Diagnóstico operativo empresarial de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San Cristóbal de Huamanga
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El principal objetivo del presente es realizar un diagnóstico operativo empresarial con
la finalidad de que a partir de dicho diagnóstico, se identifiquen aspectos de mejora y se
propongan acciones o estrategias que beneficien a la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito San
Cristóbal de Huamanga. La presente tesis se divide en quince capítulos en donde se abarca la
descripción de los procesos estratégicos y operativos, el análisis de dichos procesos, y se
contempla las propuestas de mejoras de acuerdo a la situación actual.
Los capítulos de la tesis abarcan aspectos como descripción y funcionalidad de la
CACSCH, el planeamiento y diseño de ubicación, dimensionamiento de planta, planeamiento
y diseño de productos, procesos, planta, trabajo y planeamiento agregado, así como describir
la gestión de proceso productivo y programación, gestión de costos, gestión de logística,
gestión de calidad, gestión de mantenimiento y gestión de la cadena de suministro.
A partir de la descripción de los aspectos mencionados se propone en cada capítulos
mejoras en función a las herramientas que se utilizan para mejorar y optimizar tiempos y
costos todo ello con el fin último de generar rentabilidad en la CACSCH. La implementación
de las propuestas establecidas dependerá de la alta gerencia, cabe recalcar que las propuestas
están establecidas en función a costo-beneficio.
La implementación de las diferentes propuestas de mejora CACSCH, tal como se
presenta en cada capítulo del presente DOE, tendrán una inversión de S/ 758,213.98,
generando beneficios de S/ 1´038,847.90 en soles y ahorro en tiempo de 5h 37min en el
proceso de otorgamiento de crédito, y 40 horas de ahorro en traslado de analistas y socios, así
como se ahorrará tiempo de 1 día con 1hora y 30 min para créditos hipotecarios, así como se
reforzará el aseguramiento de calidad de cartera
The main objective of this thesis is to perform a business operational diagnosis (DOE) in order to identify aspects for improvement and to propose actions or strategies that benefit the San Cristobal de Huamanga Savings and Credit Cooperative (CACSCH). This thesis is divided into fifteen chapters that include the description of strategic and operational processes, the analysis of strategic processes, and the proposals for improvements according to the current situation. The thesis chapters include aspects such as the description and functionality of the CACSCH, the planning and design of the location, the sizing of the plant, the planning and design of its products, processes, plant, work and aggregate planning, as well as the description of the management of the productive process and its programming, the cost management, the logistics management, the quality management, the maintenance management and the supply chain management. Based on the description of the mentioned aspects, in each chapter, it is proposed improvements according to the tools used to improve and to optimize times and costs with the purpose of generation of profits in the CACSCH. The implementation of the established proposals is in charge of senior management. It should be emphasized that the proposals are established based on cost-benefit. The implementation of the different improvement proposals in CACSCH, as presented in each chapter of this DOE, would have a capital investment of S/ 758,213.98, generating profits of S/ 1'038,847.90 and reductions in time of 5h 37min in the process of granting credit, and the reduction of 40 hours in transfers of analysts and partners, as well as a reduction of 1 day with 1 hour and 30 minutes for mortgage loans, as well as the reinforcement of the portfolio quality assurance
The main objective of this thesis is to perform a business operational diagnosis (DOE) in order to identify aspects for improvement and to propose actions or strategies that benefit the San Cristobal de Huamanga Savings and Credit Cooperative (CACSCH). This thesis is divided into fifteen chapters that include the description of strategic and operational processes, the analysis of strategic processes, and the proposals for improvements according to the current situation. The thesis chapters include aspects such as the description and functionality of the CACSCH, the planning and design of the location, the sizing of the plant, the planning and design of its products, processes, plant, work and aggregate planning, as well as the description of the management of the productive process and its programming, the cost management, the logistics management, the quality management, the maintenance management and the supply chain management. Based on the description of the mentioned aspects, in each chapter, it is proposed improvements according to the tools used to improve and to optimize times and costs with the purpose of generation of profits in the CACSCH. The implementation of the established proposals is in charge of senior management. It should be emphasized that the proposals are established based on cost-benefit. The implementation of the different improvement proposals in CACSCH, as presented in each chapter of this DOE, would have a capital investment of S/ 758,213.98, generating profits of S/ 1'038,847.90 and reductions in time of 5h 37min in the process of granting credit, and the reduction of 40 hours in transfers of analysts and partners, as well as a reduction of 1 day with 1 hour and 30 minutes for mortgage loans, as well as the reinforcement of the portfolio quality assurance
Producción -- Administración, Planificación de la producción
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