“Experiencias Vivas” Servicio de intercambio de experiencias para la revalorización e integración intergeneracional a favor de la participación social de adultos mayores de 60 a 75 años con jóvenes estudiantes en colegios de Carabayllo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Actualmente, la población peruana presenta una mentalidad edadista que subestima
las capacidades del adulto mayor, considerando que su edad lo limita física y
mentalmente. Como consecuencia de este pensamiento, las personas de la tercera
edad son excluidas socialmente, limitando su desarrollo y la formación de relaciones
sociales e interpersonales, afectando su calidad de vida, especialmente desde el
aspecto emocional. Los especialistas identificaron que el edadismo está más
extendido que el racismo o el sexismo; sin embargo, debido a su normalización, no
se observan grandes avances en la revalorización del adulto mayor. Existen diversas
iniciativas que brindan posibles soluciones, promoviendo la exposición de los saberes
de las personas de la tercera edad en beneficio de su comunidad. En la mayoría de
los proyectos investigados contra el edadismo, se identificó un enfoque hacia la
educación de los participantes jóvenes, descuidando el desarrollo de las relaciones
entre los participantes y la integración comunal sostenible. “Experiencias Vivas” es un
servicio social que promueve el intercambio de experiencias para construir
conexiones significativas, fomentar el aprendizaje continuo y la participación social de
las personas de la tercera edad con jóvenes estudiantes de colegios en el distrito de
Carabayllo. Para el diseño del estudio, se aplicaron métodos como entrevistas con
adultos mayores y especialistas, focus groups y el enfoque del diseño participativo, lo
que permitió comprender el ecosistema e identificar las principales necesidades de
este grupo generacional. Como resultado durante la realización de los estudios se
analizó extensamente el contexto, se reflexionó desde la perspectiva del adulto mayor
y los estudiantes, se incorporaron conceptos clave para el proyecto y se examinó la
interacción y respuestas de los usuarios al desarrollar el servicio. Se concluyó que
“Experiencias Vivas” no solo promueve el desarrollo de relaciones interpersonales
sostenibles en los adultos mayores desde la intergeneracionalidad, sino que también
genera actividades significativas, mejora la calidad emocional en sus interacciones,
promueve el aprendizaje continuo y la participación social, lo que tiene un impacto
positivo en su calidad de vida.
Currently, the Peruvian population exhibits an ageist mentality that underestimates the capabilities of older adults, considering that their age limits them physically and mentally. As a consequence of this mindset, the elderly are socially excluded, which limits their development and the formation of social and interpersonal relationships, affecting their quality of life, especially from an emotional aspect. Specialists have identified that ageism is more widespread than racism or sexism; however, due to its normalization, significant advances in the revaluation of older adults are not observed. Various initiatives provide potential solutions by promoting the exposure of older adults' knowledge for the benefit of their community. In most projects investigated against ageism, there is a focus on educating young participants while neglecting the development of relationships among participants and sustainable communal integration. "Experiencias Vivas" is a social service that promotes the exchange of experiences to build meaningful connections, foster continuous learning, and encourage social participation among older adults and young students in schools in the Carabayllo district. For the study's design, methods such as interviews with older adults and specialists, focus groups, and a participatory design approach were applied, allowing a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem and identifying the main needs of this generational group. As a result, during the studies, the context was extensively analyzed, reflections were made from the perspective of both older adults and students, key concepts for the project were incorporated, and user interaction and responses were examined during the service development. It was concluded that "Experiencias Vivas" not only promotes the development of sustainable interpersonal relationships among older adults through intergenerational interactions but also generates meaningful activities, improves the emotional quality of their interactions, promotes continuous learning, and encourages social participation, which has a positive impact on their quality of life.
Currently, the Peruvian population exhibits an ageist mentality that underestimates the capabilities of older adults, considering that their age limits them physically and mentally. As a consequence of this mindset, the elderly are socially excluded, which limits their development and the formation of social and interpersonal relationships, affecting their quality of life, especially from an emotional aspect. Specialists have identified that ageism is more widespread than racism or sexism; however, due to its normalization, significant advances in the revaluation of older adults are not observed. Various initiatives provide potential solutions by promoting the exposure of older adults' knowledge for the benefit of their community. In most projects investigated against ageism, there is a focus on educating young participants while neglecting the development of relationships among participants and sustainable communal integration. "Experiencias Vivas" is a social service that promotes the exchange of experiences to build meaningful connections, foster continuous learning, and encourage social participation among older adults and young students in schools in the Carabayllo district. For the study's design, methods such as interviews with older adults and specialists, focus groups, and a participatory design approach were applied, allowing a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem and identifying the main needs of this generational group. As a result, during the studies, the context was extensively analyzed, reflections were made from the perspective of both older adults and students, key concepts for the project were incorporated, and user interaction and responses were examined during the service development. It was concluded that "Experiencias Vivas" not only promotes the development of sustainable interpersonal relationships among older adults through intergenerational interactions but also generates meaningful activities, improves the emotional quality of their interactions, promotes continuous learning, and encourages social participation, which has a positive impact on their quality of life.
Diseño industrial, Adulto mayor--Vida social--Perú--Carabayllo (Lima : Distrito), Envejecimiento--Aspectos sociales--Perú--Carabayllo (Lima : Distrito), Escolares--Aspectos sociales--Perú--Carabayllo (Lima : Distrito)
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