Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución S/N que contiene la Sentencia de Casación recaída bajo el Expediente N° 01430-2016-0-5001-SU-CI-01
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico tiene por objetivo ofrecer un análisis sobre la Sentencia de
Casación recaída bajo el Expediente N° 01430-2016-0-5001-SU-CI-01, la cual versa
sobre el recurso de casación interpuesto por los demandados José del Carmen
Rodríguez Rosas y Doris Victoria Sánchez Rosales contra la sentencia de segundo
grado que confirmó el extremo referente a la declaración de nulidad del contrato de
fecha 16 de marzo de 2007 y, basándose en la adhesión de los demandantes, revocó
los dos extremos respecto a los contratos fecha 03 de abril y el de fecha de fecha 09
de mayo del 2007, declarando la nulidad también de estos.
En ese sentido, el problema principal a resolver mediante este informe es acercarnos a
los límites objetivos de la figura denominada como adhesión a la apelación y analizar
si es que los demandantes a través de su adhesión interpuesta podían recurrir
extremos que no habían sido apelados. Resultando ser que de este problema principal
surgen problemas secundarios, los cuales buscan analizar si de lo resuelto en esta
sentencia de casación se vulnera principios y derechos procesales.
De forma sucinta, las conclusiones a las que se llega- mediante una metodología
basada en el análisis de las posiciones doctrinales, a través de la dogmática y
casuística aplicable- es que la adhesión a la apelación no es una mera absolución de
agravios y, en tanto, los demandantes sí podían adherirse sobre extremos no
apelados; sin embargo, que esta institución vulnera los derechos de la cosa juzgada y
preclusión, atenta contra la igualdad procesal y contra el principio de buena fe
The purpose of the present legal report is to offer an analysis of the Cassation Judgment handed down under File No. 01430-2016-0-5001-SU-CI-01, which deals with the cassation appeal filed by defendants José del Carmen Rodríguez Rosas and Doris Victoria Sánchez Rosales against the second degree judgment that confirmed the end referring to the declaration of nullity of the contract dated March 16, 2007 and, based on the adhesion of the plaintiffs, revoked the two extremes regarding the contracts dated April 3 and May 9, 2007, declaring the nullity of these as well. In this sense, the main problem to be solved by means of this report is to approach the objective limits of the figure denominated as adhesion to the appeal and to analyze if the plaintiffs, by means of their interposed adhesion, could appeal the ends that had not been appealed. As a result, secondary problems arise from this main problem, which seek to analyze whether the decision in this cassation sentence violates procedural principles and rights. Succinctly, the conclusions reached - by means of a methodology based on the analysis of doctrinal positions, through the dogmatic and applicable casuistry - are that the adherence to the appeal is not a mere acquittal of grievances and, therefore, the plaintiffs could adhere on non-appealed points; however, that this institution violates the rights of res judicata and preclusion, attempts against procedural equality and against the principle of procedural good faith.
The purpose of the present legal report is to offer an analysis of the Cassation Judgment handed down under File No. 01430-2016-0-5001-SU-CI-01, which deals with the cassation appeal filed by defendants José del Carmen Rodríguez Rosas and Doris Victoria Sánchez Rosales against the second degree judgment that confirmed the end referring to the declaration of nullity of the contract dated March 16, 2007 and, based on the adhesion of the plaintiffs, revoked the two extremes regarding the contracts dated April 3 and May 9, 2007, declaring the nullity of these as well. In this sense, the main problem to be solved by means of this report is to approach the objective limits of the figure denominated as adhesion to the appeal and to analyze if the plaintiffs, by means of their interposed adhesion, could appeal the ends that had not been appealed. As a result, secondary problems arise from this main problem, which seek to analyze whether the decision in this cassation sentence violates procedural principles and rights. Succinctly, the conclusions reached - by means of a methodology based on the analysis of doctrinal positions, through the dogmatic and applicable casuistry - are that the adherence to the appeal is not a mere acquittal of grievances and, therefore, the plaintiffs could adhere on non-appealed points; however, that this institution violates the rights of res judicata and preclusion, attempts against procedural equality and against the principle of procedural good faith.
Recurso de casación, Cosa juzgada, Apelación--Perú, Derecho civil--Perú
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