of an employment contract be conditioned on the improvement of the worker's performance? From the next Report, all the questions raised will be elucidated.
Through the Judgment handed down in File 976-2011-AA/TC, it will be limited that a fraudulent dismissal will be configured when the worker is charged with an serious misconduct not legally provided for. However, Cassation 6428-2019 has as its first main axis the imputation of a dismissal to a fundamental worker in a Spanish law. Such sentence brings us a collation of the following questions: all the misdemeanors not legally foreseen constitute a fraudulent dismissal? What types of offenses not legally foreseen that can be imputed? Does it vary somewhat if in our country there is a serious fault equal or similar to that which is not legally provided for? Similarly, Cassation 6428-2019 keeps as one of its central axes the types of dismissal procedures, either for conduct or capacity, and how each of these materializes in the face of poor performance or a decrease in performance. Which procedure should the employer opt for in such cases? What evaluation methodology is needed to compare the performance of workers and to accredit it in a dismissal? Finally, based on the facts narrated in Cassation 6428, different questions also arise. Should the principle of equal treatment in job termination also be applied to cases of workers with deficiencies in their capacity? Can the renewal of an employment contract be conditioned on the improvement of the worker's performance? From the next Report, all the questions raised will be elucidated.
Recurso de casación--Legislación--Perú, Despido de empleados--Legislación--Perú, Trabajadores--Derechos
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