Business consulting - Restaurante Gios
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
4E GOURMET SAC conocida mayormente como Gios es una empresa familiar
peruana que inició sus operaciones en el año 2007 con el objetivo de vender pollos la brasa y
parrilladas en su establecimiento ubicado en la zona norte de Lima.
El equipo consultor realizó el análisis de la situación actual de la empresa dado que la
expectativa principal de los dueños es aumentar las ventas y rentabilidad en el corto plazo.
Para esto se realizó un análisis 360 que involucró levantamiento de información en sitio,
revisión de los procesos, entrevistas a la plana directiva y operativa, así como encuestas de
satisfacción al cliente en donde se evidenció una disminución en las ventas y rentabilidad
durante la pandemia COVID-19 dado que la mayor cantidad de ventas de la empresa
dependen del canal presencial el cual ha sido afectado por las restricciones de aforo
dispuestas por el gobierno peruano.
Con el fin de encontrar la causa raíz de este problema se utilizó el método del
diagrama de Ishikawa obteniéndose como principales causas la inexistencia de un plan de
ventas y estrategia de marketing digital definida, así como la carencia de personal capacitado
en la gestión de herramientas digitales y de los canales no presenciales.
Para aumentar las ventas y rentabilidad de la empresa el equipo consultor propuso la
implementación de un plan de ventas mixto que involucra la modernización de los procesos
digitales y operativos de la empresa basado en el uso de nuevas tecnologías, campañas de
marketing y promociones digitales, así como contratación de nuevo personal calificado. Esto
permitirá la expansión de la marca de la empresa y el aumento en un 30% de las ventas de la
empresa en un periodo de cinco años. Es importante mencionar que este proyecto tiene un
costo de inversión de S/. 112, 000 y es factible para Gios ya que se obtuvo un valor actual
neto positivo S/.253,696 y una tasa interna de retorno de 152%.
4E GOURMET SAC mostly known as GIOS is a Peruvian family business that began operations in 2007 with the aim of offering the sale of grilled and barbecued chickens in his restaurant located in the north of Lima. The business is focused on offering their customers a quality service based on the variety of dishes and the excellent atmosphere generated by the company's employees. Business Consulting Group carried out the analysis of the current situation of the company given that the main expectation of the owners was to increase sales and profit in the short term. To achieve this goal, a 360 analysis were carried gathering information on site, reviewing company processes, interviews with the management and operational staff, as well as satisfaction surveys carried out to the final client, where the high dependence on the face- to-face sale channel was found as the main problem. In order to find the root cause of this problem, the business consulting group used the Ishikawa diagram method, obtaining as main causes the absence of a defined digital marketing strategy and sales plan, as well as a lack of trained personnel in the management of digital tools and non-face-to-face channels To increase the sales and profit of the company, the business consulting team proposes the implementation of a mixed sales plan that involves the modernization of the digital and operational side of the company based on the use of new technologies, campaigns and digital promotions, as well as hiring new qualified personnel. This will allow the expansion of the company's brand and an increase the sales on a 30% basis in a five-year period. This project has an investment cost of S /. 112,000 and is feasible for Gios due to positive net present value of S/.253,696 and 152% internal rate of return obtained during the financial evaluation.
4E GOURMET SAC mostly known as GIOS is a Peruvian family business that began operations in 2007 with the aim of offering the sale of grilled and barbecued chickens in his restaurant located in the north of Lima. The business is focused on offering their customers a quality service based on the variety of dishes and the excellent atmosphere generated by the company's employees. Business Consulting Group carried out the analysis of the current situation of the company given that the main expectation of the owners was to increase sales and profit in the short term. To achieve this goal, a 360 analysis were carried gathering information on site, reviewing company processes, interviews with the management and operational staff, as well as satisfaction surveys carried out to the final client, where the high dependence on the face- to-face sale channel was found as the main problem. In order to find the root cause of this problem, the business consulting group used the Ishikawa diagram method, obtaining as main causes the absence of a defined digital marketing strategy and sales plan, as well as a lack of trained personnel in the management of digital tools and non-face-to-face channels To increase the sales and profit of the company, the business consulting team proposes the implementation of a mixed sales plan that involves the modernization of the digital and operational side of the company based on the use of new technologies, campaigns and digital promotions, as well as hiring new qualified personnel. This will allow the expansion of the company's brand and an increase the sales on a 30% basis in a five-year period. This project has an investment cost of S /. 112,000 and is feasible for Gios due to positive net present value of S/.253,696 and 152% internal rate of return obtained during the financial evaluation.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, COVID-19 (Enfermedad), Restaurantes--Perú, Gastronomía--Perú
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