Informe jurídico sobre la Casación N° 102-2016/Lima de fecha 11 de julio de 2017
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como objetivo referirnos a la Casación N° 102-2016/LIMA de fecha 11 de julio de 2017. Dicha casación resuelve el proceso penal seguido en contra de Violeta Rocío Rentería Valdelomar, quien entre el periodo de los años 2003 y 2004 laboraba como habilitada del Órgano de Control Institucional de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú, a quien se le imputó la comisión del delito de peculado doloso en agravio del Estado en calidad de cómplice primario. La Corte Suprema resolvió revocar la sentencia que condenó a Violeta Rentería Valdelomar como cómplice primario del delito de peculado y la absolvió, sosteniendo principalmente que para argumentar que ella actuó como cómplice primario del referido delito debió de actuar de manera dolosa, sin embargo, este elemento no pudo acreditarse. A opinión nuestra, la imputación que realizó el Ministerio Público en contra de Violeta Rentería Valdelomar fue errónea, ya que al ser esta una servidora pública y tener un vínculo funcional con los caudales del Estado, ella no podía responder penalmente como cómplice primario de un delito de infracción de deber. En el presente informe desarrollaremos los alcances de figuras que debieron de tomarse en cuenta para resolver el caso, haciendo mención a la autoría y participación en los delitos de infracción de deber, específicamente en el delito de peculado doloso. Finalmente, nos referiremos brevemente al principio de confianza debido a que este fue invocado por la defensa de la sentenciada.
The purpose of this report is to refer to Casación N° 102-2016/LIMA dated July 11, 2017. Said appeal resolves the criminal proceeding against Violeta Rocío Rentería Valdelomar, who between 2003 and 2004 She worked as an authorized member of the Órgano de Control Institucional de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú, who was charged with committing the crime of fraudulent embezzlement to the detriment of the State as a primary accomplice. The Supreme Court resolved to revoke the sentence that convicted Violeta Rentería Valdelomar as a primary accomplice of the crime of embezzlement and acquitted her, mainly maintaining that to argue that she acted as a primary accomplice of the aforementioned crime, she must have acted maliciously, however, this element could not be credited. In our opinion, the accusation made by the Public Ministry against Violeta Rentería Valdelomar was erroneous, since as she is a public servant and has a functional link with State funds, she could not respond criminally as a primary accomplice of a crime of breach of duty. In this report we will develop the scope of figures that should have been taken into account to resolve the case, mentioning the authorship and participation in the crimes of breach of duty, specifically in the crime of fraudulent embezzlement. Finally, we will briefly refer to the principle of trust because it was invoked by the defense of the sentenced person.
The purpose of this report is to refer to Casación N° 102-2016/LIMA dated July 11, 2017. Said appeal resolves the criminal proceeding against Violeta Rocío Rentería Valdelomar, who between 2003 and 2004 She worked as an authorized member of the Órgano de Control Institucional de la Fuerza Aérea del Perú, who was charged with committing the crime of fraudulent embezzlement to the detriment of the State as a primary accomplice. The Supreme Court resolved to revoke the sentence that convicted Violeta Rentería Valdelomar as a primary accomplice of the crime of embezzlement and acquitted her, mainly maintaining that to argue that she acted as a primary accomplice of the aforementioned crime, she must have acted maliciously, however, this element could not be credited. In our opinion, the accusation made by the Public Ministry against Violeta Rentería Valdelomar was erroneous, since as she is a public servant and has a functional link with State funds, she could not respond criminally as a primary accomplice of a crime of breach of duty. In this report we will develop the scope of figures that should have been taken into account to resolve the case, mentioning the authorship and participation in the crimes of breach of duty, specifically in the crime of fraudulent embezzlement. Finally, we will briefly refer to the principle of trust because it was invoked by the defense of the sentenced person.
Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú, Peculado--Perú, Recurso de casación--Jurisrprudencia--Perú