Inquietudes en la plaza: trayectorias de vida y cultura política radical en la izquierda estudiantil de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1977-1989
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación explora y analiza los vínculos existentes entre las
trayectorias preuniversitarias de la vida de los militantes juveniles de izquierda y
la construcción de una cultura política radical en la Universidad Nacional Mayor
de San Marcos entre los años de 1977 y 1989. Utilizando una metodología de
corte cualitativo, el trabajo presente sostiene que, mediante la socialización en
un entorno familiar, escolar y generacional que había configurado una estructura
de sentimiento de tipo “clasista”, los militantes de la radicalizada izquierda
sanmarquina de aquella época formaron parte, reprodujeron y ayudaron a
construir una infraestructura de disenso que vinculó el estilo de trabajo político
leninista con la organización social y gremial en auge, la cual se fue
desestructurando hacia fines de la década del ochenta en medio de la crisis
socioeconómica y la violencia política en el Perú. Ante ello, esta juventud
izquierdista quedó atada a un espíritu de época que se desvanecía, por lo que
su entendimiento y prácticas políticas radicales cayeron en el descrédito y el
movimiento social que articulaban se desvanece.
This investigation explores and analyses the existing bonds between the pre university career path of the life of the young left activists and the construction of a radical political culture at the National University of San Marcos between 1977 and 1989. Using a qualitative style methodology, the present work maintains that through socialization at a family, school and generational environment that had drafted the "clasista" structure of feeling, the radical left activists of San Marcos from the era were part of, reproduced and helped built an infrastructure of dissent which tied the style of the Leninist political work with the booming social and trade union organization, which was dismembered towards the end of the eighties's decade in the midst of the socioeconomic crisis and political violence in Peru. This being so, this leftist youth remained tied to a spirit of the time that was fading, therefore, their understanding and radical political practices fell out of favor and the social movement they articulated vanished.
This investigation explores and analyses the existing bonds between the pre university career path of the life of the young left activists and the construction of a radical political culture at the National University of San Marcos between 1977 and 1989. Using a qualitative style methodology, the present work maintains that through socialization at a family, school and generational environment that had drafted the "clasista" structure of feeling, the radical left activists of San Marcos from the era were part of, reproduced and helped built an infrastructure of dissent which tied the style of the Leninist political work with the booming social and trade union organization, which was dismembered towards the end of the eighties's decade in the midst of the socioeconomic crisis and political violence in Peru. This being so, this leftist youth remained tied to a spirit of the time that was fading, therefore, their understanding and radical political practices fell out of favor and the social movement they articulated vanished.
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Estudiantes universitarios--Actividad política--Perú, Cultura política--Perú, Derecha e izquierda (Ciencia política)--Perú
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